
"If anything, those sure are some interesting skill…" Ryan frowned while reading the description of the skills he obtained.

Truth to be told, they weren't half-bad. They would be useful in the long run, and as far as Ryan knew, he could damage with one hundred percent of accuracy every enemy in his field of vision with the Power of Money. He would have to use a lot of coins, but… even so, the skill had a lot of potential.

As usual, Ryan didn't ask the class which Alissa picked, and at that point in time, she wouldn't show any emotion by getting one of those weak classes. Unless she gets the dragon knight or dragon archer class, nothing would surprise or excite her.

When Ryan and Alissa left the dungeon, they found the Colonel's men waiting for them. Although they weren't friendly, they weren't crazy enough to pick up a fight with them. Besides, as far as both parties were concerned, they were the ones who started the first fight.