Result of months of training

[Good and evil are just vulgar concepts invented by humanity to justify their actions.] -Antlike

After all this training, my body was beyond anything I could imagine.

My quirk even became far better as I could instantly change part of it into a cloud, improving my physical invulnerability. It was almost far beyond anything I could previously use, and it became second nature to me.

I could also produce a huger amount of cloud, and I also developed a little trick that would boost my combat ability even more than the martial training already did.

If I give a hundred percent of myself, I am sure that I could go against every top 20 pro hero without any problem, All Might not apart.

Switching back on the fight, my leg clashed against his fist.

We stayed on an equal footing for a while before our two limbs broke contact with each other and we returned to exchange a flurry of hits, leaving afterimages after afterimages.

Our two limbs clashed once again, but this time, Master Chen was decided to strike me first.

His left hand which was on standby until there launched itself toward my head, going through my guard without any problem.

Seeing that, I leaned on the right and let the hand slightly graze my right cheek.

Since he could not grab my head like he intended to, he tried to chop my shoulder with his momentum.

However, I already predicted that and diverted his attention by kicking toward his midsection.

His instincts surely alarmed him as he raised his right leg and blocked the kick.

However, the strength behind my hits is no joke even though I don't go all-out.

It is a fight of skill, not pure-strength after all.

The kick made him slide a few meters, and surely weaken his right leg, even though he did not show it on his face.

I did not let him any time to recover and immediately rushed toward him, delivering a series of kicks and punches, as he taught me during the months.

He used a compilation of skills he learned during his life to redirect the strikes in the ground or to the side.

He did it flawlessly, not letting a single hit on his body. However, such high-level skill was way too tiring taking into account the speed and strength of my moves.

After a few minutes of this exchange, he smirked and pushed me back with the sheer of his muscles.

I stabilized my body and fell back on my feet a few meters from him.

Dusting my black shirt, I looked at him and saw that he was nowhere done.

"You youngster are really monsters."

"I simply did my best, should we continue?"

Smirking at my words, he rushed toward me once again.

Our two fists met each other. This time we used more power, the shock wave can testify.

Our four limbs connected in a succession of impressive hits, once again showing afterimages.

After a while, I noticed that he became a tad slower, and the power of his attacks weakened.

Even though it was not by a large margin, it gave me enough room to deliver a spinning kick toward his torso.

Crossing his arms in front of him, he waited for the kick.

However, it was a feint and I used this occasion to carry the kick toward his unprotected head.

The momentum of my spinning kick now directed toward his head gave him little time to proceed with the attack.

He did what he could by slightly leaning on the back, but my foot still met his face.

Or it would have if I did not stop in time.

"Seems like I won this time." I said, my foot was just in front of his face.

Sighing at my words, Master Chen sat on the ground and scratched the back of his head.

"You look way too happy to have beaten an old man like me."

"Old man my ass, you could beat almost every top hero."

I sat on his side, and we continued talking about various things.

After an hour or so, I rose on my feet.

"It is time?"

"It is." I replied, stretching a little.

"Don't forget to visit this old man a few times, it will be lonely without you." Chen said to me, patting my back.

"You want your apprentice to beat you so much?" I said, laughing a little.

"Don't force me to abuse my power as your master, brat." He said, with a fake threatening tone.

"See ya, Master." I said, leaving the dojo.


An hour or so later, I was standing in my bathroom naked.

I just had a good shower and was going to go sleep. Tomorrow, I was going to finish my artificial intelligence and try to improve things and fix errors in its programming.

My phone rang a few times, and I could see some messages from Ibara.

In these months, we became quite close, even though we did not officialize things.

I honestly appreciate her, but could not be sure of getting into a relationship with her as it was simply not in my plans.

My emotions are a factor I neglected a lot it seems...

Whatever, I will just wait to see how things evolve and modify some things if needed.

I replied to her and thought back of my explosive friend.

She was calmer than before even though her behavior did not change a lot.

Our sessions of spar with Chen ignited her fighting will, and she began to give more than a hundred percent of herself in the training.

I could see that she was looking up to me as her behavior became less aggressive around me and more polite. It was almost as if she was mimicking Ibara.

I remember that one time she came to school with smooth hair. The sight was so weird that I could not help but ask her why she did that.

She did not reply but simply blushed a little, cursed me, and left.

The next day her hair was back to her usual self.

I sat on my chair and looked at the lines of code in front of me.

"In two months, there will be the entrance exam. You should be operational in one month, and one month later, we would be able to begin the preparations." I said, seemingly talking to nobody.

I switched on the microphone and brought it near my mouth.

"20 November 2XXX, finalization of the artificial intelligence. Codex 69."