King of the Nabataeans

The protagonists of this story are; Alexander IV of Macedon, and his brother; Heracles of Macedon.

These two boys are the sons of Sikandar.

The two young teenagers have made their way towards the kingdom of Obodas I.

It is within this flourishing and prosperous kingdom, where our story picks up.

" What a sight " said Alexander, as he was walking through the busy streets.

" All the people sure seem cheerful " said Heracles; " brother, we should visit their- "

It was at this moment, both brothers noticed the Rose of the Desert.

She had crimson red hair, bright blue eyes, and her skin was like milk itself.

" By our father's lust for conquest! " exclaimed the two horny teenagers.

" I would not recommend it, " said a stranger, who sat under the shade.

" Why not? " said Alexander, confused.

" Indeed. I am sure that she would enjoy my muscles! " exclaimed proud Heracles, while flexing.

The stranger shook his own head with a smile.

" She is the eldest child of Al-Muharriq and Oleander. Her name is; Pyrrha "

" A Greek name! " exclaimed Heracles, excitedly; " it is meant to be!!! "

" Calm yourself, brother " said Alexander, who was more level-headed; " you speak as if we should be weary of this Al-Muharriq and Oleander? "

The stranger narrowed his eyes, as he looked upon the two brothers.

" You two are not from around here? "

" Guilty as charged, " said Alexander with a smile.

The stranger giggled.

" Brother! " exclaimed Heracles; " we should find the King of this land. Maybe he could help us get the favor of Pyrrha "

" I am sorry to say it " said the stranger with a smile; " but the King has no such power "

" Why do you sound so sure? " said Alexander with a questioning-gaze.

" For I am he, the King of this land. I am Obodas I "

Obodas now extended his hand.

Heracles smiled, as he took hold of Obodas' hand.

" Interesting… " said Heracles with a smile.

" What is it? " said Alexander.

" I can not crush his hand, " said Heracles, who had superhuman strength.

" Of course not " said King Obodas with a smirk; " I am not all human "

" What are you? " asked Heracles, as he let go of King Obodas' hand.

" I am a child of the Jinn Emperor "

The two brothers looked at one another, both confused.

King Obodas giggled once more.

" Come " he said; " you shall both be my honored guests "

King Obodas now led the two brothers to his palace.

" Welcome back, your majesty, " said Marcus Aurelius, who was the advisor to the King.

" Old friend, I bring new friends, '' said King Obodas, cheerfully.

Sparta and Boris, the two lion-companions of King Obodas, both now walked forward.

" This King has lions as his pets… I like him already " said Heracles.

The two sons of Sikandar were both welcomed with open arms by King Obodas.

Now that the stage has been set. Let us see what adventures await.

The Home with the Shell

Pyrrha was calmly walking ahead. She knew that she was being followed, but she did not mind. Alexander and Heracles meant her no ill-will. The two brothers were admiring the Rose of the Desert from a distance.

" She is beauty… " uttered Heracles.

" She is grace… " uttered Alexander.

" She is walking straight towards a giant tortoise…? " said Heracles, confused.

Pyrrha was indeed walking straight towards the colossal tortoise, which came bursting out from the ground.

" You two have enjoyed the view from behind; long enough. Why don't the two of you look from the front? " said Pyrrha with a teasing tone, as she had her back turned to the two brothers.

Alexander and Heracles looked at one another. They could both now be seen running straight towards the rose.

Both brothers introduced themselves with great excitement and enthusiasm.

Alexander and Heracles were both now bickering over who was worthy of Pyrrha's attention.

" Girls, girls " said Pyrrha with a smile; " you are both pretty, but, there is already someone who has won my heart "

" Who?! " exclaimed the two brothers with passion in their voices.

" This guy " said Pyrrha, as she kneeled down, and held her arms forward.

Heracles and Alexander both looked on, as a sweet, queer and unique puppy, ran towards Pyrrha.

The rose embraced her beloved companion.

" Hello, Dogor " said Pyrrha, as she gave the puppy a loving hug.

The two brothers knew… that the love for a dog was something which they could never compete with...

The giant head of the tortoise now lowered itself towards the group.

" It is good to see you too, Chelone, " said Pyrrha.

The name sounded familiar to the two brothers.

" What is this place? " asked Alexander, at last.

With a smile, Pyrrha said;

" This is where I go to get away from it all. My secret base, if you will "

While holding Dogor like a baby, Pyrrha was now walking towards her secret base.

