Prelude 1/6

[Memories are what make a person unique.] -???


My oldest memories go back to when I was 2.

I don't know why I can remember this time of my life so clearly...

A true enigma if you want my opinion. I also remember this period as the time I took consciousness of my existence, but also as the happiest I have ever been.

Playing with my mother, laughing at my father's antics.

I was just a baby, I didn't have much to do besides giggling and pooping.

As I said earlier, I don't know how I can even remember this period of my life. It goes back so far... but at the same time when I close my eyes, I can remember those days as if it was yesterday.

It is a peculiar feeling. I can't quite put my finger on it. I remember being happy, but what is happiness? I don't know if right now... I am happy.

I am just living to live, I don't understand why though.

Let's go back to when I was 2.

I was happy. My family was happy. I didn't know anything besides happiness then...

Two years later, the descent into hell began.


"Kumo! Stop sleeping and answer the question!"

A female's voice shook me awake.

It seemed like I dreamed of something unpleasant...

Lifting my head, I 'looked' at the teacher who was pointing at an equation on the board.

I emphasized 'looked' because with the blindfold over my eyes I don't really 'see'.

Thanks to my quirk, I pretty much have an over-developed spatial awareness which is minimized as long as I don't use my eyes.

However, it is quite strong enough for me to perceive everything surrounding me.

Sorry for the little soliloquy, I just love talking in general. Let's go back to the teacher right now.

As I said earlier, the equation is quite easy.

"The answer is -69, sensei." I replied, straightening on my chair and repositioning the blindfold over my eyes.

At the same time, the bell rings, marking the end of class

"Good answer Kumo! Class is over, don't forget to complete your high school enrollment papers for next time!" The teacher said, leaving behind the kids who were talking between themselves.

I was quietly cleaning my desk when I perceived a troublesome thing happening not too far from where I was.

'Won't she ever stop being a prick?'

Turning toward the scene, I put my bag on my shoulder and walked toward the four people causing quite a ruckus.

"Look at what that nerd is doing, still stalking everyone in your damn notebook."

The typical sentence of the girl I know for quite a while now. Ten? Eleven years maybe?

Pushing her two friends or more like goons, I put an arm around her neck and spoke with my usual amused and energetic voice.

"That's not very heroic-like what you are doing right here Katsu~" My white teeth were on full display as my usual smiling face were face to face with the local delinquent I named Katsura Bakugou!

That girl was one of the most fierce people on this planet, and the fact that she was a female didn't help with her temper at all.

I could feel her right eyes glaring at me, and her hands ready to create a flurry of explosions in my face.

"Don't touch me so casually ya maggot!" She screamed, trying to punch my face.

"Easy there! I just want to stop the hostilities, not begin a war princess explosion!" I replied, dodging her hits.

My hands were lifted in front of me to try to pacify things. Thankfully after a short while, she seems to have enough and simply stopped her assault.

"Tch! We will talk about that later." She said to me, still glaring at me with her fierce red eyes.

Then she took her bag and walked toward the door, followed by her two goons which seem to be extras, like she loves naming people.

However, she did not forget to glare at her victim, Izuku Midoriya, the sadly famous one.

"Th-thanks Eizen."

He talked! He succeeded! It's so rare to hear him that I actually forgot that he could express his thoughts...

My eternal smile on my face, I replied as I usually would.

"Do not worry about that Izuku, that's what everyone should do!"

"I-it seems like she really hates me..."

He said, standing up from his chair.

"I wouldn't say that she hates you... she just hates weak people like you I guess!" I replied, walking next to him. We were currently leaving the school ground.

He seems a little dejected by the 'weak people like you', but that's not my fault, is it?

"Wh-what's the difference?" He asked. He seems pretty perplexed.

I put a finger on my forehead and thought about how to formulate things for him.

Katsura was a mystery that even I can not fully comprehend.

"Ah! See, she does not personally hate you Izuku. What she hates is the fact that you give yourself a goal so high, but only put yourself in danger. I guess that in a certain way she just doesn't want to see you hurt?"

It was only a hypothesis, and you know she is a little crazy in her head. Nobody can fully know what she is about.

"Bu-but I must still try. Being a hero is my dream, I can't just drop it!" He said, quite determined.

Being a hero huh?

Katsura has the same dream, but I think that in her case she only wants to be rich and famous.

I don't really know why they all want to be a hero. For me, it's just humans who wear weird things and fight against other humans wearing weird things.

Nothing peculiar about that.

Heroes die, villains die. That's the end goal that everyone has.

Being a hero or a villain won't save you from this unavoidable end.

I guess that's what they call a 'dream'. An illusion... a goal humans create to divert themselves from this fate.


What is my goal?

The two of us continued to walk a little in complete silence.

Izuku seems to be too shy to engage in a new conversation when he saw that I was lost in my thoughts.

However, the situation seems to evolve as a seemingly angry Katsura was waiting in front of us.

It was usually there that I part way with Izuku.

"Mhm? Seems like someone was waiting for me for a while~" I said, stopping in front of her. Izuku seems pretty scared by her glare and quickly continued his way.

"Goo-good bye Eizen, Kacchan!"

"Scram, Deku." She simply replied, her arms crossed under her modest chest.

She didn't even spare him a glance, her eyes were fully focused on me.

As she did not seem prone to move or say anything, I did the same thing and locked my head on her.

She obviously knew that I did not need to 'see' to actually 'see'.

"You like what you see?" She said after a while, once she realized I was not going to talk nor move.

Her plan backfired as she was a little pissed off, and thus decided to tease me a little.

My smile widened a little as I replied.

"Yeah, and you?"

Surprisingly, her face took the same coloration as her eyes.

"Sh-shuddup!" She quickly turned and began to walk at a quick pace toward our neighborhood.

She seems to forget that my spatial awareness gives me sight to anything near me, as her small smile could not be hidden by just turning her back to me.

She acts so much like a delinquent that sometimes I forget that she is my cute neighbor and childhood friend.

The two of us continued to walk side by side in comfortable silence.

"Oi, Eizen." She suddenly called me, making my head which was turned toward the sky, to her.


"Ya going to UA?"

"I don't know, I don't really have any great goal like you do."

"Tch, you stupid or what? If you don't know what to do then just follow my orders!"

Her arrogance seems to shoot through the roof as she lifted her head high.

"Heh~ It doesn't seem fun at all... What do you suggest though?"

"You will go with me to UA and then once we graduate you can be my sidekick!" She announced with a wide grin.

"I don't want to be a sidekick though, If I must be a hero then I would prefer being free to do what I want."

"That's decided then! You will be my sidekick!"

"You really ignored what I said right now... As expected of princess Boom Boom!"

Her little nickname seems to anger her as she gave me kicks on the back.

"Shut up empty-head!"

After a while, we resumed our walk.

"What's your deal with Izuku by the way? You seem pretty angry with whatever he does." I asked the wild beauty next to me.

"Tch, that guy doesn't know his place. He wants to compete with people with quirk while he does not even train himself. He is just asking to die."

"Mhm... So you are just worried about him?"

"No, I am not! If you say this again I will just blow your fucking di-dick!" She threatened.

"In a sexual way or..." I couldn't even end my sentence as I was forced to dodge one of her explosions directed to my face.

Her face was completely red and she seems ready to pin me on the ground and beat me half to death.

"Just kidding Katsu~, I didn't know you were so horny otherwise-" Once again, I was cut by her explosion which got once again dodged by yours truly~.

I immediately began to run, laughing at the red Katsura running behind me.

"If I caught you you are dead Eizen!"


Just like that, the day was over, and I was ready to encounter whatever fate reserved me tomorrow.