


Paisley, Renfrewshire, 2015.

Paisley Grammar School, a school that has existed since the year 1576 and since this time is still active. Their uniforms are the traditional black slacks and skirts, with a royal blue neck tie and the school seal.

A good day started off for one of the students as it is his first year in the school, a boy who has recently become 15 years old. He gets up bright and early for the morning and prepares his uniform and things for his first day of school; he does so with the biggest glee on his face.

The boy is filled with joy after putting out his new uniform from his closet; he pats it to get rid of the dust that has accumulated. He has a big smile on his face as he swipes up and down his ironed long sleeved white shirt and his new tie, he also has his new shoes, and bag with school supplies in them.

"Logan, come down now sweetie time for your breakfast" His mother called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yes mother!"

He rushes down to their dining area where his father and little sister are already eating whilst his mother is plating theirs. His little sister waves at him asking him to come and eat, to which he obeyed. Their television can be easily seen from where they are sitting and they watch the news as they eat. His parents can only be joyful as they see their kids ready and smiling for the start of a new chapter of their lives.

"Here you go sweetie" His mother said as she puts down his plate in front of him and he starts to eat. He allowed his excitement to take over and he lets out small dances.

"Excited are we Logan?" His father said as he glanced at him whilst reading a novel.

"Yes father"

"hmm, well you better put that energy in studying harder"

"Of course!" He raised his fit up to his father and his father replied with bumping it; both of them has a strong bond.

"Here we go, that's mine enjoying it Honey?"

"Well, no one beats your cooking!"

"Yeah mom!"

"Ooh, go on.. eat" She is flattered with what her children commented on her. The Finley family enjoyed their breakfast and enjoyed each other's company, they are close to each other like how a real family should be. Logan's mother works as a real estate agent while his father works for the government; but he is not open about it. Their whole family radiates this strong bond that was created from a hard past, and nothing can break them apart from each other. Logan and his little sister Caroline got into their father's car while their mother gets into hers, they are heading to different places after all. Mrs. Finley gave her family warm hugs and kisses.

His little sister who is 3 years younger than him goes to a primary school. His father starts to drive first and their mother follows behind, his little sister waves at their mother as she slows down and headed down to a different road. The 2 siblings look out their town that is slowly waking up as the sun rises; they always see this view ever since they got there. After a few minutes they have arrived at the primary school where his little sister goes, she gets out and they waved her goodbye. She has a big smile on her face as her body danced because of the excitement.

"See you later"


"I remember when you used to be like that" Mr. Finely brought up with a somewhat of a jealous face.


The 2 laughed at that little interaction, and so they continued on their way and the father and son discussed about Logan's first year in the school. His father is worried how he will interact with the new people as he is a bit introverted especially in a new place. His son also is not the type of really be out in front of the eyes of everyone; he likes to keep things low-key and because of that he has become dependable on somethings.

"Well I'm guessing you are excited because of?"

"Well, I think I can properly talk with some new people... I guess"

"You guess, I think you'll do well kiddo... just do not freak right?"

"Thanks dad"

After an additional more minutes they arrived at the school, Logan gets out with his bag and his father wishes him good luck on the new school. He gets in and hugs his father tight, "Okay, you'll not be going away" his father said, the two can only laugh. Logan lets go and once more waved to his father, he puts his blazer on and his backpack and then headed into the building. As he gets in if feels as if he has gone back in time, the school kept most of its original design or renovated it. It felt unreal for him to be in this historic school; he continues to be in awe. He looks around and sees some of his schoolmates running around and talking. Through years of avoiding people, and just observing the way they interact with each other, he can understand them even through their small mannerisms.

He walks along the halls meeting new and old students, he greets them back as they greeted him; but not a lot did. Being a little introverted initiating the conversation tends to be hard for him, or any interaction that is. The kids are all friendly and charming at most, talking to new students such as himself, it made him easy to ease himself in the new environment. He bumps into someone, a girl who is about his age as well, red hair with blue eyes, a beautiful girl. He stumbles on his word upon seeing her, his mouth moves with no sound at all.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you, I was not looking sorry"

"No its fine, I was the one who was not looking, I apologize"

"Oh I guess... It's fine really, that's my fault"

"I'm Ava Maxwell, nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too"

She leans over expecting him to say his name, and it took a while for him to get it. So he looked like an idiot when he turned around expecting to see someone, Aca and her friends giggled as they thought he has humor.

