Dragon’s diet

After everyone picked their classes, Haruna left some of her friends behind. They would guard the dungeon until a proper team could take their places.

"Let's get going," Ryan declared.

 In just a few minutes, the sun would set, so there was no real reason for Ryan to be in a hurry. Fighting at night against flying enemies alone was possible for Ryan, but today he will have to give up on that he won't have the chance to clear the dungeon solo.

 It was already dark when they arrived in Tokyo, and the guards frowned since no one looked particularly injured, and those who came back seemed in a bad mood.

"It looks like you succeeded and much sooner than I predicted," Yahiko said via Telepathy. "You should come to my base; we have room for guests and food ready."

"I am going to pass," Ryan said. "If you don't mind, I want to pass my time here alone on the roof of the building."