Class: Disciple

                        Fortunately, one Elder Salamander was left behind, so Ryan managed to tame the monster. Using that same creature to guard the dungeon was a bad match-up. It was better to leave some giant bees behind to do that, and so Ryan did it.

Congratulations! You have cleared the dungeon and obtained its treasure! As a reward for your achievement, you can obtain one of the three following classes: Gladiator, Spy, and Disciple.

Please be aware that clearing this dungeon again won't give you the chance to unlock the other remaining classes. If you want to obtain them, you will have to search for those in other dungeons.

"I already saw those, but I didn't choose any… Again, the most obvious would be to pick Spy, but I can guess what skills I will obtain. On the other hand, learning what Disciple can do might give me some valuable intel."