The third

           Irina woke up when Ryan used Purification on her. Strangely enough, that spell even can dispel the effects of dizziness… she tried to attack him, but she quickly stopped and then showed an expression full of annoyance.

"Shit… he noticed much earlier than I expected," Irina said.

 "Who is talking with you?" Ryan asked. "The guy who is bringing an army? Is he a friend of yours?"

"He is an annoying piece of shit… but I guess he is on our side," Irina said. "Let's retreat and meet with him. Or we might get caught in his pawns attacks."

 That seemed like the best thing they could do, so Ryan fired a few Sonic Blades and fired some bolts with his Heavy Crossbow. In the end, since all of them were wounded, the bosses decided to take that chance to recover. They lost some allies, but they gained a deal of knowledge about the things that Ryan could do… next time, they won't suffer so many losses.