

Loch Ness, Scotland. 1974

A group of field researchers are waiting on the shore of the famous lake where the infamous Nessie or the Loch Ness Monster rests. The beast is often describe by the people as large, long-necked, and with one or more humps protruding from the water. There were several evidence that has accumulated regarding its existence sines its publication during the year 1933, where majority of it were disputed. Some people around the area still believe in the existence of the mythical creature. This group of "field researchers" primarily students who has no experience in what they are about to do; or have no idea on what they will do, had put all their money into this.

People warned them off as they are more or less sarcastic about Nessie; which they weren't. They are all intrigued by its mythology and they want to find something that they can prove and show to the world about the existence of this beast; also for their own glory. They stood on top of the Urquhart Castle that overlooks the lake, they got into it illegally and they can be arrested for trespass; but it did not bother them at all. One of the researchers — Bobby is the reason why this exploration is being realized; with no consent from any adult authority, they were also "tipped off" by an anonymous person in the internet about the existence of the beast. Some men went along on his greed-driven research in order to see him "fail" while others wants only to be paid once the news of the beast has already made them rich; instead of the butt of a joke.

"Hey Bobby?"


"How long do we have to wait out here, in this cold castle?"

"Yeah, its fucking freezing man... this is some bullshit"

"Perry, Ethan... just wait patience is a virtue... trust"

"Yeah right... We'll get paid for this right?"

"Of course my good friend, I made a promise!"

This 'Field Researchers' was only a group of 3 idiots who has nothing better to do; than to be idiots. Bobby a student who'd rather believe in fantasies — than study for his exam, Perry an idiot who wants nothing more than money as well as fame, last and definitely the least is Ethan; an delinquent idiot who is just there for no real reason — but to see Bobby fail. Hours passed by and the temperature has dropped down than what they have expected; or told by Bobby. Perry who has got nothing better to do went down to the shoreline, Bobby sees him but instead he ignored him; and down there he felt stupid for believing the student.

He started to throw small rocks and see how for it goes on the lake; he continued to do so until he hit 'something'. He did not noticed it properly as the light of the moon is being covered by the layers of clouds. He threw the rock once more and the rock bounced off of something — it was not there before. He got closer to the shoreline and expects to see something, but there was nothing; his drowsiness must have gotten the better of him. He took a few steps back and the waters made splashing sounds; something is definitely making that sound, He grabs a rock once more and just threw it on the water — nothing. A big wave came by an washed on to the shore startling Perry. He grabbed another rock and aimed at it, he sees something moving and threw the rock thinking it was a snake that might kill.

The rock is thrown back at him; hitting his head. He looks up to see if it was from one of them from the castle; but there is no way. The distance does not make sense. He looks around the shoreline to see if something has emerged; feeling brave he took ling strides, puffed his chest out and started to whistle — he tries to intimidate anything that sees him.

He looks down on the water and sees a large, long necked creature emerging from it — his mouth opened wide as he freezes in shock and fear of what stands before him. The creature is as dark as the night sky and its outline can be seen as it covers the clouds behind it; it emits low and terrifying grunts — and it made him tremble even more. The massive creature attacked immediately as soon as its head got out of the water. It grabbed onto Perry who screams for help, the 2 on top of the castle hears his scream and runs down to the shoreline. Bobby shined a light on the beast and it showed a smooth muscular neck waving around — and blood dripped down onto them. The monster threw Perry's corpse into the air and opened its wide mouth wide open, and swallowed him whole; with the mouth closing, it creates a noise similar to that of a crocodile or a alligator.

Bobby and Ethan fell down on their asses as the monstrous creature stands tall before them; both starts to piss themselves at the sight of the massive beast. And Before they could scream they have already been devoured by the creature — it swallows them whole. The kids slide down into the monster's throat, and there in the creature's stomach acid they lay to rest. Bobby's last sight was the 2 person that trusted him — but he never did trust them — slowing drowning in the burning acid; the acid was so potent that he feels his bone being burned through.

