


Logan and Hans wake up on their beds parallel to each other, they got up and is confused as to how they ended up in their dorm room and in beds. Alll they remembered is that they were fighting each other till their wits end. They looked around still a bit dizzy as they walked around, they slowly stood up straight and is still on their uniform. They walk around in this unfamiliar room. They can hear a ruckus downstairs, arguing and even things being thrown; but their too tired to do anything.

"How... how did we get here?" Hans asked as he falls down, his legs feels heavy and both of their body aches. "Oh you guys are awake" Harry came rushing in casual outfits, he helped Hans up as he gets up shaking.

"Hi, what happened?"

"Come on, we have a problem"

Logan asks Harry, but its better to show them. As they follow Harry they can hear the ruckus getting louder and louder. They got down to the common room and all boys are on one side and on the other are the girls. Hans and Logan looked confused and wanted nothing to do with what is happening.

"Uhm... What?"

"No Idea, I woke up to this loud noises, I ask the other boys what was the problem and just, we has no idea either"

The dorms are divided by sexes, there are 10 rooms for both genders and each room has 3 students in it. Logan's roommates are Hans and Harry. They get on top of the stares to see the whole thing and there seems to be a problem in between of it all.

"What's up with them?" Logan asks one of their dormmates coming out from his room.

"Apparently some boys are peeping at the girls during bath hours"

"Even here?" Harry complains.

"Damn, that is... why?"

"Apparently, well.... see ya I guess"

The 3 are in disbelief about what is happening. Class time is also about to start and if the problem won't stop they won't be able to attend it. They are blocking the door and everyone is forced to join in on their corresponding side. On the other side they see the triplets, twins and Ava who also are confused and in disbelief as they are. All 9 of them just look in disappointment at the rest of their classes. There are obviously others that is being annoyed by what is happening and is just sitting around them. "Time to bath" Hans said, they all left the loud area and sneaked pass the window. As they make their way towards the bathing area which is on another building right beside the dorm. The boys walked passed Remi who is training hard with her beast.



"Don't you think you need to practice with your pet?"


"I'm assuming that's your pet. You named it?"

"Yes, and no I don't really we exhausted ourselves yesterday, and we can just take parts of the days resting, plus he is more like my friend than a pet"


"Look at Remi, she is training hard" Hans pointed. "Oh yeah, she is, apparently someone is motivating her to do it"

Hans noticed that she is emotional as she attacks the tree with her beast, she starts to tear up and gets angry and her emotions poured into her beast, it starts to get larger the more she gets emotional. "Is that okay?" Hans asked and the boys stopped. "No absolutely not!" Remi's beast starts to get bigger than her and completely overshadows them as well. The beast starts to get lose and even the students in the dormitories are alarmed.

The 3 jumped to her aid as she can and will hurt herself, Harry summons a smaller version of whisper as he does not have his grimoire to fully invoke him, Hans freezes them in place and Logan just stood there as he has no idea what to do to help with the situation. but Remi starts to weaken she falls down on her knees before her Beast can gets stronger. Logan grabs her and she is pale and cold, due to the pent up stress and emotion her Imperium and whole body has gotten extremely weaker; he can feel her shaking.

"We need to bring her to Mr. Merlin"

"Harry do you know where he is?"

"What is it boys?" Merlin appears before them, and he seems to have expected it. "Sir, uhm" Logan looked down on Remi.

Merlin quickly came to her aid and starts to maintain a connection with her using his own Imperium. Her Imperium will comeback slower if the body is exhausted to the brink of unconsciousness, Imperium will come back faster when they are asleep and dreaming. Merlin gets her up and brings her to the infirmary in order to properly heal her, "thank you, now go bathe, especially you two you stink!"


Merlin commanded and the 3 quickly did headed to the hot springs, as Merlin lifts her up the boys noticed bruises and cuts on her arm and on her nape. They ignored what they saw and ran towards the bathing area. "Nice" Harry said as they see that part of the other side of their bathing area is a legitimate hot spring, not a bath tub with warm water but still there are solo stalls.

"You guys think she's okay?" Han asked as he noticed that something might be going on with her.

"Yeah, she'll be fine Mr. Merlin has her taken care of" Logan replied. The 2 noticed the talkative Harry to be silent, and all they can hear from his side is the running water.





"Yeah, I'm here sorry, uhm Yeah I think she's fine"

"What happened there?"


"During your training?"

Harry remembers what happened yesterday, actually the day they started training, the first day was without Seraph. The Invokers were asked to summon their beasts without the usage of Imperium but their own will and command. Most of them had several attempts but eventually did it and summoned their beasts except for Remi. Remi was the only one that is struggling, her emotion is connected meaning she is using imperium to summon it and it will come out in its whole form. A way to easily summon their Beasts without the usage of Imperium is like their weapons, just by thinking it or commanding will allow it to manifest into the destined weapon. The first part of their training allows them to summon their beasts in their smaller forms and controllable forms, just like what Harry did earlier.

