


A Saturday morning came and they all woke up dark and gloomy, everyone was enjoying themselves last night and they all woke up with headaches and exhaustion.

There was not a lot people that woke up properly, other has already gone bathing or has already gone out to train in duos. Harry and Hans gets out on to the porch and drinks warm chocolate and coffee, they look out and counted the number of birds that flew by their heads. This for them is to wake their body up.


"15, there was 2 more that was like, the right timing"


"Yeah you lost, you owe us those weird spring roots last night"


They sip loudly as they enjoyed their individual drinks. Then they just sat there without minding anyone but just greeting them, even if they did not greet them.

"So, how does the training area work?"

"You can enter a portal and in teleports you a different place"


"Good morning"


"Good morning, training?"

"Yeah, you guys saw the others?"

"Yeah, I my sister just.... I don't know"

"Aren't you guys training?"



The 2 realized that they have Enola on their group, but then Enola comes out and corrects them. The 2 gets up and runs towards the bathing area but bumps into Halona who seems to be angry, she greeted them with a big smile and they replied with a trembling one. Halona stomps the ground and the 2 is sent flying even their seniors saw them flying down to the hot sprigs.

"We deserve that?"



"Don't swim Harry"

The pillar crumble down to the ground and they all go their separate ways and starts to train with their groups. They all trained vigorously until they start to feel tired, only students with does not feel fatigued continued on such as Logan and Axar continued to train hard. Axar has the upper hand because of his knowledge when it comes to the skills that his classmates has, he knows that Logan is motivationally driven and in this case 'winning'. He throws a rock at him and he manages to break it without even looking at the direction that it came from. *Cautious* Axar thought upon seeing Logan's instinct.

"Do THEY get tired?"

"I don't know"

They look behind them and sees Remi who is training as hard with River. Sofia and Audrey spectates and watches over her as she trains. Remi tries her best to summon a smaller version of River but she ends up allowing his whole form to come out instead of the smaller version, she has been doing it the whole time after their group training.



As they train longer their relationship to one another has started to improve as well, they start to trust each other even more and they understand one another. As the other 4 conclude their training they continued to watch and help Remi's with her, but they cannot as none of them are Invokers like her and all they can be are moral support. Despite all their efforts of motivating her all their doing is just adding more fuel to the flame and Remi lashed out at them.

"We're sorry Remi"

"We did not me-"

"I appreciate it guys really, but can't you see nothing, I just ca- I'm not like my sister"

"I think you're too focus on being like your sister, but-"



"Yeah, Audrey.. whaaaa??"

"I mean like, since what they are teaching in that Beastia class"

"Right, how do I do that?"

"You are clearly different, you don't treat your shifter like a tool but more like a pet or rather an ally"

"Yeah, exactly like Harry, right Logan?"

"Correct, his own shifter does the mini-version I guess by co- so he treats it more than a pet really, or he managed to tame it"

"I am really, not understanding any of you guys, but I genuinely appreciate it you guys"

"How about you Sofia, any idea to help her?"

"No, sorry... because I cannot do what she is doing with the Shifters and such... wait can you communicate with other animals?"

"No, not all but like highly intelligent animals I guess"

"No, Axar, they can understand Human speech clearly, like right now.. you can understand us right River?"

They look up to River that has now turned into a dog and he barks at them as a reply to their common question. They just laugh at their little interaction with the shifter and they decided to head down back at the town to enjoy their break until they go back to train, Remi was hesitant but Axar easily persuaded her to join them and so she did. She even insisted to ride on River, 'let's go' and they flew fast down to the town, Logan and Remi are used to the feeling and are enjoying themselves while the other 3 screams in terror.

Harry and Eric sees them go down the plateau as they climb it up, they are also coming back from their break. The 2 laughed at them as they hear their panicked screaming.

"That seems to be terrifying right"

They see River transform and they start to fall of the air but he manages to grab them and they land safely down on the ground. The 2 continued back to their respective training area whilst they carry the snacks for their team, they passed by Merlin and Themis along with Aarav and Amaya, a beautiful short-haired girl that wears the female version of Aarav's clothing. They seem to be arguing about something, not wanting to get in trouble for eavesdropping they continued to walk.

"The death of 9 of us even if it is the enemy's, it will signal the beginning of the convergence"

"What will happen if one of you were to die?"

"A eclipse will happen, Lunar or Solar and what sin or commandment we have will plague the world"

"So if Lady Fadil we're to die first?"

