To The Heir Of Our Hearts....(2)

King Leonardo's hoarse voice rang out crisp and clear.

" Dismiss!! "

This immediately snapped the latter back to his senses and he quickly took note of his surroundings. Behind him the group of bodyguards gave the old king a crisp salute and bowed out followed by King Leonardo's own group of personal attendants who were waiting on him in the nearby wing. Closing the door behind them as they left.

Seeing the old king and Master Jan, the latter quickly got up to greet them.

Just when he was about to bow, King Leonardo held up his hand indicating him to stop.

" There's no need for formalities at the moment, Kyo. We have better things to worry about. " King Leonardo said sternly, all the while his gaze firmly locked on former. " Also, even though we appreciate your loyalty, know this that your service is of no use if not in the hour of crisis. You're of no use if you fall sick on us now. "

Kyo's eyes dropped to his feet upon hearing the former king's critizing remarks.

" My apologies, Sire. " Kyo said, feeling genuinely remorseful about his approach.

" Don't apologise. You're here to learn after all. Just be mindful of your actions in the future." Master Jan said gently, wrapping a dry towel around him. His wise words somewhat lightened tension between the two. " It is easy to get swayed by our emotions in times such as these. But, this is exactly the time when our convictions demand the most from us. " If both Kyo and King Leonardo didn't knew better, they would've mistaken Master Jan for a philosopher. " Always remember Kyo, true support is not you crying along with him. But, ensuring the fact that even though his crying before you, the world should think he's unbreakable. "

Instead of feeling encouraged, Kyo felt even more unsure.

" There's a set of change down stairs. Go dry up yourself. " Master Jan said giving the latter an encouraging pat, trying to cheer up the young boy. He was fully aware of the effect that his words have caused on Kyo's young mind.

" Yes, Sir! "

Taking his orders, Kyo gave both the elders a deep bow and left. He gave his master a final look of grief before closing the door behind him.

On his way down to the basement, King Leonardo and Master Jan's words weighed heavily on his mind.

It served him as a gentle reminder about his unique position and the grave responsibility that followed.

' They're right! What good will I be if I'm out of commission now of all times? '

When the news of the couple's death arrived, Kyo was just as shocked, confused and helpless as everyone else. Everything happened so rapidly that he didn't even had a chance to properly process the events, let alone act accordingly.

He was just too naive...

Too inexperienced...

As he walked through the dark corridors of the church, the devastated image of his master kept flashing in his head over and over. For the longest time that Kyo had known him, he had never seen him this weak or vulnerable. To him, he was always a tall and proud figure.

Yet, in a mere moment, their smooth sailing lives turned into a uproar.

' Everything's in a total chaos.... Will I really be able to support him the way he had? '

Seeds of doubt began to sprout, crumbling his hard built confidence. And it was only natural.

Even without the underhanded situation, things weren't looking up for the Liesbenian royal family. With both pillars of the nation now gone, threats and conspiracies to overthrow the monarch lurked in every corner. Stakes have never been this high. The role of leading the nation desended on the shoulders of the ruling king and the former boy. This indirectly brought down everything to the back stage where Kyo had to play his part.

Truth to be told, it wasn't a walk in the park.

All Kyo knew was that he wanted to support his master no matter the cost. What he couldn't decide was the course that he should opt for in order to achieve his goal.

His options were clear. Either he must step down from his position and let someone more qualified and experienced serve his master or he should just accept the challenge and learn everything as fast as possible.

The first option was more suitable since the second one was a down right gamble ; a gamble where losing was out of question.

Kyo almost managed to convince himself that the first option was the best course of action when an image of the former boy flashed in his eyes again. This time however, it wasn't the devastated image of the boy. Instead, it was from the time when Kyo had first met the boy.

His radiance, his strength and his companionship was what had brought him out of those dark days of his life. He owed him everything.

