Peaceful Protest

I bring my companions toward a small very specific church. 

Yep, the motherfucking church of Gluto. 

As usual, Nomzilla is just sitting on his ass doing nothing at all. 

Not that I can tell where it starts and end exactly. 

As soon as I enter, he can smell the pies. 

Like a dog. 

"I see you brought food!"

[I am here to make a deal.] 

"Oh? Go ahead."

[I need your help with something. I'll give you all these pies in exchange.] 

"These are clearly different than usual. What's the secret ingredient?"

[It wouldn't be a secret if I told you now, would it?] 

"Fair enough. Now, what would I have to do? I am busy you see."

[Busy lazing around?]

"Eating too!"

Sometimes I wonder if he worships the Sloth God too haha. 

I whisper exactly what I need him to do. 

He grins and agrees instantly. 

We leave right after.