The Plant-Man

Nature, without it; there would be no fruit, no wind and no place to call home, so remember to respect nature.

Emmad, a businessman from Beled-el-Djinn, has made a fortune opening inns, taverns and brothels.

Emmad is said to be a generous and understanding man, but, when it comes to anything business; he turns into a literal demon.

The sin which has affected this mortal the most is the sin of greed.

True, business is booming and the economy is skyrocketing, many people have become rich and wealthy… but, all this prosperity has come at nature's expense.

And Oleander, the Djinn of Nature, is not pleased nor amused.

It all started one day, when Emmad had just arrived at a sight where he was going to build a new inn, but this was not just any inn, this inn would overshadow all other inns for generations to come. And, to achieve such a name-maker, Emmad had bought a massive area, which was, for the time being, covered with the beauty of nature.

" What is taking so long? I hired you people to clear this entire area like a week ago, " said Emmad, as he walked up to one of his lumberjacks.

" Pardon sir, but, we have had some problems "

" I did not hire you people to have problems, I hired you all to fix my problem. Now, cut down all these useless trees "

" Actually sir, the trees are very useful, for you see, they make photosynthesis " said the lumberjack with a smile.

Emmad just glared at the man.

" What is your name? " asked Emmad.

" Jack, sir "

" Jack " said Emmad with a devilish smile; " May I borrow your axe? "

Hesitantly, Jack gave his axe to Emmad.

Emmad now walked over and cut down the first tree.

" See, was that so hard? " said Emmad with a smile.

" Sir…" uttered Jack; " What I was trying to say before, was that this entire forest is very beloved by Queen Oleander "

" I don't give a rat's ass about the Djinn-Monarchs " said Emmad, as he gave the axe back to Jack; " Now, cut down this entire forest, or you are all fired, capeesh? "

Jack nodded.

Emmad now walked away, as the sound of falling trees could be heard.

It all happened so suddenly, one of Emmad's lumberjacks walked into his tavern, the lumberjack was acting queer, he almost seemed like a zombie.

The lumberjack was put down, for he was acting very violently.

But, the most queer thing of all, was the fact that a Ophiocordyceps unilateralis fungus - the zombie-ant fungus - was found inside the mind of the lumberjack.

More incidents like these occurred all over Emmad's businesses, till one day, Jack himself broke into Emmad's house.

Emmad quickly took a sword and killed Jack by cutting his head open. Upon a closer look, Emmad saw the very some; fungus inside Jack's head.

" What do you think? " asked Queen Oleander, as she had appeared before Emmad.

Emmad held his sword towards the Djinn, he tried to be angry, but Oleander's beauty made that very difficult.

" What did you do to my men? " asked Emmad.

" I turned them into my men " said the Djinn-Queen with a smile; " You had the audacity to wound me "

" Wound you? " said Emmad, very confused; " I have never touched you "

" Ah, but you have " said Oleander with a smirk;

" For it was by your command and payment that my children have suffered, and many of them now rotting "

" But… we have long since cut down trees and used them as furniture, why would now be different? "

Oleander giggled.

" I don't mind that some of my children are used as useful tools, but you have been too greedy. You have killed too many of my children, and for that, you shall pay "

Queen Oleander now pulled out the seed string of the zombie-ant fungus.

" Are you going to turn me into him? " said Emmad, as he pointed his sword to Jack.

" Yes " said the Djinn-Queen, calmly; " You shall become a part of my Plant-Myrmidons, your mind, body and will shall all be under my control, and you shall do my bidding for all of eternity "

Emmad now realized that he had nothing to lose, which is why he charged, but, that was when vines came bursting out from the ground, holding him in place.

" I see now " said Emmad with a giggle; " Your husband is not the scary one, it is you who is terrifying "

" I will take that as a compliment, " said Queen Oleander with a smile.

Emmad yelled out in terror and despair, hoping that someone would come to his rescue, but none did.

Oleander now place the seed string at Emmad's nose, the string made its way to his brain, and Emmad had now officially become a part of the Plant-Myrmidons