
1-1 Where It Started

Date: August 20

Place: Unregistered Island


Noel Bugay, 17 years old, second-year senior high school, section three, and a mere student who still needs to focus on my studies for a brighter future.

"Don't forget your umbrella, " my mother yelled from the kitchen as she heard me leaving.

"Thanks. I'm going now" I enthusiastically replied.

Rain is pouring down, heavy bag and I'm also sleepless. Turning to an alley that connects to the school where I can take only ten minutes to walk to arrive there.

My parents enrolled me in a private academy that has five sections with twenty students in every classroom. Although in my section, only twelve people remain. They said that some have dropped out of the academy or were forced to quit because of their financial and low performance. I'm not that good when it comes to academics neither in athletics, not that stupid and not that smart either, just...normal.

Looking around, as I continued walking. There's a playground where I can see children chasing each other around, a bakery where I can smell the tastiness of every piece of bread, and unopened shops scattered around the area.

I didn't even notice that I'm in front of the school gates until the guard greeted me Good morning.

As I climb up some stairs and walk through the hallway, I see people running and teasing each other.

"Good morning. How are you?" a random guy greeted.

"I'm great thanks" I replied with a smile.

"That's good. Take care" I hear him say and ran to his group of friends.

It's always like this. But I like the attention, that I don't feel alone. Well, I'm not exactly alone. I also have my own set of friends.

I entered my classroom, sat down at my designated seat, and answers the homework that I couldn't finish yesterday.

"Hey! Doing homework? Can I copy it?" says Patrick and sits beside me.

Patrick Dantes, shorter than me, a little well-fed, and brown-colored eyes. He is a cheerful type of guy who gets along with everyone, he is athletic and intelligent, also one of my best friends.

"Sure. But treat me to lunch" I replied continuing my homework.

"Deal" as he's trying to keep up and copy all the answers that I write.

My classmates who were talking with each other sat down at the sound of a ringing bell, waiting for our teacher to arrive.

"Thanks," Patrick says going back to his seat.

"No problem" I replied smiling. I guess I don't have to worry about lunch anymore.

The door opened and she walks in front of us. Hair tied in a bun, wearing a white shirt and black skirt with high heels. Tall, slim, favorable, and her profession is English.

"Good morning everyone, " she greets.

"Good morning Mrs. Lorenz" we answered.

"Did anyone see Mr. DeGuzman and Mr. Marquez?" she asked.

They were considered absent when homeroom ended and we proceeded at our usual schedule.

The lesson was about to finish, when we looked in the direction where a noise came from, and found Vincent and Shawn on the ground, catching their breath in front of the door.

"Good morning Mrs. Lorenz," they both said standing up.

"That's detention" she replies, making her way out of the room. Angry.

People laughed at them and even started to tease them.

"Someone's in trouble," they say.

I'm not sure if I just imagined it, but Mrs. Lorenz was about to pull something out of her pocket, took a glance at me, and had a second thought.


We continued our classes.

Going to the locker room, I saw Vincent and Shawn go in some other direction. I didn't bother to chase and point them in the direction where we should be and just left them alone.

Everyone was already changing into their PE uniform and some are already running towards the gym when I got there.

"Could you go back to the classroom and get some extra shuttles?" someone begged me.

"Sure" I couldn't refuse and he gave me the key. I went back to the classroom as soon as I finished.

"It should be in my locker, thanks!" He waved goodbye as I marched back to our classroom.


I found the shuttles already and was about to leave the classroom.

"Yes general, It was confirmed just a while ago" I hear a boy's voice.

"Alright. I will give an order to other sections. But unfortunately, your section will have to proceed with today's schedule to make sure the crux 1-227 won't be suspicious. We don't want to risk him discovering all about the experiment. But if things won't go as planned, we don't have a choice but to let your section partake," I heard a girl, noーa woman's voice.

I know that it's wrong to eavesdrop, but their conversation is so strange that I got curious about it. I went closer to the door to hear the continuation.

"Yes General," a boy's voice was what I heard. But it was different from the earlier one.

"In the meantime, change into your clothes and go back to your classes," she said.

They opened the door and found me listening. Their eyes are just as big as mine from shocked at what we each saw.

"Wipe his memory" she ordered.

No way! It'sー


We are waiting for a report from the people they sent to the Japanese embassy, wishing it to be successful.

I am with Shawn in the basement, he is tall, has a masculine body, and is very incredible at fighting. His eyes are ocean-blue and have dyed his hair pitch black. I liked it better when it was blonde.

"Mission unsuccessful. Proceed to take precautions. I repeat. Mission unsuccessful" I can hear him trembling from fear.

I can't believe it's happening. I thought they can prevent it from leaking.

"By the look on your face, that was bad news, right?" Shawn said rubbing the back of his head, looking gloomy.