" She has beauty, brawn, and brains..." uttered Alexander, impressed.

" She is the whole deal! " exclaimed Heracles, excitedly.

From that day onward. The three friends would from time-to-time; visit Chelone, when they needed to get away from it all.

Water Leaper

Alexander and Heracles were both racing towards the sea.

" I will get there first! " exclaimed Heracles.

" In your dreams! " yelled Alexander.

The sweat of the two brothers was now dripping into the sea, as they were both gasping for air.

" I won… " uttered Heracles.

" In your dreams… " uttered Alexander with a smile.

The two brothers were at the sea to get some water, while taking a quick dip.

" Brother… do you see that? " said Heracles.

Alexander looked. On top of the sea sat what looked like a frog.

But, this frog had wings and the tail of a scorpion.

" What the hell is that…? "

I am happy to answer Alexander's question.

The creature is known as; Llamhigyn Y Dwr.

The medium size queer creature now jumped closer to the two brothers.

Alexander and Heracles readied themselves.

The frog did not move. It simply opened its mouth, and grabbed hold of Alexander's arm.

" Brother! " yelled Heracles, as Alexander flew towards the beast.

While in mid-air, Alexander grabbed hold of the poisonous tail, in order not to be stabbed.

Heracles rushed to his brother's aid.

The beast tried to fly away, but that was when Alexander - with all his might and mane - directed the poisonous tip of the tail into one of the frog's wings.

The Llamhigyn Y Dwr cried out in pain.

Heracles ripped the other wing off.

The frog opened its mouth, but that was when Alexander kicked it shut.

Heracles now snapped the beast's neck. And when the two brothers returned home, they enjoyed some cooked frog legs.

The Water-Dragon

" Where was it? " said Pyrrha, confused.

" Right here! " exclaimed Heracles, as they were back at the spot where they fought the Water Leaper.

Pyrrha looked out at the calm waters.

" Where? " she said.

Heracles looked confused.

" I don't understand… " he uttered.

" It may have been the only one of its kind " said wise Alexander; " but. Since we are here, let us fish and enjoy ourselves "

Pyrrha and Heracles were both fishing, while Alexander was reading a book, near the campfire.

" I got something! " yelled Heracles, as something was pulling at his rod.

With all his might and mane, Heracles pulled out the creature.

Expecting to see a fish; big enough to feed the whole kingdom. Heracles was crushed to see that he had caught a tiny fish; big enough for Dogor to enjoy.

" Here you go… " said Heracles, disheartened, as he threw the fish to the puppy.

Dogor enjoyed his meal.

Pyrrha now said;

" Oh, come now. There is always a bigger fish to catch "

" Hmm… " uttered Heracles, as he went back to fishing.

It was now Pyrrha's turn, to have something pulling at her fishing rod.

Pyrrha had to stand up, for the creature's pull was surprisingly strong.

" I think that I got a big one, " said Pyrrha, as all her muscles tensed up.

The whole sea made a splash, as the Nanabolele came bursting out from the waters.

The dragon overshadowed the whole group.

" Well… " said Pyrrha, amazed; " how many do you think he can feed? "

The Nanabolele roared at the group.

" Now, this is a fight, " said Heracles with a grin.

" No, you idiot! " yelled Alexander; " we are at a disadvantage. The dragon fights in its natural domain "

With a smile, Pyrrha said;

" Then, why don't we make it fair? "

Black-Rose Flames appeared around Pyrrha's arm.

Pyrrha now used her flames to turn the entire sea into its 3rd form.

The Nanabolele cleared all the vapor with its wings.

" Now " said Pyrrha with a smile; " it is a fair fight "

The fight began with Heracles jumping onto the Nanabolele's head.

Alexander was aiming his arrows at the dragon's eyes, while Pyrrha was attacking the dragon's wings with her flames.

The Nanabolele could not blast away Pyrrha's flames with its wings.

While all this was going on. Dogor could be heard cheering the group on.

The dragon fell at last.

But, deciding that dragon meat might be a little too tuff.

The group let the Nanabolele go.

The Cape of Good Hope

A man was standing at the edge of a cliff.

The man enjoyed this spot, it was his favorite.

The special spot enabled him to see much of the sea.

" I could have sworn that I saw something just now… " uttered the man, as the calm sea looked a little disturbed.

The man thought nothing of it, till he saw it again.

" What in the world… " said the man, as he caught the glimpse of two glowing eyes.

