
                After spending another day clearing another dungeon and obtaining a new class, Ryan finally accepted that he got ahead of himself. Until now, he didn't have a single idea as to how to become even a minor nuisance in Poseidon's ass. Not even the new class that seemed pretty interesting helped him with that. Regardless, the skills were useful and they would come in handy in many situations. Even if Ryan tries to fight with long-ranged weapons or melee ones.

  Congratulations! You have cleared the dungeon and obtained its treasure! As a reward for your achievement, you can obtain one of the three following classes: Demolisher, Poisonous Archer, and Arch Mage.

Please be aware that clearing this dungeon again won't give you the chance to unlock the other remaining classes. If you want to obtain them, you will have to search for those in other dungeons.

  Congratulations! You have become a Level one Demolisher!