Meeting at the base

Sitting around a round table, one could see John with his arms crossed waiting for the other survivors, Daniel with his face buried on the table, and Mia holding Arthur in her arms. Now and then, one would be able to hear Daniel sighing, and that was starting to get on the nerves of his father.

"Sorry for the wait," Tristan said while entering the room alongside Natalia.

"No worries, we just got here," Daniel said.

"You look a bit down, Daniel," Tristan said. "Are you having a hard time popping on your new home? I can understand that."

"The hell are you talking about in a place like this?" Natalia asked and then kicked her little brother's left leg.

"Hahaha, it wasn't that, Tristan," Daniel forced a smile. "It is about Ryan… more than one has already passed since all this started, and he still treating me like the dirt underneath his shoes."

"Well…" Tristan hesitated since he had no idea what to say.