
8-6 Honesty isn't an option

Date: September 10

Place: Second Headquarters


With a shock and eventful day, surprises never cease to amaze me.

"I'll help Noel with his chip issue, you can check this out if you have spare time. We still need to report our findings as soon as possible," Cedrick handed me the things those three had with them as he escorted Noel out of our lounge, just staring into space. "There were more in the front desk and armory, I'll try to pick them up on our way back," he waved goodbye.

Walking to my table, I dropped every piece of equipment I got from Cedrick and started to inspect them one by one.

Their earpieces, some logs on their reports, some new technologies the research and manufacturing lent us, and some pills. There was a lot of variety of stuff but I proceeded to get every information I could on their notepads, and earpiece conversations. I downloaded everything on a new USB and whipped up a coffee to get some caffeine in my system.

A creaking door presented me with Yui who was shyly walking towards me.

"Are you okay?" her gazes met mine as hers sparkled with tears about to fall.

A scoff escaped my mouth as I extended my arms towards her, "Thanks, I'll be fine," she caressed my back as I gave her a tight hug. All my pent-up emotions decided to leak out as a few drops of tears ran away from my eyes. "What about you? You aren't slacking off again are you?" a brief jest to break the tension as we both wipe our faces.

"I am," she bit her lower lip as she scratched the back of her hands, anxiously looking at me. "They'll be fine. Those three are stronger than you think," her tender words broke through my heart as I smiled at her.

"I know," she walked towards the door after reassuring me.


An awkward atmosphere started to take over as none of us wanted to converse with each other. We walked for a few minutes when we finally arrived at the testing lab in hopes of repairing his chip.

  "You can wait over here," he sat where I pointed the vacant stool for the waiting area. I marched towards the information desk and waited my turn.

"What can I do for you?" a kind lady brimmed a smile.

"I'd like to request a repair of the language chip," I answered as she looked through the computer.

"I'm sorry, we only have an open slot for the operation in about an hour or two," she directly says while typing on the keyboard. "Or would you like to make an appointment for another day?" she asked nicely, fixing her glasses that were beginning to fall out of place.

"It's kind of urgent, so we can wait. And it's for that boy over there," I leaned away from the view as I pointed to Noel who was still staring into space.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do," she nods and hands me a form to fill out. "Bring this with you when I call for you again, Mr. Cedrick, the vice-captain of the Reaper's squadron," I gave her a look as I was taken aback because I didn't give her any of my credentials to identify me like that. "I'm a fan," she shyly blushes while averting her eyes.

"Thank you," I gave her an instant reply as I carried the form and a pen to where Noel sat.


"Fill this out," Cedrick gave me a sort of form and pen as he just stood beside me and refused to use the chair near us.

To be quite frank,  I can't be bothered with a conversation with him as I don't feel the need to. Because I know that he'll struggle to communicate with me.

"We have to wait for hours to get you fixed," his broken English proved that he was trying.

"Thanks," I gave a short and simple reply as I carefully answered the form.


I came back to the lounge after I stopped by the Supreme General's quarters to submit all my findings along with some raw copies of everything those three acquired. He took a while sorting through them while I just stared at him. Before he dismissed me, he ordered an abrupt meeting with every official, including squadron leaders and a lot of respected people, to be held this midnight.

Because everything that those three brought into the headquarters must be shared and learned from.

"You're finally here," a serious tone said. Cedrick was the first person I saw and who greeted me as soon as I entered the lounge. While Noel was just sitting on the sofa as he partly bowed when we locked eyes.

"That should be my line," I replied as I took a sip of the cold coffee at my desk.

"Sorry, there was a long line. We had to wait for two hours before finally getting our turn," he explained without leaving any details behind.

Soon, I found myself sitting in the opposite chair where the two sat on the sofa. It was just I and Cedrick who was talking nonstop until Noel's stomach started to make a growling sound.

"It's almost time for dinner, shall we go to the cafeteria?" Cedrick invited but none of us even had any plan to stand up.

"Sorry, I have no appetite," Noel spoke for the first time while still looking at the floor, refusing to make eye contact with either of us.

"Here," I slid some energy bars onto the table for us to eat. Noel took a quick glance as Cedrick just grabbed one and opened it already. "You still need to eat and maintain some energy," I picked one up and directly put it on his hands. My mind went blank when I saw his face stare into me. Tears welling to run down his cheeks as he immediately turned away and silently wiped them. Cedrick was too busy chowing down the food and drinking his cup of coffee.

I blinked away my emotions as I saw Noel tearing up the plastic and finally taking some small bites into it.

"First of all, I'm sorry for leaving you out of it," my heart aching at the sight of Noel struggling to hide his true feelings. "And I apologize because," a quick gulp stopped my speech as the anxiousness kicked in. "You might still doubt me even after this," readying myself for yet another explanation full of lies.

I began telling him about how our squadron specializes in private missions; deadly ones. The next was the three, telling me all about them, where they came from, how all his memories were easily manipulated by people, and about Dr. Norby too but leaving any trace of information that might lead back to me. "They told me to keep this mission a secret from you. Because they didn't want to make you worry and get hurt," every word I let go, thorns prickle my heart. "And that you must not get hurt at any cost, I insisted that they should tell me but they didn't quite comply," spewing lies as if it were the truth.