"Still filled with emotions are you?" A mature voice speaks to her.


Harry sees Remi's expression into fear, as a taller woman stands in front of her and she seems to be mocking her, but at the same time not really. She sounded confident just brimming onto arrogance. She continues to go off about how she could just stay back at home with her puppets and be safe, instead of being here and struggling. Her mockery affected those who can clearly hear it but they seem to not talk back. Artemis, the person in charge without Seraph, asks her to stop but she asked her to step back.

"This is between me and my sister!"

Everyone hid their shocks including their teacher, 'Do as you must'. Artemis allowed Ruth to talk to her sister, she kept on "motivating" her to do something but it seems to come off as a mockery of her abilities. It went on for the duration of the session until Remi finally gets the hang of it and summons her beast, she named River. It moved her and she pets her beast, it puts a smile on Harry's face until Ruth has to say something.

"Don't get too close. you'll kill yourself, you can't trust those. pathetic"

"Please, leave me be" Remi asked her.

"Okay, hmp"

As Ruth turns, Harry glances at Whisper who is a shapeshifts to a snake. Whisper rides up to his head and turns into a frog, Artemis continued to discuss them on how to create a 'bond' and a 'contract' with their beasts, which Remi unconsciously has done with River. A 'Contract' allows the invoker to use their Beasts' power as their own and in exchange they feed off their imperium and they get to live, a 'Bond' is a far advanced as this one is built by trust with no exchange in between the Invoker and Invoked. Remi's control with her beasts during the test proves that she is a natural with it; easily forming a 'Bond'. But instead she lets her Beast go and she ensures River's safety, and by doing this she risks her Beast turning against and probably hurting her.

"Hey, HARRY!" Logan's scream echoes around the bathroom.


"You're wasting water"

"Oh, wow am I out of it?"


Harry was not even under the shower, the other 2 can clearly hear it. They continued to bathe, they decided not to enter the hot spring for fear of getting accused as a 'peeping tom', and they do not want to get sick. They see others in it so early in the morning. They put on their clothes on the lockers provided by the school, a soft fabric so that they won't feel as hot. As they make their way to the entrance they see someone peeping through their sliding door and run away. The boys looked around and giving the look 'you saw that?'.

"Should we go after them?"

"No, don't"

"Well, if you guys want to?"

"No, we don't want to"


The 3 boys left and they looked on the other side of the hallway with the same exact person looking at them. 'Hans?' Logan asked him to turn into water but he cannot as he is not wearing the uniform that he school and Beowulf gave them, he does not want to risk being naked.

"Maybe its a trap?"

"Let's just go, who really cares to be honest?"

"Good point" They ignored the creep and wishing that they feel remorse.

Harry seemed gloomy after that as they headed to their dorm room and put on their uniforms and headed to their classes. They separated in the middle of the school campus. Logan explores a bit of the area before going to his class, just walking around and looking at the floor design.

He goes to the big building in front of the campus fountain, it took him a whole 5 minutes to get from where he is to the building. He gets to the stairs and can see a bit of the whole school and behind him a massive tree stands, he can see back where their dorms are and the training areas built for each different main elements and the other variant of elements respectively. Logan is always in awe every time he sees even the top of the school. He climbs up to the top of the school and he can see the sun rise from the west, where the sun is setting for the 'Overworld'.

"Amazing, yet confusing"

The different array of colors that would be dusk for the ones above but is a beautiful red and its shades for them under there. He can see the rays of the sun break through the clouds, after focusing on the clouds he gets to see some parts of the area. From where he is he can clearly see the building where they first arrived, the plateau and the village on the foot. More of the surrounding area reveals itself under this beautiful light.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

"Oh Lady Themis"

"Shouldn't you be in class?"

"Lady Mariel gave me the free time earlier during breakfast, well to everyone who was training, apparently we 'motivated' everyone to really bring out ourselves!"

"That you did" She smiled as she looked over to the sun rays.

"You witnessed it?"

"No, but we saw the outcome of your hard training"


"I heard you will also be training for the other elements?"



Themis looks out to the view of the whole area that is visible to them. The school stands on top of a highland, Logan is witnessing the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. They are in the mountains located at the Northwest of the Atlantic Continent, they can see the Great American Ocean and several smaller landmasses that was the Hudson Bay and the great lakes back on the Overworld. Logan looks at Themis with the ray of light hitting her face, and there he can see a much more beautiful woman. They cannot see her face properly because of the veil around her head, but this time he can clearly see it. Her beautiful skin and eyes shines, her straight hair clearly tied to a bun showed the side profile of her face. Logan blushed and turned away.

