Khader and Ishya

One day, Sir Al-Khader was riding throughout the lands, that was when he heard the cries of help.

Al-Khader rode towards the sound and to his surprise and his delight; for he was a knight, a dragon was attacking a poor woman.

The woman ran for her life while the foul beast was chasing her.

Sir Al-Khader drew forth his bow; Aim-be-True, and shot an arrow at the giant lizard.

The dragon cried out in pain as the arrow had hit its eye, the dragon was now glaring at the knight.

Sir Al-Khader made a funny face, and the dragon grew more angry. The beast now started to chase the knight.

Sir Al-Khader's horse literally ran for its life, as the dragon was right behind them.

The knight rode into a hoodoo.

Sir Al-Khader prepared his bow once more, he aimed and waited for the dragon to get into position, that was when an arrow was released; hitting one of the rocks atop a hoodoo. The rock fell straight on to the dragon's head, killing it instantly.

The knight patted his horse and promised a well-deserved carrot.

Sir Al-Khader now rode back to the woman, the woman came out of her hiding spot when she spotted the knight.

When the knight saw the woman, he was overwhelmed for a moment, for her beauty, in his eyes, had no equal.

Sir Al-Khader jumped off his horse, and confidently walked over to the woman, who drew forth a knife.

" Woah! " exclaimed Al-Khader with his hands in the air; " I am not going to hurt you "

" How can I be sure of that? "

" I literally just killed a dragon for you "

The woman paused for a moment.

" Perhaps you killed the beast so that you could have your way with me " said the woman, as she held the knife to Al-Khader's throat.

" I will not hurt you "

" How can I be sure of that? "

" I am a knight of Sultan Qarnayn "

The woman's eyes widened.

" The Sultan of the Round City, are you one of his knights? "

With a humble and honored smile, Sir Al-Khader nodded.

" Prove it "

Sir Al-Khader now drew forth Tishpak.

" That sword… " uttered the woman in disbelief; " It only belongs to Sir Tristan… "

" Who? " said Sir Khader, confused; " I am Sir Al-Khader "

The woman smiled.

" I was testing you, " said the woman, as she put away her knife.

Sir Khader also put Tishpak back in its sheath.

" If I may, what is the name of the fair and beautiful maiden who is standing before me? " said Sir Khader, who sounded all knightly.

The woman smiled with a raised eyebrow, almost like she was amused by Sir Khader's performance.

" I am Princess Ishya "

" A Princess? " said Sir Khader, surprised, as he was smiling; " What is a Princess doing out here in these dangerous parts? "

" I can take care of myself " said Princess Ishya, as she drew forth her knife.

" I can see that… " said Sir Khader, as the knife was pointed at him, once more.

" Where are you heading? "

Ishya paused for a moment, she then said;

" I am heading to a nearby kingdom… I have been promised to the Sultan of that kingdom "

Sir Khader's poor heart dropped, but he did not show it.

" Oh, I see "

Sir Khader now noticed the nearby dead horse.

" Allow me the honor of escorting you " said the knight with a formal bow.

Seeing that walking, especially in a desert, was not an option, Princess Ishya accepted Sir Khader's offer.

The two of them now rode through the desert, and unlike before, Sir Khader was solemnly quiet.

When night came, they made camp.

Sir Khader made a campfire and prepared some food.

" You are quiet, " said Ishya, as she enjoyed the meal.

The only sound that could be heard; was the sound of Sir Khader breaking his bread.

" Your food is terrible "

Sir Khader was still quiet.

A smirk could now be seen on Ishya's face.

" Are you mad that I am promised to another? "

" No " snapped the knight.

Princess Ishya nodded with an amused smile on her face.

Sir Khader was not just quiet, he was memorizing every part of Ishya's body; from her scent, to her hair and the rest.

It sounds creepy but he means well.

" I will take the first watch, get some sleep "

" Very well, " said Ishya, as she went to sleep.

And the only thing which could be heard; was the aching heart of the knight.

Sir Khader opened his eyes and saw that it was daytime, he looked over but Ishya was gone.

" Princess! " yelled the knight, his heart racing.

" Over here "

Sir Khader walked over a dune and on the other side was an oasis.

" We must have missed it last night, " said Ishya, as she was bathing.

" You are naked! " exclaimed the knight with a blush.

" Uhm, yeah… " said the Princess with a smile that said; no shit; " Do you bathe with clothes on? "

" No, I mean… you are naked! "

" How are you one of Qarnayn's knights? "

The Princess was now fully clothed and the knight was cooling his blushed face with the waters.

" You do remember that I bathed in that water? " said the Princess with an amused tone.

Sir Khader blushed even more, he then dried his face, as he mounted his horse.

" Let us go… "

And off they went, but the Princess was not done just yet, for she now rested her cheek on Khader's back.

" Thank you "

" I am merely doing my knightley duty "

Sir Khader could not see it, but Princess Ishya had a sad smile.

The two of them had finally reached the kingdom, Sir Khader could not help but feel that he had been there before.

" Why does this place look so familiar…? " uttered the knight.

" Halt! Who goes there? " said one of the guards of the gate.

From behind Sir Khader, Ishya said;

" I am Princess Ishya "

" Oh, Princess " said one of the guards, as he walked up to her; " Who is this man with you? "

" He is a knight of Sultan Qarnayn, and my escort, he is Sir Al-Khader "

Princess Ishya expected the guards to have surprised and amazed looks on their faces, but both men looked very happy.

" Welcome back " said one of the guards with a smile; " You may enter "

Ishya was the surprised one.

" Do you know them? "

Sir Khader did not answer, he only had a cold look on his face, for he had finally recognized the place, he was home.

The knight and the Princess had both finally reached the palace, where the Sultan himself came to greet them.

" What joy! " exclaimed the Sultan, as he walked directly over to Sir Khader.

" Sultan Mehmed, do you know Sir Khader? " said Ishya, more confused than ever.

" Know him? " said the Sultan, as he laughed heartily; " He is my nephew "

Ishya's eyes widened, she then looked at the knight, but Sir Khader still had a cold expression as he greeted his uncle.

Some time passed, as everyone prepared for the wedding.

" Enter " said Sir Khader, as he heard a knock at his door, and in came Ishya, her beauty amplified by her clothes.

" How may I be of service, Princess? " said the knight with a bow.

Princess Ishya slapped Khader's face.

" Why did you not tell me? " she said.

" What? "

" That he was your uncle "

" What does it matter? "

Ishya now slapped his face again, while crying a little.

" I only realized it after we had reached his kingdom "

" This is wrong… " said Ishya, as she was pacing around the room.

" You have to go through with it "

" Don't you have feelings for me? "

" Do you have feelings for him? "

Ishya paused for a moment.

" This marriage is meant to strengthen the bond of our two kingdoms "

" You did not answer my question "

Ishya paused yet again.

" No, I do not "

The knight and the Princess now kissed one another.

The day of the wedding had come, but Sultan Mehmed had received news that the Princess was gone, and so was his nephew.

" Where will we go? " said Ishya, as she was holding on tightly to Khader's back.

" Anywhere, as long as we are together, then anywhere is good enough " said Khader, as he made his horse run faster and faster.

A large shadow now passed over the two of them.

Khader and Ishya both looked up and above them was a dragon.

Sir Khader was not fast enough to react, before the dragon had roasted the two of them alive.

The ashes of Khader and Ishya were carried off together by the Lady of the Desert.

The dragon which had killed them, was the mate of the first dragon.

At the end, The Love Song by The Lyre Ensemble could be heard echoing throughout the desert, and hearing the song; Sultan Qarnayn shed a tear, for he had lost a dear knight.