Right at that moment, as Kyo was indulging himself in those happy memories Master Jan's words echoed in the background. ' True support is not you crying along with him. But, ensuring the fact that even though you see him crying, the world should think he's unbreakable. '

Just as those words faded in his ears another voice echoed. Suddenly, Kyo came to an abrupt stop. No one knew what came upon him, he clenched his fist as hard as he could then dashed towards the basement. He was more determined than ever before.

Meanwhile, back in the hall, as soon as the servants, the gaurds and Kyo left, Master Jan slowly approached the devastated boy. Placing an arm around his shoulder, the old butler gently wiped away his falling tears.

" Little King, no.... They left this world with smiles and would wanted us to remember them with smiles. Shedding tears would only mean disrespecting their memories. I'm sure His Highness wouldn't want that.."

The old butler's soothing words seemed to have struck the chords of the young prince's heart. His forlorn gaze shifted from the coffin on to the old butler.

" Why.. Master Jan??...Why?? Why did they...had to leave like this?? "

" So can rise, Cedric... " The one to reply was King Leonardo.

Surprised by the sudden address, Prince Cedric looked around the hall only to find the old king waiting for him at the window with wide open arms.

He instantly leapt in his arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

The old king gave the child a warm and loving embrace. His own tears fell as he heard the muffed cries of the young boy. His heart ripped into pieces. Still, he couldn't offer him any word of sympathy because he was tied by his own word. Therefore, he could only allow him to cry his heart out and release his grief.

" How could this happen?...They told me everything was fine yesterday! Then how did this happen today? "

Prince Cedric asked accusingly as he continued to cry in King Leonardo's arms. The old king didn't object, he only held the boy in his arms with atmost gentleness.

When tears threatened Master Jan, he quickly diverted his attention and whispered something to Kyo giving him a set keys. Kyo, who by then had already changed and stood beside Master Jan holding a set of dry towels. There was no sign of his former emotional side that he displayed upon arrival. Instead, he was someone with great conviction.

He handed over the towels to the old butler and left once again taking the keys with him.

It took a few minutes for him to return but, when he did, he returned with a big antique chest made of silver and designed with gold and precious stones.

Keeping the young boy safe in his arms, King Leonardo observed the exchange between Master Jan and Kyo. Upon Kyo's return, he and Master Jan gave each other a firm nod, agreeing upon something mutually.

" Cedric, your grandparents will feel hurt seeing you breakdown like this. " King Leonardo forced himself to say even though, his own voice was cracking and resolve wavered. " It's just as Jan said, they left this world with fond memories and great achievements. Now, it's time we let those two rest in peace. "

Prince Cedric removed himself from the embrace and looked up still in tears as the former king spoke. He was ready to refute but, before he could get his words out Master Jan's words echoed from the other side of the hall.

" My little king, death is the inevitable for every form of life on this planet irrespective of their type, kind, rank etc. " Prince Cedric turned to Master Jan, only find the elder smiling at him even though he was clearly in grief himself. " Never think that they abandoned you. Even in their last breath, they never once forgot about you. And therefore, they left this for you just before departing. "

Saying this Master Jan turned to the chest in Kyo's arms. Prince Cedric's gaze gradually shifted to the antique chest as well.

" They!!...Left it for me?? " The chest bubbled up his curiosity and he found himself asking in surprise.

" Yes, Your Highness..Consider it as their last present. " Master Jan replied with a little nod. " Wouldn't you at least take a look?? " Gently urged the old butler, wrapping a dry towel around him.

' Last present... '

Memories flooded back like a broken dam, reminding Prince Cedric of the beautiful times he shared with his grandparents.

" They promised me... " Tears drowned his entire being as the gravity began to sink in once again.

What the young one felt was beyond something words could ever explain.

' And it is to keep that very promise, they sacrificed themselves, Cedric. But, now is not the time to reveal it to either of you. ' Both King Leonardo and Master Jan could easily gauge where Prince Cedric was coming from. Therefore, they didn't say anything. Because their words would only end up hurting him more rather than comforting.

