
" I hope that you guys understood my message," Ryan said and then returned to his human form and then prepared to leave.

"Wait, Ryan!" Daniel said. "Why did you do this? We don't have time to waste with your nonsense."

"I could say the same thing," Ryan said. "I did that because you guys have been causing some problems to me. I solved all of them until now, but it doesn't mean that I will overlook that."

"You can't just come and go and tell us what to do!" Anna shouted.

"I didn't tell you anything like that, I just told you that you will endure the proper consequences of your actions," Ryan said. "I am not your enemy, but I am not your ally either. From now on if your actions start to bother me, I will make you pay for it. Hopefully, not many of you will die, but who can tell that?"

"The hell are you talking about?"

"Don't mess with us your egotistical bastard!"