A choice to be made

Trydon had grown suspicious of Max's behaviour over the last couple of days, due to Max  being missing on certain occssions. He seemed to be sneaking around alot and being withdrawn from Trydon. After meeting the girl Ace, Max seemed to be occupied regularly which was usual for Max.

Max had never had a girlfriend and was never interested in relationships . Trydon wondered if Max however had feelings for Ace. Ace was a incredible looking women and Trydon, knew a thing or two about women, but max had no idea about women.

As Trydon follows Nick, he see's him entering the block of flats where Ace lived. Tempted to go up and follow him, Trydon felt a urge to stay back. 20 minutes later max exits the building looking like he's on a rage to kill.

Trydon assumed the worse, and followed him across the street. When they arrived in front of a tall building, max went in with a look to kill. Awaiting outside, Trydon starts to paste up and down the street.

Finally he spots Max carrying a tall man over his shoulders.  The man has been beaten and looks like he's in alot of pain. Unsure of what's going on Trydon further follows Max. Max leads them to a dark chamber in the middle of the dark woods just outside the city. Hours later max comes out alone and Trydon begins to wonder if the man is still alive. Not knowing what's going on Trydon investigates the Chambers. He finds the man chained up and tied up yelling for help. Trydon hides behinds the doors and makes his way back out of the Chambers. Trydon isn't sure what max is up to but he knows one thing is certain max is up to no good. Not knowing what to do Trydon sets off to bar a grabs a couple of drinks he then heads back to the Chambers and finds the man is missing. Trydon knows this has something to with Ace. He could smell her scent. He quickly runs into the city and locates back to Aces flat. This time he goes up into the building and knocks on the door. There is no answer. But Trydon can smell Ace and Max's scent and decided to pick the lock. When he opens the door he can see the chinse food on the kitchen counter. Slowly shutting the door behind him he enters the flat and looks around. Suddenly there is a strong smell of blood. Trydon can smell it coming from the bedroom. Part of him wants to walk away, but he knows it the moment of time max is in trouble. Quickly he opens  the door and finds max hanging onto Ace, like a lion attached to zebra. He runs over to Max and yanks him off Ace. Shaking him to his sense, he pushes him back and waits for Max to gain control.

Max, had never bitten a human before, and Trydon knew he wouldn't be able to control himself. Its takes a experienced amount time and skills to learn control over feeding on a human. Trydon feeling anxious, grabs a beer from Ace's fridge. That was one of the things Trydon liked  about Ace. She always had beer or whisky in her fridge.

"Brother, I can't turn her" Max admits in  shame.

"You know what's going to happen now then, Totoul isn't stupid and even if they can't read your mind, they will discover what you have done. You have broken many laws today brother. I have been following you all day. I saw what you did to that man in the Chambers. Max why have you put your life and Aces life in danger like this!" Trydon shouts with frustration.

"He was abusing her, the little prick deserved it, and so what you followed me. Now you know I'm in love with a human" Max fired back.

"Max you can't go around playing the justice cards, the law's are there for a reason. It's not our place to punish humans for their wrong doings. It up to their own kind to sort their own mistakes out. As for you falling in love with Ace, does she even love you back" Trydon pauses.

" I don't know if she loves me, I haven't got that far yet? " Max replied.

"God Max you fucked her, there must be something there between you both. The question you both need to ask yourselves now is how much are you both willing to sacrifice for each other" Trydon explained with a firm voice.

"Brother, we can keep her a secret from the court of conjur. Between us we can keep her safe and let her life her human life" signs max with frustration.

"Max are you shiting me, it was easy for me to follow you today and find out what was going on if it had been one of the others you may be dead by now and so may Ace." Using sacarsm Trydon responds.

"What do you suggest then" Max questions in guilt.

"We must leave her now and never come back, she may have a chance of living. But she must cover her bite mark on her neck as that is your signature mark and if any vampires spot it they will report it to Totoul. " Trydon says rushing to the fridge for more beers.

"Thats it, I'm meant to just walk away forever" Max responds with clenching his jaw.

"Yes brother, make her forget you and let's go" Trydon suggested.

Max sneaks into Ace's bedroom, putting his lips against hers he gently pressed them firm together and then pulled back to take one final look to admire  Ace. He then places his hand firm over her head, using his powers he makes her forget. He then removes the ring from her finger and leaves the room.

Trydon writes a note on her the fridge saying thanks for the beers and to always wear a scarf for protection.

Both brothers immediately leave silently and it was then the storms and thunder became aggressive in the sky's. 

Just like a perfect scene in the movies.

The next morning Ace gets up out of bed and looks down at her phone.

Text from Nick...

"Ace I expect you early in my office this morning. Be here for 7am. "

Ace Reading the message begins to feel herself tremble, her stomach curling into a ball. She didn't want to go back after what he had done. But she had no choice. Their was no work available about the moment and with the amount of money Nick had, I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult for him to keep me out of a job. He only has to make a phone call and no other company would hire me. Grabbing her shoes she immediately left and went to the office.

Ace begins to doubt herself as she slowly open the door to Nick's office. is she about to make a big mistake.

"Well there she is" Nick snares with a dreadful look on his face.

"Nick, I " Ace begins to explain, but Nick instantly stands to his feet. He grabs Ace by her arms.

"You, thought you could lock me up  and that would stop me" he scoffed and laughed as though it was all a game to him. Ace starts to feel her heart slowly drop into the bottom of her stomach. Feeling nothing but fear and regret she tried to stay calm.

"Don't worry Ace I haven't told anyone about your dirty little secret yesterday but I will tell the police about what you did to me if word ever gets out about us. Do I make myself clear" Nick yelled into my face with locked eye contact.

"Yes" I confirm confidently.

"Good, now strip down for me and sit on my lap." Nick Instructed.

Ace does what's she instructed and doesn't even take a second to think.

she strips off her clothes, Nick removes his own and before Ace can even remove her last item of clothing which is her scarf. Nick takes Ace by her wrist and pulls her onto his lap. Letting her keep the scarf on making it like a leash for her he processed to take pleasure in having sex in his office chair.

Ace feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, didn't fight him any longer. She just became his submissive pet and did as she was told. Having no one she could talk to or go to made it seem pointless for her to carry on fighting when she knew in the end she wasn't going to win.