Fire Golem

Although Ryan was the one who caused that mess, he didn't feel anything while looking at the red battlefield filled with blood and pieces of flesh that once belonged to the Reptilians' bodies. Was that a sign that he had become a battle-hardened warrior, or it just proved that Ryan's mind was really a mess? He couldn't tell which option was the correct one.

"Oh, boy… finally I got lucky," Ryan smiled in satisfaction after finding a single tome that made him ignore all the pile of crap that was the loot he obtained.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Summon Fire Golem.

Effect: It grants you the power to summon a special variation of the original golem.

Cost: 2500 mana 

You obtained 01 status points.

 Fire Golem – Lv 01

 Health: 500/500

 Mana: 500/500

 Stamina: 500/500

 Strength: 500

 Dexterity: 200

 Speed: 100

 Intelligence: 800

 Endurance: 500

 Control: 200

 Mentality: 500