


The 3 once more are falling off the sky. The 3 have already adapted to the intense of feeling of the fall and are just opening their arms. They are forced to use their own instincts to survive the fall. They broke through the clouds into a storm, the strong winds pushed and pulled them around the sky. They aren't able to focus their imperium in order to properly balance them and land themselves. Harry and Logan hit one another in the air and Ava starts to separate from them slowly. Harry dives down and grabs Ava with his whole body, Logan starts to feel light headed but gets a grip. They flew away from the storm and into a forest. A short blast of wind blew them up into the air, temporarily weakening all their senses out. Ava blew a wind above her in order to stop them from blowing too high.



They start to fall down once more and into a clearing in the middle of the forest. The attempts to regain their balance only contributed to their acceleration down to the ground. The 3 landed down on mud with their faces directly in the ground, they did not feel any pain nor shock, the ground 'appeared' out of nowhere.

They looked around and they are in a completely different place. A river directly in front of them and a small grove behind them with a wooden house. They slowly got up checking if their person are still a whole.

"HOLY SHIT! I THOUGHT WE DIED!" Harry screamed in pure joy and relief. Logan stays down and laughing and the 2 followed up. The whole moment was ruined by another laughter; an odd one. They can hear a husky voice, sort of a smoker's, laughing at them as they raised their muddy faces. A strong gust of wind is gusted to their faces and the mud, instead of being blown away were dried to their faces.

"I hear that, that is good for the skin"

The husky, Irish voice broke the silence between them after what they just went through. They broke the pieces of dried mud off their faces, as their eyes are free from the mud they just see a blonde man rushing to them with a sword, arrows have been fired on their direction. The 3 managed to react and ducked down swiftly, the man missed, they looked up and see a silhouette falling down on them. 'OFF OFF!' Harry panicked as he moved around the mud. Due to the sate of fear he is in, he created a wall of mud stopping the sword.

"Good, not the 2 of you" The man complemented only Harry for acting. He dashed instantly and punches Logan right in the gut but he managed to hold his arm while laying down. He managed to stop it by using the mud as well, Ava like earlier used wind to dry up the mud. The mud held on to the man and the 3 attacked him, but he broke off and put them of their balance by kicking their feet. They fell once more to the mud. The man wheezed his life out as he laughed at the kids.

"Apologies, you kids okay?" He asked them as he pulled them up one by one.

"I can control mud?" Harry asked.

"Out of nowhere, well yes and no, what you boy with the long hair did was control the water, and you with the short hair controlled the earth within the mud, and you girly blew the wind out of us"

"Have we met before?"

"Yeah we did, I along with that Reaper killed the Beither"

The man appeared to be 6 feet tall with a strong build, his hair tied to a bun and a beard to go along with it. His whole get up looked like something that was worn during the early medieval times, everything around them felt like something out of the past. He grabs 3 short swords from his small cabin and handed it to the kids, who just swung it around. They held on to the sword with confusion and just did what ever they want with the sword.

"Uhm, so this swords? Why?"

"Yeah, try to imbue your, Imperium thingies into the sword, and try not to break it"

"Okay, you say it like we know how?"

"Just do it"

"Obviously he wants to test our control, right Mr. Finn?"

"Indeed little girl, use your Imperium and imbue the sword with it, try to swing it a few times, if it breaks then, it breaks"


"Good tip sir"

Harry attempted to swung the sword but it got heavy, and it fell to the ground and almost started a forest fire, but Finn managed to put out the fire immediately. He grab a leather from the back of his shed and some charcoal and wrote some 'exercises', movements.

"What are all of this for?"

"Control, and most importantly how to not kill yourself"

"Kill ourselves?"

"We can do that?"



" if you focus your imperium on your arm instead of your palm you'll get this"

Finn focuses all the imperium he has on his body up to his right arm then to whit whole limb; except for this hand. They stared at it and after 30 seconds it starts to brighten up. What shows was too much for Ava who turned away. The outline of his bones and veins starts to appear and it seems to smoke as he did it for longer.


"And if we focus it on the palm?"

"You'll have this"

From his arm up to his palm Finn's imperium starts to take shape as a yellow flame. It focuses up there on his palm and he does not feel any pain.

"Since you are new to this, you might not be able to do it right of that the bat, this tests your control and focus, and if you put too little nothing, too much you'll lose and arm and Beiran is a bit grumpy"


"Never mind her, just do as you are told, I'll be watching you"

"Uhm, so how do we produce Imperium again?"

