Berserk Lionel

Once again, Victor had a hard time believing in Ryan's words… it was only natural, but even Ryan had a limit to his patience. Instead of talking more or explaining, Ryan decided to only open his mouth again after finding the survivors' leader in the area and then say what he knew, get his reward and then explore the dungeon.

Much to Ryan's surprise, they were walking in a straight line toward the dungeon. The survivors built their camp around it just was one would expect, but things looked quite noisy in there. Some fight was happening in front of the dungeon. After a while, Ryan got close enough to see a black-haired woman kicking and punching what seemed to be a minotaur… no, it wasn't a minotaur. It was something that had a humanoid body but had the head of a lion. The creature had a lot of fun around the arms and legs, and it has even claws there… At the same time, the beast also had some scary-looking fangs.

Berserk Lionel - Lv 30

Health: 1.000 /1.000

Mana: 600/600