
Ryan didn't feel like wasting time and confirming if Angela was lying or not. If his next opponent was really a T-rex, then he will try to challenge it the very moment he sees it. Ryan felt he would do that because he couldn't imagine the rewards such a creature would give him. His greedy would put him in a bad situation, and given that he had survived some tough fights in the last few days, his confidence had grown a bit too much to the point where he could threaten several survivors, even though he only had a single hand.

"You guys can go somewhere else," Ryan said to the five guards watching the entrance of the dungeon. "I will handle this."

Ryan wasn't the only one who grew arrogant in the last few days, those five women stepped on the ground trying to intimidate Ryan, but they retreated when they saw Angela looking at them. Angela herself also wanted to see the power of someone who had a class. She couldn't have imagined that Ryan had three.

Velociraptor- Lv 05