Dragon hearts' power

                                    Somehow, even though Ryan had to stop and slow down several times since he was the only one who could find monsters before the monsters find them, he and the survivors reached the base in less than a day. That was quite surprising given that some folks were over sixty, and there were a few kids as well among that group. Another fact that completely helped them in that regard was that they avoided dragons completely, even though they saw three along the way. In any case, Mark was waiting for Ryan when he and the others arrived.

"It seemed you succeeded again," Mark said. "Still, I can't understand why you and Alissa split up."

"That is none of your business," Ryan said. "If you want to talk with me, that is fine, but you will have to do so while we walk. I will leave again soon. Sorry, but I have too many things to do and too little time."