
2-5 Confusion

Date: August 24-25

Place: Kyoto Headquarters


    I couldn't get my mind off of my last conversation with Ciel. He was my friend, one of the few who helped me escape that horrible laboratory, and the one who taught me how to fight along with some of his few friends too. He was a friendly and trustworthy fellow. I even remember that I've liked him when we were both a kid until my father introduced me to his friend's son.

*   *   *   *   *

"They've never stopped the operation. But they did change their procedure on how to continue it when you left"

"A lot has changed"

"Someone is waiting for you at Kyoto headquarters"

"Your lover is still alive"

*   *   *   *   *

    Those were a few words he said to me between those breathtaking disasters that have happened.

    I can't believe they've proceeded with the experiment without me. I can't help but wonder what he's doing right now.

    Is he safe?


Or thrown like trash just like what they did to me?

    I just wish he's doing fine.

    As we got closer to our destination, the surrounding reeks of 0-007 experiments probably because of the soldiers that lie ahead of us. 0-007 is the term for those zombie-like creatures. While they call the children like us crux and each and everyone has their crux numbers. There were numerous of us. But I'm not sure at the moment who lived or who died.

    I'm the only one who knows what it's called, wellーexcept for the people who participate in that horrible experiment. It's designed to test us, our limitations, and how we'll control the ability that they've given us against it.

    I still can't believe they've continued the experiment without me.

    Standing in front of us is a big, tall, metal entrance with a long line of soldiers defending it. Not blinking, just standing still while scanning the perimeter of danger.

    Everyone is holding a gun, cautious and prepared. Their gazes were ready to fire and kill. One wrong move and answer may danger us.

    A soldier walked up to me when they've noticed us get close. His body was masculine, with a lot of scars on his face and arms, and he looks like he's the leader of the front line.

"Survivors?" he asked as he looked at all of us one by one from head to toe. Haru was going to answer when I pulled him back as I walk near where the leader was and pulled an ID to show to him. I'm not sure what kind of ID this is, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

"Does this look familiar to you?" I asked.

"No, it does not. Now answer my question, " he said after he looked at the ID, squinting its eyes to examine it.

    Just as suspected, it's not an ID here, but I guess it'll serve us well in the future. I put it inside my pocket and tried to find the handle of my knife. I think Haru knew what I was thinking when he pulled me in the shoulder and shook his head for disapproval.

"Yes, we are survivors, " Haru answered instead of me, pointing at us. I saw the soldier in front of us nod and instructed some of his men to assist us.

    We walked along the corridor and anywhere I look, I watch people whimper, shiver, and mutter unexplainable words to themselves. They looked terrified, miserable, and broken. If I didn't know what was happening, if my memories haven't returned, I might have been one of them. But luckily I am not, and I have friends to protect.

    Ciel instructed me to provoke them and talk to the higher-ups if I wanted to be treated special. He did say that someone is waiting for me here, but I have no clue. That's one reason why I shouldn't operate recklessly, and of course, if I don't want to danger my friend's safety, I should behave.

    I could've done something from the moment I step in here if I was alone. What a pain.

    Haru was the one talking to the soldiers as they take us to a room full of people. If the corridor was filled with people, this room is flooding with people, and thrice the emotion is displayed on their faces.

"You'll be staying here like the other people, " the soldier left us after some other soldier tapped him on the shoulder and whispered something in its ears.

    We all sat and waited for anything to come to us. Silence, everyone was busy thinking about something. Haru was beside Misaki trying to calm both of them. Kazuma was holding Yui's hands not saying a word to each other. While here I am with Cedrick beside me staring right at an empty space.

    I still have the items that Ciel gave me. Good thing they agreed we keep our belongings. But except the guns we all have and luckily they didn't found the knife that I hid between my chest. I rolled it up with some fabric when we were closing in and got myself a stick too. All our guns were not loaded because I ordered each one of them to give me their bullets that I put inside this small bag we have.

    I pushed the button of the walkie-talkie in my hands as I hoped that someone will answer.

"Ciel succeeded on his mission, " I said and waited for a reply. Hoping someone will return the call.

"You're not Ciel. Who is this? What do you want?" someone spoke a few minutes later, right before I shove it back in the little bag.

    I feel a grin crawled up its way on my mouth. I know who this is and I decided to just reply with a giggle and I didn't listen to what he was going to say anymore as I put it back inside the bag. That voice, all these years, how could I forget that tone.

    I figured that I was not the one he was waiting for but Ciel. Although, I think he'll like the news that I'm alive after all those years. And if I guess correctly, he has also had a high ranking in this facility that may be beneficial for my group.

    I waited for the right moment to come before I strike. And to my surprise, it did come just a few minutes after I planned everything out in my mind.

"What's with the food here?"

"It looks disgusting"

"Is this edible?"

    My group commented. It was already nearly evening, the sun setting, and was replaced by a dark and gloomy moon that has yet to rise. We were in our earlier place, barely have been anywhere

    Then someone shouted from afar, going insane as he throws his food on the ground, a foolish tantrum scene. But it might be advantageous to me.

"I can't take it anymore. I want real food, " he exclaims shaking the sleepy soldier that was near him.

    Then havoc occurred on its surrounding, leaving traces of hatred and fear in their actions as they teamed up on one completely defenseless soldier. But a man who looks like a leader of some group that the higher-ups recruited immediately came along with some other soldiers and managed to alleviate things quickly.

"Do you know how we risk our lives fighting those monsters just to protect you, people? We barely get out of food hunts alive just to feed the likes of you" the leader was pissed, shouting his words to everyone and making them realize how hard life could be while they were sitting and waiting to be fed and protected.

"I don't care because it's your job!" a man shouting, pointing his finger to the leader's chest.