The man felt a little uneasy.

" Best get back, " he said.

As the man had his back turned towards the sea. A massive shadow had now covered most of the area.

The man felt water drip on him, but it was not raining.

In horror, the man looked up, and something was looking down at him.

A week went by, and the son of the man went to the King for aid.

" Your grace, I have not heard from my father for a week " said the son; " this is not like him… " said the son, sounding worried.

" Rest assured, my boy " said King Obodas with a warm smile; " I am sure that all is well "

The son bowed, he then left.

" I have often advised you against making promises which you can not keep, " said Marcus Aurelius, as he stood next to the King.

King Obodas ran his fingers through Sparta's soft mane.

" He needed hope, " said the King.

" You should be more realistic "

" How can we be sure that his father is dead? "

" How can we be sure that he is alive? "

The two men were just looking at one another.

" I will send those three. I am sure that they can solve this mystery "

As the King had decreed. Heracles, Alexander, and Pyrrha, were all three now making their way towards this mystery cliff.

" I see nothing mysterious here, " said Heracles.

" That is because; you are not looking hard enough, " said Alexander.

" Look! " yelled Pyrrha.

" What?! " exclaimed the two sons of Sikandar.

But the sea was calm, once more.

" Did you guys see it? " said Pyrrha.

" See what? " said Alexander, confused.

" There it is! " yelled Heracles.

Alexander caught the glimpse of something entering the water.

" The hell… " he uttered.

Pyrrha now threw a fireball into the sea.

Pyrrha's fire had a Greek-Fire-like-effect, which meant that Pyrrha's fire was now burning on the surface of the sea.

" Woah, " said Heracles.

Something big now came bursting out of the sea.

" Woah… " uttered Heracles.

The figure was colossal in size. It had a humanoid appearance, and looked very frightful.

" Adamastor… " uttered Alexander.

I will now leave it to Luís de Camões to describe his own creation;

" Even as I spoke, an immense shape

Materialised in the night air,

Grotesque and enormous stature

With heavy jowls, and an unkempt beard

Scowling from shrunken, hollow eyes

Its complexion earthy and pale,

Its hair grizzled and matted with clay,

Its mouth coal black, teeth yellow with decay. " — Camões, The Lusiads Book V.

Pyrrha covered her whole body in flames, as Adamastor was calling forth a storm.

" This is going to be interesting… " said Heracles.

" This is not happening " said Alexander, as he stepped between Pyrrha and Adamastor.

" Get out of the way, " said Pyrrha.

" Not till we have answers " said Alexander, as he looked up at the giant; " did you kill the man; who was here before us? "

Adamastor paused for a moment, it then nodded its head.

Alexander had only one thing left to say;

" Pyrrha, have fun "

Now. You might be thinking that Pyrrha would be at a disadvantage; when one considers the fact that Adamastor is a giant of the sea… but. As I said; Pyrrha's fire has a Greek-Fire-like-effect.

It was this effect which granted Pyrrha the advantages she needed.

This unique advantage sure came handy, for it was Pyrrha who was victorious.

Adamastor fell into the sea, never to be seen again.

But sadly.

This victory will taste bitter, as King Obodas had to break his promise to the poor son.

The Elephant Killer

Heracles was taking a walk around the kingdom.

A child now came running up to Heracles.

" Excuse me sir, you look strong, " said the boy.

With a smile, Heracles said;

" I am the strongest! "

The boy rubbed his own chin, he then said;

" I know of a mighty labor, if you are interested? "

With a grin, Heracles said;

" Lead on "

Heracles and the boy were both outside the kingdom, in a vast valley.

" You said that it was called; Emela-ntouka? " said Heracles.

" That is what the people call it. I refer to it as; the Elephant Killer " said the boy with a smile.

Heracles felt like he had to ask;

" Why? "

" You will see, " said the boy with a smile.

A strange sound could be heard echoing throughout the valley.

" What was that…? " said Heracles.

" It is the killer, " said the boy.

Heracles and the boy both looked down deeper into the valley. And that was when they saw it; Emela-ntouka.

The beast was batterling an elephant, who was protecting her child.

Heracles covered the boy's eyes, as Emela-ntouka ran its mighty horn into the side of the elephant.

With an echoing boom, the elephant mother fell to the ground, dead.

Emela-ntouka now turned its bloody horn towards the elephant child.

" We have to do something- "

Before the boy could finish. Heracles had already jumped straight into the air.