"Oh sorry, I'm Logan Finely, nice to meet you"

"Well Logan, see you around"

"I will... I mean... I'll see you around, not that we'll meet or something..."

He also greeted her colleagues who is walking with her, and they greeted him back; the girls giggled at how clumsy he was talking to Ava. The place seems to be a lot friendly than he expected and it came as a shock to him, as the school he was before was day and night compared to this; the students were not as interactive on the school halls but only on their classes. He continued to walk around the halls of the building, meeting new characters and discovering each room; he pulled out his notebook and write a small map. After a few more walking he ended up in the basket ball court, he looks back to see where he is and he obviously got lost.

"Oh no"


A boy noticed him in the middle of the court but Logan did not think the call was for him so he ignored it; he is not someone that is famous. The boy continued to call on Logan but he just ignored him, unbothered. Annoyed the boy marched towards Logan and called him directly. He stomps twice and puffed his chest out, Logan can only look as he is smaller than him and acting big"

"Nice to meet you!!"

He shook Logan's hand with such enthusiasm but all he got is the complete opposite reaction that he is showing; uninterested. Logan now feels 'uncomfortable' because of what he did, he thought of it as invading his own personal bubble. The boy who is shorter than him, a slicked back hair, and freckles around his nose, and the most distinct thing about him is his smell, fruity. Logan quickly told him how uncomfortable he is with what he is doing and he quickly stopped.

"I'm sorry, let me start over again I'm Harry Goodman.. If you know me-"

"I don't know you"

"Oh fair enough, what's your name?"

"Logan Finely, nice to meet you"

"Looks like you have no friends, so I'll be your friend" He declared with a big smile, and it only made Logan uncomfortable. He offered his hand once more and Logan only shook his index finger.




"No you.... your hands are.... cold"

"Oh, okay, all righty so what house are you in?"


"Oooh, nice so Am I"

"Cool, so are we classmates by any chance?"

The boys discussed their first classes and both boys have the same classes. Harry smiled widely but Logan looks 'annoyed'. "Come on" Harry said with a smile as his opened his arm to the direction of their class. They got into the classroom and they are the earliest in there and they sat down waiting for their class to start. The days went by and it was as he expected, he got close to everyone fairly quickly because of their extroverted attitude.

Days, weeks, months, come by and already the school year is already on its last day and is coming to an end. Logan definitely felt like he belonged in the school, but the school year came by too fast for him. On the eve of his last day of school he hanged out with the 2 people that he has become close to, Harry and Ava. He never really became close with anyone as his unhealthy habit of only 'talking to you when necessary' got in his way of social interactions; but Harry and Ava continued to talk to him anyways.

"So, out of all the places we can go too, fine dining? Why fine dining?"

"Yes... come on"

"I asked yo-"

"Well Ava?"

"We're are not wearing the right clothes for the occasion, not that there is something"

"That's fine"

Harry pulled out fancy looking clothes from the sling bag that he is carrying. It is not a whole outfit just the top in order to hide their school's name; he also puts in plastic in order to keep it dry.

"Just put it over and you will look like a million quid"


"That's nice Harry"

"Well, put it on"

They put on the clothes that Harry brought with him for some reason, after that they entered the restaurant and there is a reserved table for the three young guest and they were lead to their table. They sat down and instead of the alcoholic beverages they are instead given juices. They clinked their glasses and acted as if it is wine, but its just soft drinks. They ordered their food and they were served by courses, appetizers, entre, and then dessert. The 3 had fun eating in the expensive place and they finally left after leaving the payment.

"Wow, last day has already passed, and a new year tomorrow... damn"

"Yeah, it feels like I just met you two yesterday"

"Time flew by too fast, crazy"

"Yeah, it really is"

They took the scenic route back home and enjoyed the view. As they walked across the street Logan feels something 'calling' on to him, something is drawing him in; the other 2 also felt it but in different ways. He looks behind to see a pub and looked up and a hotel sign, he looks through the door as he closes on to it and sees the bartender glance away; he feels something weird. He can feel whispers, and as he gets closer he starts to hear it, he reached for the door only for Ava to sop him and snap him back with them.

