
"What is the meaning of this, Alissa?" Ryan asked while glaring at Alissa.

"Wow, what a piercing glare," Alissa said, and despite her words, she was smiling. "I just bring some friends to play in your backyard. That is no big deal, right?"

"Do you have any idea how dangerous and imprudent your actions are?" Ryan asked.

"Don't start a lecture now, Ryan," Alissa said. "Besides, they wanted to see you. You can't complain since by solving a problem, you caused another. The atmosphere in the base isn't suited for women and children."

"Even though you are a woman and also a child, I don't think you are suited to decide that," Ryan said.

"I am twenty!" Alissa protested.

"I think your mental age is even lower than Zoe's," Ryan said.