The last one

          In the end, after just a couple of hours, the sun began to set, so Natasha shrugged and said to Ryan that was the perfect excuse for Irina to ignore them for several more hours. Ryan got impatient, but when morning came, the fucking bitch finally showed herself.

"It is so unpleasant to see your face so early in the morning, Natasha," Irina said. "What do you want? Be quick. I am a busy person."

"You know what we want. We want to use the dungeon," Natasha said. "Let us use it already, and we will be on our way as soon as we clear it. That will be the best for you and for us."

"Even if you pay to use the dungeon, I can't just let you use it as soon as possible," Irina said. "I am the leader here, but I am reasonable, and I can't let my gains interfere with the progress of my subordinates."