
 After gaining a boost in strength, Ryan teleported to the right above Tyr, and with all his might, he kicked him. Tyr was forced to move downward thanks to the impact. It was more than annoying to help the enemy by causing damage like that. Still, Tyr knew that this kind of effect could only work for so long, so he charged toward Ryan. By staying on the offense, he wouldn't let Ryan make use of that extra boost of energy. Ryan showed an expression of surprise when Tyr approached, but ultimately, Tyr was the one confused in the end. Ryan didn't try to block that attack and got hit in the face, and soon after that, an invisible force hit Tyr's face, and he felt the taste of blood on his mouth.

"A reflection skill…" Tyr said, annoyed.

"Not quite," Ryan said and then pointed toward his mouth, which was also bleeding. "See? I still got damage."