Born to become a legendary lumberjack!

A good thing to keep in mind while training.

Train hard!

Rest hard!

This way it's possible to progress without destroying the body.

Now that I think about it. Aren't I a genius? (*˘︶˘*)

My new training technique combines both elements! Talk about efficient!

My companions are tasked with trying to breach my defenses.

Meanwhile I'm lazing *cough cough* I'm simulating a casual stance for everyday life.

This is kind of fun to be honest.

Wolfie is trying to bite me. I swear this wolf is weird.

Try to play a normal game of fetch and you receive a disdainful look.

Run after it trying to beat it up and it becomes happy.

Lie on the ground and let it hit you and it is relentless.

I mean what a sore loser lol. It won't give up.

It's like it expects to eventually be able to hurt me.

I kinda get it. This wolf is the weakest creature in this forest.

It probably sees this as a training opportunity.

Still I'm pretty sure it is either limited by its young age or by its race?

Either way it's obviously not improving.

Well to be fair. I'm sure there is a way for it to reach the next level.

I just feel like the current practice might not be the way to go about it.

Anyway. I have 2 big problems right now.

1. I'm lacking a conformable bed. The ground is uneven and especially hard.

2. There is no sun in this forest, so sunbathing is impossible.

Now that I think about it there are more pressing issues. Like how there is no way to play any music in this place.

Okay to be fair, maybe I should stop this training soon. Or at least focus other stuff too. How long has it been? About 2 months I'd say. There is no night and day here. Kinda hard to tell.

Sometimes I wonder how the other people I know from the Moon Keep are doing. They are probably really active with the war coming up. That doesn't concern me much.

While I do plan to get Luna back at some point It will be on the long-term.

I mean there is a fucking rank 4 old man there that kinda despise me now.

Ah and remains the question: will I be able to just run away from it all?

I feel like there is no need to even fight. I'd rather hide. Now that I think about it this place isn't bad.

It is peaceful. There is a source of water. There is abundant food.

It is far away from any civilization.

Yep! I've decided. I'll first explore this world and have fun. ^_^

Try to slowly improve all my abilities at my own pace.

If this continent turns into a bloodbath, I'll retreat back here.

Wait till it all blows over…then I'll come out like nothing happened.

HAHA. Suck it gods! •|龴◡龴|•

This is the best plan ever, period.

Alright so what's the next item on my training list?

I'm mostly done with point 1 for now. Point 2 would be to improve my speed.

By speed it shouldn't only be my movement speed but also my reaction speed.

How do I train that?

Either a long arduous muscle training or divine enhancement.

Hum I have a potential of 0 but would it impact muscle training or not at all?

There is a lot I'm not sure about.

One thing I do know is in doubt improve on what you know best.

I don't want to become a jack of all trades, but master of none.

Circulate some divine energy. All across my body.

Especially in my legs. Make sure my body is resistant also.

Don't want to pull a muscle after all.

Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger. ((d[-_-]b))

Arg now I'm really missing some music.

Concentrate. Whatever.

I'm the fastest thing alive. Let's try this.




Fuck it hurts.

Where the fuck am I?

I can't see …. it's dark.

Moving is hard.

"Sectmaster are you alright?!"

Am I alright? Hum I feel like I have all my limbs, but I'm definitely constrained.

"How did you end up inside an archaic tree?! What happened?!"

OH, I see. I ran really fast.

A bit too fast for what I could handle.

And I crashed.


In a tree.

Now what?

[Can you help me get out?]

It takes a while, but I do manage to break free.

The process reminding me of these animal videos.

You know the ones that make you exclaim how dumb is that creature to get stuck there like a moron!

And then it takes a village to somehow recues it from its predicament.

Right now, I'm that dumbass that got stuck somewhere random. (。-_-。 )

Good thing no one saw that beside my fellow guild member…

I take it back.

Wolfie stop laughing. How does a wolf laugh? I don't know. (ᗒ ᗨᗕ)

These eyes are clearly expressing ridicule.

Fuck. You try it then!

[Ah. Thanks.]

No matter.

I will not lose my cool with an animal.

There is no way someone as noble as me will take it out on such a weak creature.

I totally don't feel like beating it up right now.

No there is no way the only reason I'm letting it go is it being faster than me.

Fuck. Okay maybe a bit.

Just you wait. There will be some punishment soon! ┗(`o ´)┓

Gotta work on my speed so I can catch it.

Alright concentrate. Boost my specs. And…. GO!



[Fuck. Help!]

"Are you alright…"

[Yes. I'm training don't disturb me!]







[Again! I don't believe I can't do this]



[Fuck! One more time!]



[Screw you big ass tree! Why are you standing in my fucking way!]



[How the fuck am I hitting the same tree over and over?!]



[I fucking changed direction. HOW IS IT THE SAME TREE!] (╯°□°)╯



Oh! There is some improvement!

After all these tries! I may have crashed into the tree, but I passed right through it this time!

Hell yeah!

I'm slowly getting better at this!

And then I turn around ….




*CRASH !!!!*




So, turns out when I turn around the first thing I see is a huge hole in the tree trunk.

After all these crashes I ended up cutting away at its foundation.

And then it falls on me.

Yes, an archaic tree.

A humongous fucking tree.

Yes. It's big. And heavy.

I'm really glad I've been training my resistance lately.

Otherwise I guarantee I wouldn't be alive right now.

"Sectmaster this is the first time I see someone fell an archaic tree! As expected of you!"

Can I cry now? o(╥﹏╥)o

Why is it that my speed enhancement technique seems better suited against trees?

Did I just discover an ultimate woodcutting technique by mistake?

I can already see it.

Me as an old man teaching his many, many, many disciples.

Keep hacking at the trunk until you can see the truth of this world!

Become one with the axe!

Be able to wield your will as an axe!

Finally nurture an axe spirit!

But let it be known there is a secret stage even higher. One where every little movement you make is enough to fell any tree in this universe.

Let me tell you about the time I vanquished Yggdrasil by running at it!

*impressed gasps* *twinkling eyes* *a disciple in the corner on his knees worshiping*

*sigh* If only…. fuck …I got some work to do.