
 Alfur tried to escape the arrows by using Teleport, but Ryan imagined that he would do that, so he used Perfect Aim to prevent it. Alfur used Teleport to keep escaping the arrows, but he only did it for so long. In the end, he was hit by a barrage of Lunar Arrows.

 Ryan used that chance to use some potions, and then he saw the result of his attacks. The enemy's body was covered in burn marks, and he was bleeding a little bit. Ryan's attacks made him lose one-third of his health, and he just had to use half of his mana… Ryan confirmed once again that Lunar Arrow was the cause of Poseidon's fall due to the circumstances.

 In the end, Ryan decided to bombard the target with the same skill, even though it wasn't that efficient. However, he suddenly disappeared. When Ryan used Search, he found him hidden between the monster's army and were running back to their dungeons.