
4-1 Reunion

Date: September 4

Place: Kyoto Headquarters



    I'm so relieved that she's doing well.

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"We'll now announce how the Divisions work," says someone who was up the stage holding the mike. He has a masculine build, a scar that is visible on his cheeks, and an eye patch on his right eye.

    He explained to us what we have to do and handed everyone a form to answer and submit by the end of the day.

    We're in the cafeteria, eating with everyone like this is kind of hard to believe. I didn't even imagine that some soldiers of the first two planes have survived. But it's difficult to deny their grief and the hardships they've been through that's displayed all over their face.

"What Divisions are you going to choose?" asks Ivan. He's in the same class which pretended to be Noel's classmates. He's intelligent and loves computers but that's all.

"Assault Division," Shawn says looking serious which made everyone tense. "I'm sure Rei still needs our assistance," was his reason.

    I can see the dissatisfied reactions of the others. They might choose a different division to escape the terror of reality. Some of them misinterpret this as freedom.

"I can't fight anymore. I don't want to fight anymore," someone says from the other table. He's someone who had a different task from us so I know what he meant. And I think almost all the people who escaped from that place thinks the same.

    They were forced into a contract that they have no option but to agree. They must've waited for this day to come, desperate to be released in the leash that was tied to them the second they accepted the hospitality of the people from the experiment. They gave them food, clothes, and shelter in exchange for the labor they must endure.

"The hell to what you choose. Cowards will forever be cowards," says Johnrey who is aggravated with their answer. He's the strongest one of us. He can use any weapon he gets his hands into but easily gets blinded by his arrogance and is hated by many for the way he talks and disrespects others. But he has an unshakable will and loyalty to the people he trusts such as his comrades.

    After his comment and Noel's arrival from the toilet, no one dared to speak anymore and thus everyone became unable to speak their thoughts. All nine of us who swore to protect Noel chose the Assault Division. We still haven't finished eating when someone who calls himself a messenger asked if we're interested to join Rei's team. And I was shocked to hear their answers.

    Only Shawn, Patrick, and I are the only ones who agreed and we dragged Noel with us too. The other six said that they can still find other ways to protect Noel and that we need to widen our range of sight if we want to help each other which everyone agreed on.

We didn't get to enjoy our food because we're in a hurry to go to the 'Reapers' lounge.

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And now I'm with Rei who has a different aura than before. Just what happened to her here? She was still nice and smiles even after she confessed everything that she knew about the laboratory and the experiment. But now she has this aura. An aura that can be described as deadly and dangerous. She even treats us as if she isn't glad to see our faces. But then again, does is it have something to do with Noel being in the room?


I can't think about anything right now besides Rei. I can't believe she's alive. Rei, my best friend, and my partner in crime. Rei, who I believed left the living world is talking to me, alive and healthy. Even though her presence is different from before, she's still the girl who doesn't let a single drop of tear fall when she's in front of an audience even if her parents tore her apart physically and mentally.

Something tells me that Shawn and Vincent are expecting this very moment. Did they know all this time? But it's not surprising that Noel doesn't remember her. Although, I wonder if Rei does remember us.

"I almost forgot. First things first, initiation," she smiles like she's enjoying this. I'm not expecting this though. "Don't worry. It all depends on pure luck and answer just one question. But do keep in mind that there is a punishment when you get it wrong" she adds. But I can't ignore the face that Cedrick is making. It looks like they have no such thing but he looks scared to even complain.

"I'll count to three and give me an answer altogether," we nodded at her idea and waited for her question.

"What's my favorite color?" she smiled, holding her fingers up one by one as she counts. "One, twoーthree," all of us said a color.

"Red," all three of us answered.  "Pink," and only Noel said a different one which made Rei look in his direction and laughed that echoed to this room while all of us just stared at her.

"That's a cute color but I don't think that suits me, don't you think?" she said in a cold tone which sent chills to my bone.

"Don't girls like that color?" Noel tried to the reason which made Rei grin.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but at a time like this do you think someone pays attention to flowers rather than blood?" I haven't seen Rei this frustrated before. Noel was left speechless and stare at the floor. "I apologize for my rudeness. Anyway, pick a number from one to five," she sighs scratching her neck.  Does she still have a soft spot for him?

"Two," he replies, looking straight at her.

"Take two laps around the whole building. You can ask directions to people and if someone questions you about it, kindly tell them that you've been punished by me," she says smiling. Noel's eyes widen for a moment before he could respond. And when he was about to leave, Rei stopped him. "And get a glass of water before you come back," Noel nodded to her request.

    Rei waited for a few minutes before she returned her gaze at us. "Now we must hurry before your master comes back," she teased and looks at us with pity. Is it just me or did she changed too much?