"People will be greedy, and Mammon will easily go back to his Prime and we cannot do anything about it"

"What if one of you 4 Archangels were to die?"

"If I were to die, darkness looms over the worlds and our Sister Elda will bring war upon nations"

They stopped in place as they look over the town and the area surrounding them. The 4 of them seems to be worried.

"Why were 4/5ths of your power taken away Your Graces?"

"Because, of Lucifer... when the first of your kind was created it was the perfect creature that our mother wanted for millenias and when you existed she wanted us to live like you people, and so she asked to take a huge amount of Imperium from our first siblings but Lucifer did not"

"This was before your birth?"

"I was already born, me and Seraph and Azrael"


"Yes, Father's own angel.. By that time their sins was already given to them, but at that time it was the last straw for Lucifer, he shouted at our mother"


"Lower your voice Lucifer, that should not be the way to speak to our Mother!"

"You dare speak to me, Human?"

"I'm sorry"

"Know your place, you are not as strong as I am, We will never be like you. Am I right Mother"

"He looked at our mother with proudness, but our mother was clearly disappointed, after so many years it was a first time for us, for her to turn away from us, especially to the child that she was fond off"

Lucifer looked down in disappointed and blamed it on the creature that she has created, while us who followed our mother allowed our powers to be kept away and by this time the others has already been born into life. For several years we agreed to take care of the humans in bodies like theirs, because we have no real form. He grew old but we did not die, instead we reverted back to our young age, until one day Lucifer decided to rule like her Mother, but she never ruled among her creations but guided them.


"Lucifer, what brings you here"

"Father. I wish to return to you my power"

"Return, my boy? I only ask-"

"Please, for the past half century I have always seen myself to be the greatest, but now I realize title means nothing, I am like them, your creation and I finally understood and so long it took me to. For that, forgive"

"I do my son, now follow me"

They got to the Tree of Life, a massive tree that pierces through the clouds and on its branches bear fruits. He put his hand on the pool of sap that is being accumulated at the roots, and he gives up his power, het gets up and faints on his mother's arms.

"What made him evil"

"After giving up his power, he studied our mother, the way she gives 'birth' to us, for years and years until one day the Garden hosted to many guests and she created the 9 gates, and 1 gate lead to the garden"

"So this place, what is it?"

"I'm getting to that"

The gates were created because of a plague, so many creatures started to die and when they evacuated to the different worlds they are safe, but humans faced extinction and none lived, Azrael was asked by our father to obtain the souls of the first humans and he easily did, with no memory at all. Lucifer guarded the tree as a snake, he hid among the branches as the first human lay their eyes on the tree. Life's advice was to not eat the fruit that it bore as it carried power that they will not be able to handle. 'The Overseer' who overlooked the tree jumped down and greeted them, and by that time they have already eaten the matured fruit.

"What do you have in your hand, Woman?"


As 'The Overseer' got close enough Lucifer possessed the woman and fully devoured the fruit, the woman's soul was his and he took it with him. He gets out of her back to his prime, and he easily kills 'The Overseer'.


The woman coughs up but Lucifer spared her thinking she was going to die, but she did not. The Imperium that was injected to her when she ate the fruit kept her alive, and Lucifer left without noticing. The whole sky turned blood red as Lucifer wanted more and he took a massive portion of the tree Imperium, killing it. The gates starts to crumble and we, were sent to stop him.


"Stop this Elder Brother, do not be stupid, this is not you"

"And that is not you, Sonneillion, when the new creatures, Humans, we're created by our mother they destroyed so many of the flowers that mother created, the buildings that we're created, they were chaotic, that is why our mother, out of fear and worry... created the 9 worlds so that they could live a different life"

"But what are they doing here?"

"They, ignored the rule that Mother gave upon them, they we're Lustful, Greedy, Gluttonous for power, Envious that they will never be like us, Prideful because I never bowed down to them, nor saw them as my equal, and Vengeful because of their envy and Indolent because they want all this power to them"

"We do not believe"


"After Mother gave life to you, this is how you repay her! How dare you"

"One by one 7 of our siblings grew different horns just like Lucifer's, and the Remaining 4 as well, they called on horses and by the time we knew it was is already upon us"

"No way"

"They ravaged cities that we're created and they revived the Tree Of Life to re-enter the gates, the fruits bore once more and they ate the fruits that grew there once in a thousand year, and little by little they were stronger than we could have imagined, the only one who can stand up to them was Azrael and his companion Mephistopheles"

"They waged war on Eden and then what happened, how did you beat them?"

