A helpful dragon

                        In the end, Ryan failed at thinking of many new plans to help in the next fight. However, he and Natasha still spent the entire night training against a golem. The monster had high resistance against earth attacks, so Ryan managed to use Magic Bow and magically replicate his new crossbow for a period, and Natasha also trained her new skills.

"You really can do a lot," Natasha said, visibly impressed.

"Anyone can do this much as long as they put their minds into training and keep clearing dungeons whenever possible," Ryan said.

"I mean no offense, but I don't think I can focus too much on that," Natasha said. "There are many people who rely on me and I can't let them down."

"That is the path you chose," Ryan shrugged. "As long as you don't regret choosing that path, nothing says that you made an incorrect decision."