
 After heading South for a few hours, Ryan and the others finally could see the silver tigers' base and the bosses guarding the place. It really was a crazy sight to see hundreds of those creatures guarding a single place… even though they couldn't live in there.

 Although Ryan explained that Femradiel was a monster that could talk and Ryan had tamed her, Haruna and the others were still quite fearful of her. Even though she was smaller, they could see her status and how much more powerful she was in comparison to them.

"If you get any closer, you will be noticed by them," Femradiel warned. "Also, while his position isn't half bad, you should prepare some countermeasures in case the monsters decide to go all-out and attack you."

"I don't think they will, that would leave their base completely unprotected and the black-tortoises would use that chance to strike," Ryan said. "Still, you have a point. What kind of trap should I prepare here?"