The next day, news of the children's disappearance have been reported to the local police by a security guard — who discovered their things in the castle— and the police are on their way to investigate the crime scene. The police are swarming around the area and they are covering everything as much as they can: and the loch is also being investigated. Police found the things that the kids had on the castle and took it in for examining; they can see tracks in the ground only to follow down to the shore where they ended their chasing with their own tails.


They put marks on the ground where the shore has been disturbed by their suspect —the primary detective scratches his head at this mind boggling crime scene; the primary detective, a man in his early 30s, a clean shaved with a slicked back hair, he also wears a suit and a trench coat due to the cold weather. He is in charge of the investigation and he crawls around the area to see something that will lead them to any evidence that would give away the identity of the killer. After a few minutes he noticed a striking, distinguishable mark on the shore, as one of the officers step in front of him he stopped him from moving closer.

"Look where you are going"

"Sorry sir... What is it?"

"We need to investigate the waters more... look" He points down on the water and he can see what he believes are scratch marks.

"Yes sir, we were about to do that, we were on our way to tell you.. Oh and also Detective Fraser is here on the scene, Detective Lachlan"

"Shit.. okay just go, go do what you must"

"Yes sir"

The officer headed up to contact the coast guard to start the investigation the lake, he shines his light on the water to see if something reflects.


Detective Lachlan pushed the officer beside him and headed straight to his competition, Detective Fraser. Fraser is pointing something on the shore which he took notice as well, the same marks that he sees but half of it has been washed away already. Fraser noticed Lachlan and extended his hand towards the detective as he pulls something from his coat.

"Good morning Lachlan, want a puff?"

Fraser offered him a cigarette to which he refused by shaking his head, as smoking within a crime scene is prohibited. Fraser still continued to smoke either way. He starts to explain to Lachlan what he noticed — he also lights a cigarette and to Lachlan's annoyance, he grabbed his handkerchief and carefully grabbed the cigarette. He asked one of the officers to give him a zip-lock back to put the handkerchief and cigarettes it.

"Don't be stupid, you're not supposed to do that"

"Right, you listened right?"

"Yeah, obviously the students struggled as they are being dragged by something, but where is there body?"

"You weren't, like I said their bodies were obviously dragged into the water, something about this feels odd"

"Murder weapon?"

"Exactly, We've been here for almost an hour and nothing we've searched the surroundings areas with your men, how about you?"

"I found a fly buzzing around me"

"Very funny... no seriously what did you find?"

"None, whoever the murder was they knew what they were doing, we only found 3 sets of footprints maybe belonging to the students"

"What were they doing here?"

"Some of my men contacted the parents, they said the kids left for research but they did not say where. What the fuck was the security guards doing?"

"Obviously snuck in, we're checking in the perimeter and there is a spot where the guards are not able to see them"


The detectives rubbed their head around what is happening in the scene, so many things just does not make sense. After an hour or more time of waiting the coast guard arrives with 3 boats and they start to search the lake thoroughly. Something about the lake gives the 2 detectives a immovable feeling of being 'watched'. The 2 detectives got on the boat and they start to search it. They stayed there until the night has came upon them and nothing came up; only their irritations. The boats were shored and they are preparing to pause the investigation for tomorrow.

As they come close to shore Fraser and Lachlan noticed something near the shoreline, they shined their light on it and it reflects it back.

"See that?"


They asked the helmsman to get closer to shining object, one of the officers hopped down on shallow water and grabbed the shiny object. To their horror it was an arm with a golden wrist watch.

"What the fuck?!"

"The arm, its torn of?"

"Yeah, bitten off... look"

The end of the arm clearly shows teeth marks, clearly chomped off. The skin has turned blue and they hid it, as they landed on the shore they put up a tent and the parents were asked to get inside one by one to confirm whose arm it was. It was Bobby's, the wrist watch was an heirloom his late grandfather who has given it to him. It led to more questions than answers, 'what would eat him?'. It sent shivers down their spine and something illogical came up to Lachlan's head.

"Nessie" He whispered softly.