"Are you interested to see the tree behind us?"

He looks at the tree and reaches up to the sky, he looks down the roof and he can its roots go a several few more levels. Themis walked towards the door that she entered, Logan felt embarrassed as he might have disturbed her sightseeing by climbing in a improper manner, but he still followed behind her. They got to the lobby of the building and they met up with the triplet's class.

"Hi guys"

"Ma'am, is he part of the class?"

"Yes, but he is with me, we wish to enter 'The Paths'"

"Yes ma'am follow please"

"Now class come on"

The triplet's teacher asked them. Logan waved at the triplets as they walked away to their training area.

"That dear Logan is the advanced earth class"

"So what element will they control?"

"Leaves, plants, trees, anything that is connected to the earth other than animals or us, even Metal down to the Magma of our deepest earth"


"Indeed, by using Imperium they can use it to make trees grow and mature quicker and even heal it"

"It won't wither?"

"Yes, that is why all of the trees here are beautiful most of them has existed for over generations, some of them are extinct in the Overworld"

"Here we are ma'am and student"

"Thank you Arnold"

"You are welcome"

They got into the glass elevator and Arnold waved to them. They are immediately transported to the lowest level, to the roots of the tree named as "The Path". Around the roots there are sprites, the manifestation of Imperium, fairies just flying around, they come in an array of different colors. Logan looks around the room as Themis observes him. The room is just a massive dome, the roots diverge from one another and form circular gates around it, the doors to the other worlds. In the middle of the tree and hidden in its roots is a fountain.

"What is this?"

"It is the fountain of youth, it comes directly from the tree sap and as time passes, some of the components of the sap is pulled down into the earth and it is the reason why this tree is still standing, it heals itself. The water ensures that the tree remains in its youth, where it is the most powerful, the roots of this tree spans around this whole earth, keeping in intact and alive"

"Incredible, is it not?"

"And in those gates, what places are there?"

"You do of course know Yggdrasil?"


"The first one directly in the middle is what you would call Asgard, but for us its our home"

"The Garden?"


"You're home?"

"I am an angel, not Archangels like the other 15, we are angels created from their likeness and out service is to overseer children such as yourself, and also the corrupted ensuring that none of them becomes worst"

"Well some of them did"

"But there are good people, who died trying to stop it, and their deaths are not in vain"

"Are you foreshadowing our faith?"

"No, but it will be what it is, there will be deaths in our side when we will fight against the darkness"

"I'll try to sop those deaths"

"Of course you can try"

"I will"

Themis chuckled upon seeing the young man's determination, she then explained further more the other realms. The other realms were created to protect the creatures that Life created with their own powers a well. The gate with the flowers are the homes of the elves whose powers are used to create more fauna. The gate with the rocks where giants who molded the earth morphed their own earth. The gate with the lava, where beings that control fire and molded their own world with it. The gate with the snow, where beings that controlled all forms of water lived and molded their own world with it. The gate with the white rocks, where beings that controlled the wind ensure that freedom is achieved there.

"And, the other four?"

"The other gates are founded in different places of this earth, but it still connected to the tree, the gate where your people lived can be found on the tallest mountain, but no one is able to climb it"


"And actually there are only 2 more gates, the last one you associated with Hell, is destroyed but it was created by someone and it is not on this tree but above us on the Overworld"

"The final 2 I guess?"

"The gate of the dwarves who valued in creating weapons for beings like us, and they are trusted We have hidden their gate to ensure their protection in exchange for mighty weapons that could aid us, they are driven to extinction as their kind were enslaved and forced to create weapons, only 13 of them exists, and none of them can procreate but they are immortal as part of the bargain"

"And the last?"

"The final gate is to the after life, a realm created only for and by Death, but he kept locked away"

"Where is it?"

"We have no idea where Death put it, after the War on the Garden, he locked it away as that is how the legions of Demons were to create more of their own, those souls"

"And this Underworld?"

"The fate of this world is already made, this will be the battlefield because the The Tree Of Worlds is here, and those who have control over the 9 Worlds is its ruler"

"Does Odin exist?"

"No, nor does Thor, humans fixed gods on different things that they cannot explain"

"Oh, so is there a god?"

"Depends on you. Now that is the last thing for your fin-" They hear loud stomping behind them.

"Lady Themis"

"What is it soldier?"

"Milady, there is a problem"

Logan and Hans' heads suddenly erupt in pain and they start to see visions of a fight ongoing. Logan closes his eyes for a second and he appeared on the castle and sees Death and Lachlan flying in the air whilst fighting a tall being, and Albert on his feet, dead.