    Soon, some of the people tried to join that man and protested their thought without thinking of the outcome. What a bunch of idiots. They don't even know what they're saying, they're just spitting out nonsense that pops on their tiny brains.

    The next thing I knew, Yui's cheeks have blood dripping from a fork that a man swung in her face when she was trying to stop the commotion with the boys in my group backing her up. Haru and Kazuma we're going to punch the man when I beat them to it.

    Luckily, the man had some friends with him that stopped him before he could punch me back. Although, I don't mind stretching my body. And if you think I'm getting cocky, let me just tell you that you don't know what hell I've been through.

    But everything went silent when all the soldiers pointed their guns at people. The people all stopped, hesitant if It'll be a wise choice to continue their uprising. It's only natural to obey the one with the power.

    Just a few minutes after the commotion the leader and his men excused themselves and walked away as everything went back to the way it was like nothing happened.

    It was then I told my group that I'll be leaving to find the toilet and I brought the walkie-talkie with me. I wandered around the corridor until my feet led me to bump in front of someone who I think is another leader of a group based on what he wears. He was only with two soldiers following him from behind.

"I'm sorry, " I said bowing as he just told me it's fine and started walking away from me.

Up until now, I've never put aside Ciel's advice. It's better to strike first before they realize what I'm scheming.

The leader was not easy to approach as there were two soldiers behind him and knocking those two out will be hard in this corridor full of people. But if I'd just walk up straight to them and ask for directions I'm sure he'll just end up giving me one of his men. If I attacked and threaten the leaderーI'm not sure that will work. I don't know how this leader is in hand-in-hand combat or how he thinks. I'm sure it'll just backfire.

I was in the middle of plotting what to do when I heard a running footstep towards this direction as he shouts from behind me. I haven't heard that voice for years now.

"Kanagawa! Wait up! They want you back inside for furtherー" he stopped midway of chasing that leader when he got past me and caught a glimpse of my face. Our eyes met for a moment and he came to a stop in front of me.

"I told you I don't approve of it, " says the leader that was now walking back towards my direction.

I was about to walk away when the man in front of me who is wearing a lab coat, glasses and looks like he didn't shave his beard in a few months called me by the nickname he gave me a long time ago as a smile curled up his face.

"My little flower is alive!" he chanted, looking at me directly in the eyes for inspection before he hugged me, bringing every soldier that surrounds us in confusion.

This is Uncle Leon, he was also the one who Ciel told me that was waiting for me which was actually waiting for him. And by the looks of his reaction that I'm still in front of him alive and breathing, he doesn't know that I lived.

"I'm not that easy to take down Uncle," I said returning his hug by tapping his back.

From there, everything escalated quickly. He took me and Yui's friends to a much safer place. They gave us better food than earlier, a room with all six of us, a warm bath, and decent clothes.


I just finished putting the clothes they gave us on. When I stepped out of the shower room that connects to the room they let all six of us stay in, all of my friends were just sitting on the side of a bed, some looking outside the window, and some at the ground. We're all confused about the current situation but thankful for what we have received even though we don't know why.

"Who is she?" Kazuma said spacing out, enough for us to hear.

"I'm not sure anymore" Yui shook her head.

Thankfully, Rei is not in this room right now.

She came back to the cafeteria with a bunch of soldiers tailing her and a weird guy who wears a lab coat. At first, I thought something bad had happened when they ordered all of us to step outside the cafeteria and come with them.

We walk in front of them as they point their guns at us, I thought they found out about the bullets and Rei's knife and were going to punish us but I was wrong. It turns out Rei knew someone who has a high reputation in this place.

"Cedrick, are you hiding something from us?" I was a little surprised by Misaki's question.

"What I meant was, you were always with her and she looks comfortable hanging around with you so I justー" she stutters every word she said and came to a stop when she realized I know what she was talking about.

"I'm as clueless as you are now. And if I did know anything about her, I would probably let Rei tell you on her own, " I said that made the silence walk over this room.

"I've never seen this side of Rei before. I think she regained her memories, " Yui blurted out which made our companion's eyes went wide and have a glance at each other.

"I accepted this world already. And if you're that curious about Rei, I just know that she's a natural fighter. But something must have happened in her past that lead her to learn how to fight like that, " I think I can say that shivers come down from all our spines when we imagined that possibility.

I'm certain that something happened to her past. She didn't tell me everything and I'm sure that it's hard to tell your whole life story especially when we were in a tight position at the water park. She didn't describe how and why she can fight and the reason she moved here to Japan. Something must have happened. I'm sure of it.

"Let's just confront her when she gets back," Kazuma suggested sighing the exhaustion from thinking.

We had a sleepless night so even with the sunlight lighting our eyes through the window, we managed to sleep.


I woke up at the sound of the door closing where I found Rei looked physically refreshed but mentally uneasy.

She took a glance at the surrounding where the curtains are closed and everyone was sleeping. By the time she looks in my direction, I was already sitting, tapping the space in my right. She went in my direction and sat on the bed with me. She buried her head to her knees and hugged her legs as she closed herself from reality.

"What happened?" I asked, whispering but she didn't answer.

"Rei," I say once again.

Finally, she looked at me.

She looks at me with life drained in her eyes. I can feel that she wants to cry but she rather stops every drop of tears from escaping her watery eyes by blinking them away.

"They made this mess. I tried to convince them butー" she hesitated to say the next part and remained silent.

"Let's worry about that later. For now, you have to rest, " I say leading her to lay down beside me as I covered ourselves with a blanket.

When she slid right to sleep I wiped her tears that escaped her without knowing.

"I know you've been through a lot lately, " I say as I closed my eyes and joined Rei rest.