"Ask him not me"

"Mr Fi-"

"He's asleep" Logan said in a monotone voice. Harry can only reply with a "Great" as the snores loudly - it was annoying for them. The 3 starts to train on their own but every time the wooden sword starts to crack, burn, or break. They did so for the next hours until dusk has come, and only then did Finn also wake up and once more attack them. They put their swords up and miraculously the swords are holding up, Finn starts to attack with rays of his imperium with his blade as the medium to fire it out. They dodged it but are too scared to get hit, none of them are able to fight back.

"All dodge this or break them, you won't get hurt, but you'll get pushed, a lot"

"Sure, sure we will not get hurt"

"No, you will not, do not worry... your still new to this fighting"

"What is the worst thing that can happen?"

"Hmm, broken bones?" Ava replied to Harry, as he replies he was attacked. Finn starts his attack and all they can do is dodge but they eventually hit each other directly in painful spots and Finn stops. 'Failed' He said, he pulled the kids up and seeing how they tired they are he prepared meals for them instead; he pitied them. They start to eat everything that Finn cooked, it was enough for about 8 people, he only managed to eat half of a plate. All he can do is look at them as they enjoyed their feast, after eating Finn starts to teach them about Imperium and fighting Altereds. They listened as they take their time to really digest their food.

"So, what they did earlier that is one of the things that-"

"Yes, Imperium is everything, since you kids have unlocked it you can control one of the 4 basic elements"

"Fire, water, air and earth?"

"Correct, and everything that connects to them... but when you get to the intermediate levels and then to advanced you can combine them like this"

He closed his hands together and infused water and fire in order to create steam, he pulled his hand away from his face and infused fire and air to form small sparks and then it lead to a small pop and an explosion. The 3 kids are thrilled that they have the capacity to learn that. They applauded him .

"But, You might get tired easily" He said after demonstrating, the kids excitement are replaced with 'curiosity'. Instead of explaining it to them, he left it as an open ended topic because of Ava's question.

"But why is our Imperium fire?"

"It is the power of life and energy... that is the same form but when you turn it into the natural element, it is bigger compared to our Imperium"

He then explained that a certain group of people uses the elements alone with the use of wands and staffs, obviously called Sorcerers, they solely depend on the Imperium and infuses it with their 6th sense. Warriors are called for those who uses weapons such as bladed and melee weapons, bows and arrows, even guns. They use their Imperium as a boost, enhancing all their 5th sense and a much clearer 6th sense. The 6th sense for Sorcerers allows them to feel the presence of Altered's or their minions but they only see them as gray clouds, and as for their counterpart they can see the persons aura being outlined with the corresponding color of their imperium, much clearer. A shroud appears and highlights the heart and brain, unlike to warriors where they can see the whole body of the being with surrounding environment colored gray.

Some people cannot be Sorcerers or Warriors, it depends on the way their Imperium takes shape on their training, and when it is determined they spend the rest of their training in polishing their skills in that specific area. Almost all of the magicians can use all 4 elements but they have one main element, if they are to use other elements their Imperium gets eaten much faster and they get tired easily, compared to using their main element. If their imperium is completely drained they can be paralyzed for some time or in a state of 'conscious coma'. Some magicians can use 2 or more elements with no fatigue at all.

"Wait so warrior's are much better sensors?"

"Yeah, Isn't it supposed to be the Sorcerers?"

"Well no, because most of their own Imperium is used for themselves, while for the warriors they use it too hunt, warriors expend less imperium and will only use it to boost their bodies for example their healing. A Warrior who has mastered the control of imperium can last for over 3 years without food, 5 years without water, then they can feel hunger but a single meal can clear it"

"That makes sense"

"I'll buy that"

"That is incredible!"

"But some Magicians can be stronger than Warrior's don't forget that, and vice versa"

After Finn teaches them they all finally go to sleep in this place that they still have no idea about. They all got drowsy and they sleep the night away in their own rooms. They all sleep soundly, and in the morning they train hard, physically and mentally as it affects their Imperium.

Except Logan who stayed awake trying to master an element within the whole night. Finn sees him fail over numerous times until he decided to get inside the house knowing it was impossible. Finn reads a book filled with old texts that he can read, but not for Logan.

"What is that?"

