
            The air around Chronus changed. Not because he canceled his defensive spell, but because he was willing to fight himself. What could someone like him do when he decides to fight? Everyone got the answer pretty soon. Chronus didn't even approach Ryan. He just swung his first forward at him. In the next moment, Ryan was sent flying in the opposite direction at supersonic speeds.

            Those who saw that, he didn't understand what happened. There were no movements in the air, and the punch had been pretty slow… so, it was hard to believe that Ryan got set flying due to the shockwave alone. Unfortunately, no one felt magic being used, so that seemed the only explanation…

            Ryan flew for over three hundred kilometers in just a couple of seconds. Still, he eventually recovered from the attack and returned. However, he did so by using Teleport, both of his arms had been broken by the attack, and they were yet to heal.