Easy mode

 When Ryan obtained the Hunter class, the class returned to him to the max level since he had already reached it at some point in the past. Thanks to that and all the skills he obtained, he recovered a pretty decent amount of power, and now the small fries were even less than an annoyance to him. However, that only made him worry.

"Defeating most enemies like this won't be a problem, the issue is why am I gaining my powers in this dream world?" Ryan asked. "By using this, I will be able to do things that I wasn't supposed to do, so… breaking the spell in theory, should be simple. If my guesses are actually right."

 In any case, Ryan decided to follow the same path that he did it before by focusing on increasing Dexterity and Recovery. His attacks will cause more damage, and he will be able to attack more often. In theory, that was the best plan of action, but Ryan wasn't that confident.