" Cedric, I believe all your answers lie in that chest. " King Leonardo said, his voice exuding a rather unusual confidence and compassion. " Always remember, your pain is not just yours. Today, if you have lost your grandparents then your father has lost his parents. If you have lost your grandparents, then this country has its pillars. If you have lost your grandparents, then this world has lost their beloved ' People's Crown '. "

On the surface, Prince Cedric didn't seem react to King Leonardo's words. Only his gaze shifted back to the people in the coffin. However, on the inside, he was wagging a war. Torn between his pain of losing his beloved grandparents and the weight of his duties as the crown prince that King Leonardo was thrusting on him, the innocent boy inside him was slowly fading away.

" And no!! I'm not saying this to you because you're the crown prince of DresVen. I'm saying this because you are my best friend's grandson. Their achievements is not something you have to look up to ; it's something for you to treasure and remember them by. "

As King Leonardo finished, more fresh tears streamed down once again. However, something was different this time.

Tear drenched Prince Cedric turned to the old butler. " I would like see the contents of the chest, Master Jan. May I?? "

The dead monotone of the young boy broke Master Jan's heart, still was forced to pretend that he was overjoyed. It was better this way. At the prince's request relief washed over King Leonardo's soul. It wasn't much and he was also hurt but, at least it was a start ; start of the couple's effort.

" By all means, My Little King. This way please... " Master Jan replied joyfully carrying on with his act as he guided him to the near by wing. Behind him followed King Leonardo and Kyo.

The wings were equipped with a small seating areas. Kyo swiftly placed the chest on the coffee table sitting in the centre of the sofa set before stepping back to stand beside Master Jan. Meanwhile, Prince Cedric and King Leonardo took there seats on the sofa.

In the dimly lit area, the rare jewels adorning the chest sparkled like the stars in the clear night sky. Made out of pure silver, the intricately craved chest exhibited extraordinary craftsmenship and riches of the time. The contents of the chest was tightly sealed with an antique style lock built inside the chest with its key hole facing it's spectators.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, Master Jan took out a red velvet box from his pocket and handed it over to Prince Cedric. " In here is the key that unlocks this chest, Sire. "

Inside the little box sat a tiny platinum key pendant attached to a platinum chain. It was a simple design of a key like any other except, it was made out of pure platinum and was marked with the royal insignia of the Liesbenian family.

The sight of the key stirred his memories once again. Surprisingly, this time it was curiosity rather than sadness that accompanied the memories, igniting a subtle suspicion. Taking the key, Prince Cedric carefully unlocked the chest and was immediately greeted with a familiar warmth ; subduing some if not all of his initial sense of loss.

On the innerside of the chest lid, glittering in gold were words addressed to him .

" To The Heir Of Our Hearts,

Cedric Liesben.....

We Bestow Upon You Our Greatest Treasure With Hopes That In The Hour Of Doubt It Will Guide Your Heart Through Your Duties.


Grandma And Grandpa "

' That's so like you, Grandpa. ' A small smile worked it's way up to his lips and then to his eyes. A spark of joy glimmered in his features admist the dark clouds of loss as Prince Cedric read those golden words over and over to his heart's content.

King Leonardo, from the corner of his eyes gave a quick glance at the now opened chest then turned to Prince Cedric, silently observing him. His lips curled up to a smirk when he saw Prince Cedric smiling even admist his tears.

He gave Master Jan a look of acknowledgement and Master Jan returned it with a look of his own.

' For now this chest and their letter will keep him going. '

' Yes! And with this you won the first round. ' He finally understood the force behind Master Jan's unwavering confidence.

' Still, I feel it's too early for us to be celebrating, Your Majesty. The real test is yet to begin. '

' Agreed....And I hope you're ready for it..'

' Ready as I'll ever be... '

Sandwiched between the elders silent conversation was Kyo, who was oblivious of what they were planning. Nevertheless, he was relieved to see his master slowly coming back on track and knew that everything that was going on with Prince Cedric was well within the elders expectations.

That was enough for him.

Moving on, Prince Cedric inspected the contents of the chest. The chest contained an envelope addressed to him, five thick leather covered dairies and a necklace box marked with the emblem of the royal jeweller.