"Our Mother had to give up her whole life, and restored our powers back to our Prime and we managed to beat them, we made the 'Reaper's Oath' because some of the people that fought with Lucifer we're our Father's, Azrael himself volunteered to guard the gates of the souls"

"And so, this tree, how did it came to be?"

"Death killed the tree, and a seed was on its place, they looked for people who would take care of the tree on different worlds but they feared"

"Except for my kind?"

"Exactly, and so we planted it hear, and the gates came along with it"

"How did you come here your Grace, if the tree was dead?"

"Our Father has what we call the Aether, the reality and space time that binds all of the worlds and ensuring that nothing goes out balance, we entered it and he created a rift, on the tallest mountain here in the Underworld, then in the middle of it all he planted the tree"

"What happened to the 2 humans?"

"Using the Aether once more, we managed to re-enter the world that our mother created, and it was empty because the humans died out before we got them there, and so they put them in different parts of the world, and told them 'love' is their path, actually there was already some humans there, they evolved somehow, but they we're created because of time"

"So they have Imperium with them along the way?"

"Yes, the children with Imperium are what we considered pure, there were some notable people in your history now that strived for Peace, they had it too but they chose to save their people, which respect"

Merlin and Themis are in awe because of the elaborate and complex answer that Aarav provided them with.

"So, you need your Powers back because the others are definitely stronger than yo guys are?"

"What are you doing here Logan?"

The 4 are in shock upon seeing Logan and so did Harry and Eric who were also eavesdropping but is now walking away. Logan just smiled there and blamed Mephistopheles for the intrusion, he apoligized.

"Well, at the same we cannot leave you kids to your own vices"

"Aww, but we just have to get as strong as you guys right?"

"If you can that is"

"Challenge accepted, even if it takes so many years we will be as strong as you guys"

Aarav laughs at Logan's determination and at the same time respected him, he shook his hand and tole him that he will be expecting him. The 4 continued walking as they waved the student goodbye.

"Something too fight for huh?"

"Well, you got a scolding"

"Lady Themis, I thought you left with them"

"Obviously not, now that is out of the way, what will you do?"


"To save all the worlds, it is not just ours, we can save ours but maybe the other 9 are also destroyed"

"Or all 10"

"Well, keep it, we trust you"

"But, I have question.... regarding their deaths"

"What about it?"

"What if one of the sins or demons were to die, won't that make them stronger?"


"No? Why?"

"The Archangels are like, 'caps'. They ensure that the demons' power and influence will not fall onto the people in the Overworld, if one of the demons were to die then, nothing will happen... The other demons can and will resurrect them, but if one of the Archangels were to die then, their influence grow bigger, and the Imperium of that Archangel will go back to the tree, and since Life itself ironically is 'dead' then, there is nothing we can do"

"The only way to make them 'live' is for them to consume the fruits?"

"Yes, and while they are gone, Lucifer's influence will start to overbear the people in the Overworld, except for those even with the slightest hint of Imperium because they will be killed"

"Oh, I see now wh- Woah"

"Exactly, now your team flew by us earlier its for you to go, time is running"

"Yes ma'am! Wait, Mr. Aarav"

"Yes?" Logan wants to say something, but his mind blocks it.

"Wh- what if, an angel and a demon were to die at the same time?" They stopped walking. Themis and Finn has no answer and expected Aarav to have one, but he seems conflicted to reply. He slowly turns around, and is mumbling what his answer will be.

"Who's death comes first will decide what fate looms over our world, if its a demon"

"No, but they died at the exact same time? What happens then?"

"That is impossible, one of them will continue live as their counterpart grow weaker, but for example if My Sister Fadil were to die, Mammon grows, if he dies soon after, his temptation will continue to rule, but the damage has been done, if they were to live, a sacrifice is needed to be done to restore balance"

"Oh" Logan said, "Oh Indeed" Aarav replied. He waved them goodbye and he runs back to their training ground, Themis looks down on a device on her pocket with different circles revolving around a small one, and slowly but surely they will align.

"A solar eclipse shall be the beginning of the End"

"Correct, and let us hope that Mephistopheles will be our ally in this one"

"You put all of your trust on him, Finn?"

"Yes, its the only thing I have left, he can be our destruction, or our salvation"

A crow flies by their head and lands in front of them, the crow lands softly and squawks at them, the crow flew towards them and suddenly burst into a murder of crows and covered Finn alone, suddenly he sits in a bar with Beowulf who is on the same level of bewilderment as he is, they greeted each other as 2 drinks slide their way.