
Ryan had twenty-eight status points, and he allocated them all in dexterity without a hint of hesitation. Thanks to that, he noticed a few changes. His eyesight got much better all of a sudden, and his left hand wasn't trembling while he was holding the steel crossbow. While that was nice and all, it hadn't been Ryan's goal.

It took a while, probably because they thought it was some kind of trap, but the big guy and his friends eventually came. Those people don't really know when to relax. Both sides had weapons in their hands and were ready to fight.

"What is your name?" Ryan asked.

"Holland," The big buy replied.

"Well, Holland, I have an offer for you and your friends, just like I have one for Angela and her friends," Ryan said. "But first, why don't you sit down for a little bit and then we talk. Angela, I'm a bit thirsty. Do you have some water?"

"… Yeah." Angela frowned.