Heracles landed on Emela-ntouka, with the force of a meteor strike.

The Elephant Killer had killed for the last time.

Heracles looked on, as the elephant child walked over to its dead mother.

The boy ran to Heracles' side.

" Can I keep him? " asked the boy.

Heracles just looked down at the boy, who was making puppy eyes.

The Giant of Destruction

As usual.

Pyrrha was walking around the kingdom, helping wherever she could.

One day. Pyrrha saw a group of wounded warriors being carried into the kingdom.

" What happened? " said Pyrrha, as the wounds looked serious and severe.

One of the wounded men grabbed Pyrrha's arm.

" It was a giant… it had one eye; which glowed like the sun itself… we stood no chance… "

The poor man now fainted.

" Please… save my son… " uttered the crying mother.

Pyrrha stood up. She took a deep breath, she then sang the Song of Genesis.

The warriors would all make a full recovery, while Pyrrha confronted this Giant of the Sun.

All Pyrrha had to do was follow the trail of blood.

Pyrrha had now arrived at the spot; where the battle was fought… and what a sight it was.

" The men were lucky to survive… " said Pyrrha, quietly.

" I let them survive, " said a booming voice.

The creature walked out from behind a large boulder.

Pyrrha's eyes widened, as she recognized the giant.

" Balor " said Pyrrha with a smile; " tell me. What is the Champion of Shams doing here? "

" Nothing much… just scary the shit of some locals " said Balor, as he cracked his flaming whip.

Balor now drew forth his flaming sword, as he looked upon Pyrrha.

" You do not want this, " said Pyrrha with a giggle.

" I have always wondered which was stronger. Fire, or the sun? "

Balor now went on the offensive, as Pyrrha was on the defensive.

" I do not want this fight, " said Pyrrha.

" But I do, " said Balor, as he had caught Pyrrha with his whip.

With all his might and mane, Balor slammed Pyrrha onto the ground, making a large crack in the earth.

Pyrrha… was both pissed and in pain.

Large columns of fire bursted out from various spots on the ground.

" Finally… " said Balor with a nervous-smile, as he was surrounded.

Pyrrha walked towards Balor. Her whole body was covered in burning flames.

To Balor's credit; he stood his ground.

The Champion of the Sun now covered himself in the glowing and burning light.

The clash between fire and sun could be seen from miles away.

Pyrrha walked back to the kingdom, her right arm broken.

Balor was still alive… just barely.

The Cold Joker

Alexander is a person who says less, and listens more.

This skill has come in handy. For Alexander has heard the people talk of a queer and cold creature; who is terrorizing, and killing innocent people.

Alexander breathed on his hands, for it was winter in the lands.

Alexander walked to each spot, where this winter creature had attacked.

There was indeed blood, and signs of a struggle. But unfortunately, the snow had made the footprints disappear.

Alexander now heard snow being crushed.

" Who is there? " he asked.

Only the wind and the falling snow could be heard.

Alexander was out in the open. He knew that he was at a disadvantage. But, this smart young man had also came prepared.

Alexander's cloak was white on the inside. So Alexander simply turned his cloak; inside-out.

Alexander vanished among the white forest.

Alexander heard snow being crushed once more.

Alexander did not make a sound. He perfectly used the snow as cover.

Alexander now felt that something was standing in front of him.

Alexander gently, and slowly removed the cloak from his eyes.

Alexander now laid eyes upon the creature.

" A Mahaha? " said Alexander, quietly.

The Mahaha now walked past Alexander.

Alexander smiled, as he had an idea.

" Here I am " said Alexander, as he made himself known.

The Mahaha hungrily glared at Alexander.

" Thirsty? " said Alexander, calmly.

The Mahaha was quiet for a moment.

Alexander and Mahaha were both now at a river.

Alexander drank of the water, first.

When the Mahaha bent down to drink.

Alexander pushed the creature into the river, which led to a waterfall.

" Time to get back to the heat " said Alexander, as he returned to the kingdom.

Djinn of the Earth

King Obodas was taking a nice walk through the forest.

Just like Cyrus the Great. King Obodas was also very fond of nature.

The King now heard a sound.

" Who goes there? " said the King.

" Oh " said a innocent voice; " I didn't mean to frightened you "

The King expected to see a man. But to Obodas' surprise, a small creature walked out from behind the bush.

" Who are you? " asked the King with a surprised and confused look on his face.

