Cliffhanger at the end of the chapter

I'm glad I don't have to justify the lack of chapters to anyone.

Without further words, the chapter.


[I wanted to save the world, and then I understood. My eyes closed as if I had seen it all.] -???


I lightly knocked on the door of the Bakugo household.

Awaiting the door to be open, I swiftly fixed my clothes. The winds above were quite violent, the few folds on my shirt can attest.

Not long after my arrival was heard, a blond head opened the door, flashing me a happy smile.

"Hello, Aizen-kun! As always, you are on time for dinner!" The older woman said, motioning me to enter.

To which I happily agreed, removing my shoes in the process.

"Hello to you too Mitsuki-san. Is Masaru-san home?" I asked, giving her a small chocolate box I knew she liked.

She gratefully took it and pointed at the living room.

"Thanks, Aizen-kun. Masaru is there. I will call Katsura and then we will eat." She said, going into the kitchen.

I then went into the living room, greeting the older man who was reading a book.

"How are you Aizen-kun?" He asked once I was seated in front of him.

We moved to the table since we were getting ready to eat.

"Pretty good and you?" I replied.

We continued to talk a little but stopped once the two women came into the room.

"Hey, Katsura." I greeted her, to which she nodded and lightly grunted.


She sat by my side and we began to eat after a short prayer.


The rest of the evening went by pretty quickly with nothing worth mentioning.

I was currently at the door of the Bakugo's house, ready to leave.

"Thanks for inviting me to eat Katsura." I said to the blonde head, receiving a nod.

I turned and began to walk away.

"T-Thanks for coming!" She quickly said, before hastily shutting the door, surely hoping to avoid being more embarrassed than she already was.

"See you tomorrow then." I said, turning around once more.

This time, the smile on my face was a little larger.


"Who knows the answer? Everybody hands up and raises them high!" Present Mic said to the class.

I was not really listening though.

My English was as good as my Japanese. The high school level is too low to bring me anything of significance.

The majority of students were also absent-minded, staring in the void or pretending to listen like I was.

Soon enough, the class was over. Then, at noon we gathered at the grand mess hall to eat.

The food of all students was cooked by Lunch-Rush, apparently known as the 'Cooking Hero'.

I ate with Katsura and Kirishima, a pretty cool dude, obsessed with men or something like that.

I thought that Ibara would come to eat with us but she wanted to bond with her schoolmates.

Finally, in the afternoon. We are currently waiting for the next teacher for what is supposed to be the daily foundational heroics studies.

From what I saw, it is supposed to be All Might the teacher.

I don't have a single piece of information on how good he is at teaching students like us. I guess I will soon see with my own eyes.

Metaphorically though.

Talking about the wolf, the symbol of Peace himself burst through the door, his loud voice announcing his presence.

"It's me...! Through the door, like a normal person!"

'I don't think a normal person would say that though.' I thought, turning my head toward the man.

Around me, the students were ecstatic to be taught by the greatest hero of all time.

"That design's so silver age!" "It's giving me goosebumps!" "All Might's really gonna teach us! So amazing!"

"Foundational hero studies! For this class, we'll be building up your foundation through various trials!" All Might said, doing a very bizarre pose.

"Let's jump right in with this! The trial of battle!" He announced, at the same moment cases rows of boxes came out the wall.

They all had numbers similar to the ones of our designated seats.

There were various reactions to his words though.

Some were excited, some others pretty nervous to fight each other, surely because they were not too confident to win.

Not giving us any more time to think about it, All Might continued.

"To go with your battle, we've prepared the gear we had to send in requests for to match your quirks!

Get changed and we'll be ready to go! Everyone gather at ground beta!" He said before disappearing through the door, leaving us with our costumes.


Inside the changing rooms, we were silently putting on our costumes.

Breaking the silence, Kirishima glanced toward me before exclaiming.

"You are so ripped Kumo! Do you mind giving me your training regime?" He asked, eyes practically shining.

"I don't do anything peculiar you know? It's mostly a result of training my quirk." I simply said.

"Heh? That's dope! Compared to you my quirk is too lame..." He said, hardening his arm.

Putting the special blindfold on my eyes, I replied.

"Don't think like that. With more training, I'm sure that you could be invulnerable you know~?"

"You really think so?! Then I will do my best to be as manly as possible!"

We were one of the last inside the change room. We left the room, leaving Midoriya struggling with his ugly green jumpsuit.

With all the different designs he could have chosen, he chose this one, what a weird guy.

Mine was pretty simple. I did not need any complicated mumbo jumbo to fight nor use my quirk.

I had a jet-black jacket with a high collar, coupled with pants of similar color and black military boots. The blindfold on my eyes was black too, and of special fiber, like my whole costume.

Basically, it was fireproof, cutproof, and had almost anything possible to make it useful in a fight.

We gathered before All Might and I could see that my classmates were pretty much weirdos.

Some had skintight costumes, protecting almost nothing, some had whole medieval armors, a huge hindrance if you want to move quickly, quietly, or nimbly.

Then some had quite good costumes as they at least served some purpose.

Like my favorite classmate walking toward me.

She had a tight, black, sleeveless tank top, with an orange "X" across the middle, forming a v-neck revealing a pretty big cleavage for her age, only inferior to Yaoyorozu Momo whose costume was...

Is she an exhibitionist? Well, not my business.

The interesting thing about Katsura's costume is the two grenade-like gauntlets on her arms.

She doesn't want to tell me what it is, but she surely uses it to fire more powerful explosions.

I mean... that's pretty predictable.

The last one of us came from the back, wearing something screaming 'All Might's dog'.

While I was wondering how someone can wear such a thing without shame, All Might began his explanations.

"For this test, you'll separate into 'villains' and 'heroes' groups for a two-on-two team battle!"

"For this training, we'll have some 'villains' guard a nuclear weapon they intend on deploying! The heroes must stop them and their nefarious scheme before it is too late!

If the heroes capture the villains or reach the nuclear core before the time runs out, they win. If the villains manage to keep the core the whole time or capture the heroes, they win!"

"How will we be choosing our teammates?" One armored guy asked.

"Your teammates and opponents will be chosen by lottery!"


"Here we go!" All Might said, ignoring the student's exclamation.

"Todoroki! Then we have in team C, Aizen Kumo and..."