"They did their best," I said.

"Yeah. Let's go report it right away" he added opening the door and we climbed a few stairs.

"Run," I said as we heard the school bell already ringing.

"I forgot we have school today, " he says running after me.

"Yeah. Me too. It slipped my mind" I added. But really, how could we forget when we're wearing school uniforms?

Just running until we got to our classroom and fell on the floor as soon as we opened it. I was catching my breath and so does he. Our surrounding was quiet. Little did I know that a lot of eyes are already staring at us.

"Good morning Mrs. Lorenz," we both said at the same time.

"That's detention," she said walking out of the room.


When everyone went to the changing room for our next period, Shawn and I agreed to sneak and run to the General's office and finally report it to her.

"What did they say?" she asks sitting down in her chair hiding half of her face at her clamped hands, but staring at us who are standing in front of her.

I couldn't confess anything, I'm too afraid to deliver the message.

"It was unsuccessful, " Shawn said.

"God, that's troublesome" she mumbled.

This time, I know I can't depend on Shawn to spill all the information. He just stands there, waiting. I spoke before General can tell a phrase.

"It's a catastrophe over there, but they told us that they will notify us for further instructions and advised us to proceed with caution"

"Anything else?"

"The outbreak has begun, " I replied.


We went back to the classroom with General saying a few things and decided to go back to join the others for a normal day. Until we saw him listening to our conversation when I opened the door.

"Wipe his memory" she ordered.

Noel dropped to the floor when I knocked him out and I carried him to the infirmary. Poor boy.

"Again?" said the nurse holding a syringe.

This isn't your typical infirmary, this is a lab, that is disguised as one.

She held a syringe near his wrist and pushed the liquid down his pale skin as the nurse orders us to tell a story that will manipulate the flow of his memories. I've observed and performed this a million times already.

"Any story in mind?" I asked Shawn as the nurse left us to do her work.

"I don't know and I don't want to tell a lie either," he replied taking pity at Noel.

"I knew you'd be here," Patrick says making his way to a chair, sitting down.

"I was looking all over for you guys," he added.

"We can't think of anything," said Shawn.

"I'll deal with this, just play along if he consults you with anything," Patrick said as soon as he saw Noel unconsciously laying on the bed.

A few minutes later, Noel woke up.

"What am I doing here?" he said sitting down and looking so confused.

"You're supposed to bring the extra shuttles from the classroom. And when you took so long, we went there and we found you unconscious on the floor. Are you alright?" Patrick says with a worried expression on his face while assisting Noel to sit up.

Just as expected. He's good at fooling someone, but it can't be helped. Even I can tell the pure sympathy that Patrick hides in his gazes. But Shawn and I feel the same way too. Noel can't even comprehend what's a lie from the truth. I wish I could do something to prevent this, but I can't. And we continued the lessons as if nothing had happened.


Vincent said he has to do some errands with Shawn so Patrick and I decided to go to the cafeteria first.

"Thanks for letting me copy your homework. You can choose anything you want, it's my treat after all, " holding a tray and choosing something that looks delicious as I do the same.

"Thanks for the treat, " I said.

"Your welcome" and he pays for all our food

We went to an open table and sat there.

"The rain still hasn't stopped," he says staring at the big window on his left.

"They should've canceled today's classes," I replied.

He scans his phone and allows me to look at it when he saw something interesting.

Talking. Eating. Laughing.

Just like before...

*   *   Flashback   *   *

"Let's go shopping this Saturday, " she said clinging to my shoulder. "Pat, why don't you come with us too?" she added.

"Isn't a date supposed to be with two people only?" I questioned.

"I didn't say it was a date, I just needed a new notebook and some stationery," she replied.

"Don't worry, I won't come. Enjoy your date tomorrow," Patrick said waving at us on his way to the counter.

I saw her at my right arm still clinging and smiling.

*   *   End   *   *

What was that?

A dream?

Recently, I've been seeing things like that. And she is always in it. And something tells me that this is important. But I can't see her face because it was blurred.

"Don't you think something is missing?" I asked drinking my soda.

I can see the confusion on his face and I didn't wait for him to answer.

"Like someone is supposed to be sitting here," tapping the seat next to me.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"A girl, I've been seeing it for a while now. Am I daydreaming? Well, not that it matters butー" I added.

"Youー" he stopped.

However, before he can complete a phrase, his phone emits a flashing red light. But he doesn't seem to mind it. He's too focused on me.

"Did you finally remember?" trembling voice and eyes wide open.

"Remember what?" I am so confused.

A student tapped Patrick's back and probably pulled him back to his senses when he flinches.

A bell rings and red lights are flickering nonstop everywhere. As he scans his phone, I see people running in only one direction.

The Fire Exit.