"This is, just a novel"

"Can you read it?"

"Yes, a friend translated it for me"

Logan did not bother to disturb the man on his reading and went to lay down in bed, thinking about so many things. Morning came and they are all dragged out of their beds and into the clearing. Logan was the first to react as he never got a blink of sleep last night, the effect of the imperium still is there. Ava and Harry are ejected into the air and landed down on the ground.

"Training starts"

"Can we catch a break?!"


Finn would do the same exercises with them with the swords and lights, but their wooden swords keep breaking, they tried using metallic swords but it melted easily. They start to cuss at themselves and at their teacher, but he only laughs at them. He told them it was just the 'basics' but it seemed advance to them. Day and night they have trained hard just to get a few inches closer to Finn, each day they get closer some they just sustain damage . On one of the days Ava manages to blow wind towards Finn but it only breezed him, not even enough to push him down.

"That sucks"

"Try again!" Finn said as he pushed her back beside where Harry and Logan are standing. "That was something" Logan said in order to keep their morale up. A few month has already passed since their arrival and Finn told them some things regarding the school that they have almost forgotten because of their training.

"12 months were given to train you kids, and you will be admitted for the next 4 tests"

"This is not one of the tests?"

"Its pretty obvious Harry that it was just training" Ava pointed it out. "Since when?" Harry asked annoyingly. The training has only started chipping away at his Morale this time and the other 3 can only laugh at his reaction.

"Since he started attacking us?"

"Yeah, why would a man in the woods attack us but to train"

"To kill us!" Harry said, Logan cut in and asked, "did that kill us?". Harry shut his mouth and sat down on the ground.

"12 months, well 11 months since we have spent a whole month for you guys to contr-" Harry cuts onto his words, "Yeah yeah we get it we suck".

"Just train us" Logan asked in a begging manner, he seems to be the only that still has a bit of excitement.

"I will, now let's train harder" He readies himself to attack them once more.

"I hate this"

For the next 11 months they were trained vigorously in different aspects of this part of the world, they are still being taught the basic studying back on earth, which they deemed unnecessary. It took them 3 months to study that and somehow it payed off, their patience has increased - obviously -and they start to focus harder. Ava and Harry wanted to focus more on 'magic' as that is how their Imperiums molded itself, and Logan is in between the magic and warrior class but he focused more on the 'warrior' aspect of things, he saw it as the best.

Logan was trained the hardest because of the class that he has chosen but he easily grasped the techniques that Finn taught him. He used certain magic-typed attacks on Finn which made it hard for him to get on his feet. Logan certainly uses the elements easily, because his class did not demand it, the other 2 are impressed as they see the way he fights. He did not use the elements as much and only uses it when Finn is open from attacking. Logan was not the only one that was improving.

Finn had trouble sparring with the other 2 and asked Logan for help, everything was harder , ten fold, for Finn now, he barely dodges their attacks but they all know he is just going easy on them. He cracks smiles every time they get closer to hitting him. 12 whole months has passed and Finn gives them clothes that would fit the environment of the school.

"You guys have certainly noticed that this is not the earth that you are used to living in"


"Well this earth is literally called the underworld"


"The deepest ocean and trenches on earth, here are the tallest mountain, and vice versa, the continents are massive seas here, 82 percent is land, the remaining 18 is water. And the only way to enter this world is through the tallest mountain here.

"So, there are 7 seas?"

"5 great seas since some of it connects into 1, they it was a manner of borders"

Finn showed the map of the earth and pointed out the shape of the oceans. The North American Continent is one big ocean, the South American Continent is also an ocean. Europe and Asia became 1 massive Ocean, there are small archipelagoes in the middle of the ocean, Africa is its own ocean as well with Madagascar being a lake. Australia became the smallest Ocean, and South East Asia just became a system of rivers and smaller lakes for the Indic Continent.

The 5 Seas became 5 Continents, the Pacific Continent became a massive desert wasteland, there are smaller cities in the desert that are surviving. The Western part of the Pacific Ocean where the Mariana Mountain Range stands and the Eastern part is where the. East Pacific Mountain range lies. The Indic Continent hosts many of the trenches that has become tall and long mountain ranges, literally dividing the continent. The Atlantic Continent is also known as the 'Middle Earth' and a part of the continent is a big mountain range. The Arctic Continent became a frozen wasteland. The Mediterranean and Baltic continents are the smallest of the continents. The South China sea became part of the Indic Continent.

