Final Battle (5)

      Much sooner than Ryan had expected, he understood that his plan wouldn't work. Causing damage while receiving damage and hope that his Vampirism would solve everything had been more than a mistake. He noticed that on the third mindless charge that Lucifer did. Even though his face was completely destroyed multiple times, he took the arrows out from his face like they caused the same amount of pain as mosquito bites. As for Ryan… his bones were shattering with every single impact. While he solved that issue with Temporal Healing, there was another pressing issue in front of him… Now Lucifer was even bigger than Ryan.

"What a freak…" Ryan said while biting his lips in annoyance.

      Ryan finally had got rid of the dark spheres that messed up with the gravitational field around him, but it seemed those had been just used to gain some time for Lucifer. It was hard to admit it, but it seemed like he had gotten three times stronger just in the past ten minutes.