
6-3 Shocking Encounter (2)

Date: September 9

Place: (HQ's Clinic) Main Lobby


"I'm fine," with those few words, Cedrick understood the situation I am in and ran after the man while Noel was helping me stand up.

"Are you alright?" he asked, looking at the part where the bullet was supposed to hit me. But I can imagine what kind of expression he is making right after I removed my hand that covers my side. "A capsule?" he looks confused just as I am. I stood up in hope of running after Cedrick but my own body didn't listen to me. The nonexistent pain began to rise and took control of my actions. I was kneeling on the ground, without the power to stand up or even speak. Then, the pain became intolerable, I feel my whole body aching as it fell on the ground. I slowly opened my eyes only to see Noel yelling something that I can't hear. But it's weird because I somehow feel weak but strong at the same time.

"Wakey-wakey! My little troublemaker," it's the first time that I'm hearing such a cold and voice that expresses even the bloodlust. I feel fear. I feel small. And I feel trapped. My eyes are still wide open and I can see that people are starting to gather again. But just seconds after, my eyes closed on their own.

I think I'm passing out from time to time because I can sometimes take a glance at my current situation. Because when I looked around me, I saw Yui holding me, Noel, and some other higher-ups circling me and discussing.

"Release me!" My whole body was petrified by the sudden shout. And I can guess that nobody can hear it but me. The voice was like a beast that was caged and is now fighting for its freedom. Then, the pain was more severe than last time. It was like my entire body will be split into two. I forced my eyes to open again only to see darkness, utter darkness surrounding me. It daunts me, the thought of transforming out of my will is something I've never experienced. 'It' was trying to take control over my body.

Everyone, please be safe. And don't punish me for what I haven't done Supreme General...

"Run" hopefully I said it loud enough for anyone to hear before I gave in to the abyss that was waiting for me.

"Finally" I hear the beast laughing, overjoyed that it finally won and have a chance to take over my body.


I can't believe Cedrick just left her here. That gramps should be just around the facility so there's nowhere he can hide. "Are you alright?" I quickly came to her aid but as soon as she was able to stand, she fell on her knees. "Rei!" I was confused and scared at the same time when I saw a capsule when she releases her hold on her side. I was glad that it was not a real bullet, though I wonder what was even inside the capsule. I tried to call her name a dozen times when she looks like she's going to collapse anytime now. The crowd was also thicker than earlier.

It feels like I'm inside of a drama...Not that it's important right now!

Her complexion doesn't look good at all. I looked at the crowd to ask for help if there are familiar faces nearby. "Call a doctor. There's someone injured here," anyone doesn't look like they want to help but rather, they're gossiping about her right now.

"Isn't that the cruel leader?"

"Ahh, I've heard about her. The one who ditched the kids to save hers and his assistant's lives"

"She should just hurry up and die"

I was so aggravated that I just glared are them when I can't leave her side right now. But they just seem to gossip quietly. These people don't know anything-

"What's going on?" asks the person who I remembered as the Second Lieutenant is with his assistant. Finally, some familiar faces.

"Rei..." Yui approaches and went on her knees to level herself at Rei's situation. But Rei finally closed her eyes and Yui was the one who's holding her right now. She looks like she's suffering. She's breathing like she just run a marathon, sweating like it's hot and her eyes twitching like she's finding a way to open those up.

"Did you push a button or something?" asks the First Lieutenant who just came when the first front desk receptionist of the main lobby called his office and asked for his help. But what's he even talking about?

"A button?" I asked and I shook my head like I'm putting aside my confusion for now. "More importantly, she was shot by some substance. I don't know what it was but," I handed him the capsule that I got from Rei. "It's this" as I was telling them everything more thoroughly.

"Rei!" Yui shouts and caught our attention. Rei was slowly opening her eyes and was looking around. But then she groans.

"Run," it looks like she tried her best to warn us with the remaining voice before she completely losses her conscience.

"What are you looking for? We'll handle this ourselves! Scatter! Shoo!" another man who is unfamiliar to me came and lessen the crowd's numbers. Then some black molecules kept coming out of her body that Yui let go of her and run behind someone who I think is one of Rei's friends because I often see him eating with Rei and Cedrick.

"Sir, the Supreme Leader has heard of this already and gave an order to teleport her," Kazuma, was it? "It's going to be alright," I hear him comfort Yui who hid behind him as he extends his hands to the others while carrying a mass teleportation crystal on his other hand. Everyone was ready to go while I held Rei's hand and connected me to someone so we could teleport.