Fraser scoffs as he heard it come from Lachlan whom he sees as a smart and extremely logical man — fantasy will be the last thing he would have thought off. He grabbed Lachlan by the shoulder and he pushed Fraser away, his face white, afraid. 'You do not believe it?' He asked Lachlan who is drained of color. Lachlan tried to walk out of the tent only to faint, he remembers things from his childhood, Nessie.

"Is he okay?"

"Does he believe the existence of such creature?"

"We have no Idea sir"

"Bring him to a Hospital get him aided"

"Yes sir"

The police officers called an ambulance and put Lachlan in the vehicle. Some of the officers were told of what happened and they quickly got back to investigating instead of pausing because of the discovery of the arm; several officers searched more on where the arm was discovered. Frazer for some reason cannot get the thought out of his head about the creature; he paces around. The creature has created a life of its own through the people, he is skeptical but a creature such as that would be near impossible to survive in, the small animals in the water will not be sufficient to get rid of its hunger.

Something in him tells to wait on the beast and as the night grew darker and most of the officers has gone home he stayed there, waiting. He asked one of the helmsman to go once more into water and thinks of drawing out the beast, he cannot do anything but say yes. He took one step on the boat and froze there, his body seems to be 'screaming'. He looked up to the helmsman and his face is not in shock unlike his, and suddenly the waves has gotten stronger. The wind is the dead giveaway for his unnecessary fear, the helmsman offered his hand Frazer got up without it.

"So are we searching?"

"Not really, get into the middle of the lake if that is possible"

"Are you sure sir?"



As they make for the middle of the lake the water seems to get much more still, he looks back to the shore and the wave has gotten weaker, he asked some of the present officer to hold a rope, but they were not far. The lake is 227 meters, deep enough for a giant creature to reside in. They got into the middle of the lake and it is quiet — dead — just the sound of the water hitting the hull of the watercraft is all they can hear, the howling wind speaks quietly as if it is whispering to their earrs.

"All right"

"So, what do we do sir?"

"Do you have a knife?"

"I'm sorry?"

"A pocketknife, anything sharp?"

"Why is that sir?" He asks with clear confusion.

"I will not murder you, do not worry"

The helmsman looked for a knife and he got his own pocketknife. He handed the pocket knife and Frazer noticed the can and asked him for it. The helmsman can only obey the detective as he is afraid of what he might do with those. There is still a fish in the can with some of its oils, he opened the pocket knife and cut the tip of his finger and dropped some of the blood on the can. The helmsman look in shock but did not say anything at what he is seeing. He continued to cut across his arm bleeding down to the water.

"Here you go Nessie"

"Nessie.. Do you believe her existence sir?"

"Well, skeptical"

"Well.. erm... you look like you believe it"

'Do I?' The helmsman nodded in reply.

He dropped the can into the water and it slowly disappeared into the lake's abyss, he looks down and flashes his light on the can and something covered it. He fell in shock and the boat rocked with him, the men on shore held firm on the rope as it starts to pull into the middle. The men feels the rope being dragged to the water and the boat is being pulled back to shore; something is dragging the rope down.

They can hear screams from the water, and the rope starts to get dragged down deeper into the lake. The men on the shore were pulled down and the boat was also dragged hard as well.


Something, the rope vanished almost immediately and the boat did not sink along, the men got back to the shore and starts to scream, 'something is in the water' the helmsman switched the lights off as they start to drive back into water. The water is being disturb and something big is in it chasing after them, the helmsman stepped on the pedal and the boat was going fast but the wave is still behind them.

"What's happening?"

"Detective Lachlan.. who is that?"

"Yeah, no one... what is happening something is in the water"

"Quickly now, or your friend might die"

A tall man in a trench coat that is 'out of time', wears something that was maid during the late 1880s, and a flat top fedora also in that time, the man wears a dark shade and his skin white as snow as if he is dead. The man puts out a vintage pocket watch and he starts to turn the dial to 00:00, 12:00 AM. He speaks softly to all of the officers present to witness all of this.

"You will forget the events that has happened in the past 6 hours, all you know is that there is a body that has come adrift on the shore, the bodies of the kids that has disappeared and the case has been ruled as an unsolved case"

The officers can see all of him standing in front of them and directly looking into their eyes; but more like their very souls.