[Bonus chapter]A dangerous weapon

            After using half of the coins she received after defeating Lilith, Femradiel summoned another army of Mechanical Giants. However, this time, she allocated them to different parts of the battlefield in order to make them prevent the advance of the demons. Isis's barrier was still standing, but even Femradiel was impressed by how much damage it received…

"This isn't good…" Femradiel bit her lips in exasperation. "Perhaps I should have killed Lilith and then trap her soul in that stone. She really would come in handy right now."

One could only wonder how much mana or coins Femradiel would have to spend to summon a copy of Lilith. Still, considering that she was a fearsome melee fighter, she would be really useful in that situation. As if the situation wasn't already troublesome enough, Femradiel and Isis noticed some presence approaching in the distance. They were dragons…