Before the discovery of Imperium no one cannot was able to survive some parts of the continents, majority of the population Inhabited the Mediterranean Continent and parts of the Great Indic lakes and rivers. Their Imperiums were awakened by druids and spirits who communicated with other worldly beings, and then on they used their Imperiums to live on different parts of the 5 continents. Others who used the newfound ability for evil managed to broke through the Aether and into the Overworld. Everyone speaks English coincidentally.

"So the Mariana trench here is a towering mountain?"

"Yes, you can't see it from her, because you are still in the continent of Europe.. right here"

He pointed to the landmass in between Greenland and the United Kingdom and Ireland.

"But why are we fighting here?"

"Because your Imperium is much stronger, and this is the home of the Altereds that you will face, those that end up outside are created by 2 demons. Up there Imperium is weaker, so they used the belief of humans as a way to siphon Imperium since it is emotion, strong emotions. Down here they can create it out of nowhere"


"So, are we in the earth?"

"Yes, but at the same time no"

Finn grabbed 3 boxes and gave it to them one by one, they opened it and it is uniforms. They are given a long-sleeves the would cool or warm them up depending on the place they are in, and their jackets and slacks absorbs all the energy and spreads it out. Finn went for a much more slimmer design on the long-sleeve and slacks, they wore black boots.

"They give much better ones there but they don't allow you to wear it all the time only during classes or missions"

"Missions?" Logan asked as he is trying out the uniform. "Yes" Finn replied with a worrisome face.


They put on their outfits, Ava wore a skirt around her pants in order to differentiate their genders through their outfits. They move around it and it is really comfortable than what they expected; even with the jacket. they thanked Finn.

"Right we are not done here you go Ava" Finn handed her a book of sorts.

"A grimoire why?"

"This specific Grimoire allows you to invoke and summon spirits and other things that can help you and staff it increases your range and increases the speed of your casting, hold it"

She grabbed her staff which feels like quartz, from her palm her Imperium gave her staff a beautiful design up to the top, her imperium accumulated to a shroud and into a crystal. Sorcerers uses their grimoire to summon allies, since they cannot defend themselves most of the time; they are also most likely to be attacked first.

"thank you"

"For you Harry"

"A wand and a smaller grimoire, why not a staff?"

"You already have long range but you need accuracy so a wand best fits you, and a small grimoire find the perfect creature that shall be your ally and everything about it will be jotted down there"

The main difference between Ava and Harry's grimoire is how many creatures it can take and summon. Ava can take and summon more than 1 creatures from her grimoire, for Harry he can only take 2 and can only summon 1. He skimmed through the small book and it is empty, he skimmed back to the first page and his name starts to appear in the center of the page, 'Under the Authority of: Harry Goodman".

"And now final and definitely not the least"

"Cliché but okay" Logan said as Finn grabbed a stick and approached him.


"A stick?"

"All of it are quartz"

"Well, Death himself asked me to give it to you so.. Accept it"

"Is this a wand?"

"Wave it around"

Logan waved it around as if he is trying to cast a spell but there is nothing happening.

"I might open it accidentally"

"Okay, thanks for this"

"So Mr. Finn"

"Yes Harry?"

"Is there any chance we can go back to Earth?"

"Well, Reapers cannot get in here, and the only way you can exit this world is through the tallest Mountain in the Mariana Range. There are other deep trenches in your world that are here are mountains, on your travels you will be able to see the great mountains of the Pacific Continent most of it lies in the eastern part of the continent"

"2 of it are in the western parts right?"

"Correct Logan"

"Which ones is that?"

"The uhm, Middle America Trench and the Peru Chile Trench, which I guess are mountain ranges here"

"Yes, and 2 more in the Atlantic Continent, the Sound Sandwich Mountain Ranges, which are extremely cold, and the Puerto Rico Mountain, very warm.. Well you can use the Imperium to regulate your temperatures, since you know"

"Thank you for all of this"

"Of course"

"Where will you stay?"

The 3 set off to their school in order to be admitted. As soon as they pass the barrier that surrounds Finn's house they already stand in front of the school, they look back and they realized they were teleported. They start to feel drowsy for a second, the effect of the teleporting.

"Good luck children" Finn's whisper into their minds.

"I'm guessing we are in the Mediterranean?"

"Yeah, I can feel it too, all these people sucks"