" Cedric, read the letter before you inspect the other items. " King Leonardo ordered. " All your previous questions are already answered in that letter. "

" You already know what's inside, don't you, Your Majesty?? " Prince Cedric asked with a rather sceptical look.

" No... But I do know that the letter is from your grandmother. "

" Hehe..." Master Jan chuckled at the obvious perception. " It so happens, Your Highness that Her Majesty, when she was preparing the chest had us all involved. "

" That's just how she is... " It was spontaneous response from Prince Cedric. Only after the words left his mouth did he remembered that the present was now a past.

Prince Cedric didn't say anything further, just picked up the letter that was addressed to him with trembling hands.

One look at the exquisite handwriting and Prince Cedric immediately knew that it was indeed from his beloved grandmother. The words churned his heart causing a whirlwind of emotions.

" To My Beloved Cedric,

' Interest is always sweeter than the principle. ' is a saying in my home country. To us you're the sweetest of all interest that heaven has blessed us with.

Thank you for coming to us...

Thank you for accepting us for what we are...

To this day I failed to find the right words that would explain the joy and happiness you have brought into our lives or the love we share with you.

Unfortunately, our time together was only this long. This is where our journey ends. From here on out, we're to travel on our own seperate ways. I know this is not what you want however, this is how it is and you have to accept it. This world is no longer a place for us. We gave this world everything we had and learned what it had to offer. There's nothing left for us here anymore.

Don't be devastated Cedric, for this is neither a goodbye, nor the end of us. It's simply ' See You Later '. We're closer to you now more than ever before ; deep in your heart till the end of time.

And it's not just for you, it's the same for us as well.

Admist following the traditions of this royal family and trying to keep up with the expectations of the crown, I know there were times when you feel that you're not valued as person. Therefore, I take this opperunity to tell you that it's the farthest from the truth as farthest can be.

You are important to each and every one of us not as the future king of DresVen but, as your parent's child and our grandson ; your important to us as a person. So, don't let anything get you down and always hold your pride as royal.

I believe right now all you can think of is the promise that myself and your grandfather made to you. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about it. However, it's not something that I can explain to you in words, given the shortage of time we have. Therefore, I'm leaving behind our most prized possession for you.

The dairies you see inside the chest which I'm sure you've already recognised, contains the story of our life experiences that we as a couple had gathered over these past seven decades. Read it when can but, not alone. Read it when you find that someone special with whom you know you can spend the rest of your life. Read it with her, it'll help you understand it better.

Sadly, we don't have the privilege of knowing her but, I know that she'll be the most wonderful person the world has ever seen. Remember to always treat her with respect and love Cedric, for she deserves every bit of it. Inside the chest you'll find a jewellry case that contains my necklace and the Ocean's ring. These items were handmade by your grandfather as a token of his love. Today, I'm leaving them in your possession, give them to her as token of our blessing.

Inside the case you'll also find a key that belongs to a vault in Saint Vancruso. The vault is currently under your name and contains some of the historic crown jewels that were amongst my most favorites. As the owner of the vault, they are now yours to keep and use as you please. Years ago, a tradition was started by your great grand mother of passing on the ownership to the grand daughter-in-laws of our family. She has done this for her grand child's wife, I am doing this for mine, when the time comes your mother will do the same for hers. It is done as gesture to welcome the new generation into our fold. And it also stands as a symbol of reminder for them that the as long as they're just, the royal family will always be in their support to the bitter end. Please make sure to continue this tradition along with your future wife.

Always remember Cedric, it is important for us to follow the traditions set out for us by our ancestors. But, laws that ignores a person's feelings entirely or cause them harm must be changed for the better.

Understand this Cedric, life is the greatest teacher of all. It is there to teach you a wide range things but, what you learn from it is totally depends on you.

That's all I can give for now....

Please take care of your father, Cedric. You're all that he's left with.

See You Later


With Lots of Love


P. S : Please don't stay mad with Ayat. "