"Are you okay?"

"We're 16 years old but there is no adult with us"

"Yeah, what are you tying to do?"

"No just... this gu-"

The bartender gets out to greet them.

"You kids want something?"

"No sir, I'm so-"

"My friend was fascinated about, the... uhm"


"The decoration, interior design... thing place"

The bartender looked back and took the whole area in, instead of running the kid stayed and waited for his respond. He looks back to Ava but his eye feels dead, like it has no joy in it at least. He smile and agrees with Ava on what she said.

"Well yes, this is one of the oldest pubs here in the town, it used to be a tavern, then to this pub and... hotel"

"Why did you not changed the interior?"

"The owner want it to be maintained like that.. he is after all old"

"I kinda like it"

"Good eye little lady, well... as much as I want to serve you, you are still minors.. Go back home now, Its almost 9, you're parents might get angry"

"Well, Let's go"

"See you good sir"

"Bye now"

"Take care you kids"

The bartender waved them as they walked the corner and he got in, he stepped behind the counter and seems to be holding something under the counter. A man walks in and demands a drink, but he seems to be drunk already, 'the usual he said' and the bartender starts to make it. Logan keeps looking behind him as the two continued on their way, he kept feeling something on that pub; it made him 'warry'. Once more that same 'calling' feeling crawled up to him but this time it was only too him, the other 2 did not feel it; he felt 'hunted' with this eerie look. He looks forward to see his friends interacting with a little kid, staring at him with such blank expression. He feels something off about the kid as she tracks every movement he makes, from swinging to the left and to the right.

"Well, we better get going, see ya" Ava waved away on the kid.

"Hey guys"


"So who was that?"

"We have no idea, she says she's the bartender's daughter, but they do not look alike at all"

"She gives me the creeps"

"hmm.. I think all little girls can give anyone the creeps Harry"

"Right... how about you Logan, you seem out to be in the blue?"

"Yeah... just I think I got light headed from the smell of the pub earlier"


Ava and Harry seems to 'wander' back to their homes, Logan just made his way back home easily because he hailed a cabbie and told his address. He looks at the rear view mirror to see the kid with her arms beside her, looking innocent. Instead of feeling pity upon the kid he feels, malice as their distance grew larger; he keeps turning and he holds Ava's arms. As they made the corner he sees the bartender get out of the pub with something in his hands standing but no one seems to notice him. He follows behind Ava and Harry.

"Odd, BAD"


"Nothing, sorry"

"hmm, might have been a changeling"

"A what?"

"Nasty fairies that switch with places with children on their birth. That man might have know something"

"Isn't that a folklore?"

"And so was Nessie"


"Aye, I seen ol' Nessie a while back"

"I'm sorry sir but I do not believe that, and if you are trying to scare me, it will not work"

"Its true, I saw his back on the waters of Loch Ness, just swimming, until one day he stopped coming up to talk with his old friend"

"Uh huh, when was this?"

"1988, It was a year when the Police investigated 3 kids going missing, they found their bodies. A murder"

"Was it Nessie?"

"No he was a gentle"

"You speak as if he once lived"

"He did.. I saw with me own eyes, felt him with me own skin, he was real"


He arrives at his house and the driver seems to check out his neighborhood which creeped him out, he got into his house and greeted his parents a good night. His eyes grew heavy as he stares up on to his ceiling, he slowly closes his eyes as he hears a shriek of something in the distance. The shrieking was stopped by a sword slashing down. Logan woke up in the middle of the night for a cup of water when he notices someone walking around his house, a tall creature. He walks outside to see a giant lady walking around his house, she stops and turns around.


The woman stands at about 20 feet, as tall as a giraffe. Logan fell down on his buttocks and he cannot scream as fear filled up his throat. Despite that he can run, and run he did. He ran as fast as he can and even back to town, his endurance surprisingly held, but the woman was fast as well. Literally behind him, just the sight of the giant woman was enough to terrify him. He starts to cry in fear as he is about to die from the fear or from the giant creature that befalls him.