"Is it alright for him to enter our conversation?" asked Vincent referring to the one beside Rei who looks harmless and weak. Compared to Rei, he has no chance of winning a staring contest against her.

"I don't know the full story yet but I'm happy to say that Rei shared her story with me and a few other friends," Cedrick said glaring back at Vincent like he's saying that he's just nobody important. Rei snickered a little and spoke.

"I know you remember me and I remember all of you. Long story shortーthey didn't manage to kill me on that day and I successfully escaped. And I'm aware that you're the only one who doesn't know that right, Patrick?" she locked her eyes at me. Words couldn't make their way out of my mouth and I just nodded.

    I knew it. The fact that they didn't bother to tell me makes my blood boil but I'm sure they have a good enough reason to keep it a secret from me and the others.

"I've lost my memories in the processー" we were surprised by what we heard but she didn't stop her story. "And I've regained it back recently," a sigh of relief left my mouth. "But unfortunately some things are still blurry so I'm counting on the three of you. I'm also assuming that Noel doesn't remember a thing?" she asked which made the three of us exchange looks.

"No, he overdosed on memory serum," Shawn shakes his head.

"Memory serum?" she says.

"It's like a hypnosis drug but more refined. They call it that because they can erase any of your memories that they don't want you remembering," I say. "It's a drug they poured their time and money at when things didn't go as they please," I added. I saw her stop and thought for a minute before asking another question.

"So they erased me on Noel's vocabulary?" she asked.

"Exactly!" I replied. "They weren't going to use it on him but when they saw how self-destructing he became since he heard the news that you died, they didn't have a choice," blurted Shawn with a face that looks pitiful.

"A lot has happened after you vanished," I say clenching my fist at the thought of remembering everything. "A ton of my friends died because of your foolishness. If only you didn't have the thought of escaping. They could'veー," I raised my voice for everyone to hear but I stopped spitting my feelings out when the door opened with Noel catching his breath at the entrance.

"How did you like your trip here?" says Rei looking at the three of us. Probably to cover my tears also Vincent and Shawn's tense expressions and stiffed bodies. Maybe lashing out like that wasn't the best option. But I couldn't help it. And she's even playing the villain to not make Noel suspicious of us.

"Your fast," says Rei turns to Noel who was confused about what he's witnessing while he walks back to his seat. I managed to dry my tears and all three of us reverted to normal as nothing happened. "Here's your water," he offered Rei the glass of water that is almost half empty. He probably spilled some on his way here, running.

"I think you'll need it more than me," she smiled.

"You didn't start without me, did you?" says Noel gulping every drop of the water.

"Of course not, we were waiting for you," she said creepily smiling. Like she's pissed that our conversation got interrupted.

"I presume that all of you have been trained already since you were all described as a soldier on the profile they passed meー" she looks like she wasn't finished but Noel raised his hand to ask a question. She gave him approval and listens to what he has to say.

"I'm sorry but I've been unconscious for the past few days and I was not a soldier like them so..." Noel cut himself off and couldn't say any other words while she gave a questioning look.

"It's true. He was just a trainee and was attending basic lessons," Vincent reasoned and Noel catches fast and just nods to the excuse.


What a silly excuse. But if they were talking to someone else, it is believable.

"That'll be bothersome but it can't be helped. I'll think of something to fix your problem," I shrugged. "This meeting was relayed to us at such short notice so I apologize if I just have a few words to say," I stood up and I can feel Cedrick following my lead

"Welcome to the 'Reaper' squadron," I said bowing. I don't even know if I can act serious right now. Because I badly want to laugh at how Cedrick reacts. He looks confused and just bowed too. "I will give you your files that consist of everything you have to know. I'll fetch you a cloak and a uniform that'll make people recognize by one glance that you belong in my squad," I say with a serious tone. "And Cedrick here will handle you for the next few hours while I go to my urgent matters that is need of attention," I hurriedly took my leave and left the room.

"Wait here for a minute," I hear Cedrick excused himself and chased after me.


"Rei, what do you think you're doing?" I asked her, trying to calm down my voice.

"Going to my room and sleep," she smiles. I swearーthis girl.

"Look, did I do something wrong? You know this is no time for jokes, right?" I say being serious but she just ignores me and smiles.

"This is revenge for that day," her smile curled downwards and she suddenly became serious. I'm not sure anymore if she's teasing me or being ruthless for what I did.

"I get it, what do you want me to do exactly?" I asked, sighing.

"Figure that on your own," then she smiled like she didn't mean her words earlier.

"Are you serious right now or just toying with me?" I asked scratching my head when I gave up understanding what she's thinking at this very moment.

"A little bit of both. Work hard my dear assistant," she waves her hand and took off.