
 Just as Ryan expected, Hephaestus couldn't move so fast to dodge those arrows, so he moved his hammer to protect himself. Ryan counted on that, and thanks to it, the hammer of mithril broke, and then the head fell. However, Ryan picked it by teleporting, and then he stored it in his spatial storage.

"This entire plan of yours was just to get the hammer?" Hephaestus asked.

"I just want more mithril, that is all," Ryan said. "Still, I heard that your weapons are made of mithril, but yours seems different. It can't be compared to Poseidon's or Thanatos', why?" 

"Why should I answer that?" Hephaestus asked.

"Well, it can't hurt to ask," Ryan shrugged. "I imagined that you were the one who forged their weapons, but I guess I was wrong."

"You weren't wrong, I did forge their weapons," Hephaestus replied.