" I am Tough " said the small creature with a smile; " and I am a Kallikantzaroi "

The king's eyes widened.

" A servant of Ghillie Dhu…? " uttered the King in amazement; " what are you doing so far away from the Djinn of the Earth? "

" I was looking for you, " said Tough, while not looking at Obodas.

The King narrowed his eyes, as he suspected something.

Quietly. The King kneeled down in front of Tough.

Obodas now waved his hand in front of the Kallikantzaroi.

" You can not see… " said Obodas, as Tough's eyes were not reacting.

" I can see " said Tough with a smile; " we Kallikantzaroi simply see in a other way; than what is considered 'traditional' "

" How so? " asked the King, curiously.

" In simple terms… Earthbending '' said Tough with a smile.

King Obodas immediately understood that reference.

" So " said the King with a smile; " why were you looking for me? "

" My master wishes to speak with you "

Obodas paused.

" What does Ghillie Dhu want with me? "

" I do not know " said Tough with a smile; " I was simply sent to bring you to my master "

" Alright " said the King after a second; " let us see what the Djinn of the Earth wants. Lead the way "

" Oh. You will not be traveling with me "

The King paused.

" Then… how will I get there? " he asked.

" In style, " said Tough with a smile.

The ground under Obodas now cracked open. From out of the earth flew one of Ghillie Dhu's pets; a Dilong.

The earth dragon was majestic to behold.

" Wow… " uttered the King.

The Dilong-Dragon lowered its head. And that was when the King mounted the exquisite creature.

" Thank you for everything, Tough "

" It was my pleasure, " said Tough with a bow.

The Dilong-Dragon now flew off, towards its master.

It turns out that Ghillie Dhu simply wanted a cup of tea with the King.

The Hounds of Father Time

Time is a delicate thing.

The Father will protect his child, by sending his hounds.

" What did the witness say they looked like? " said Pyrrha.

" Like hounds, " said Alexander.

Alexander, Pyrrha and Heracles, were all three at the scene of a murder.

The sight was gruesome. The dead body was scattered everywhere.

" What manner of hound could possibly have done this? " said Heracles.

" The Hounds of Tindalos. The Hounds of Father Time " said Marcus Aurelius, as he walked up to the group.

" Father Time? " said Heracles, confused.

" Tindalos? " said Pyrrha, confused.

Alexander remained quiet.

" These hounds are sent by Father Time, to ensure that time is not tampered with " said Marcus.

" But… " said Pyrrha, confused; " this is a fantasy world. Why would Father Time be upset? "

Marcus was just looking at Pyrrha, he then said;

" A fair point. But, for the sake of plot and story… just roll with it. "

All eyes now turned to smiling Alexander.

" Brother. You look like you have an idea, " said Heracles with a smile.

Alexander now had a grin on his face, as he turned to the group.

The three teenagers were now all inside the house, where the murder had happened.

" So " said Heracles; " we are bait "

" We are perfect as bait, " said Alexander.

" How so? " asked Pyrrha.

" Me and my brother are both from history. We are most likely the intended targets of the hounds, " said Alexander.

Pyrrha paused for a moment.

" How many times are we going to break the fourth wall? " asked Pyrrha.

The whole room now fell silent, as a chill passed over everyone.

" They are here " said Alexander, as his breath was visible.

" Look! " exclaimed Heracles, as he pointed towards a corner of the room.

It was now, that a Hound of Tindalos walked out from the corner.

The dog was beyond words. And if Lovecraft and Mr. Frank Belknap Long could not describe this queer and eldritch creatures. Then I have no chance of succeeding where they failed.

The group quickly realized that there was another problem. Or, I should say; three other problems.

From each corner of the room, walked forth a hound.

The three teenagers were back-to-back.

" So, any bright ideas? " said Alexander.

" Wait! " exclaimed Pyrrha; " you are suppose to be the bright one "

Heracles now tried to punch one of the hounds. But, his punch just went right through the beast.

" They are like ghosts… " said Heracles.

That was when a lightbulb shone from atop Alexander's head.

" Brother, you are a genius! "

" I got brain and brawn! "

" Pyrrha. If what my brother says is true. That these hounds are like ghosts. Then they are most likely made of the fourth state of matter "

" Plasma… " uttered Pyrrha.

Pyrrha now surrounded herself, along with Alexander and Heracles, in a circle of fire.

Pyrrha clapped her hands together, and she now brought her flames to a new level of heat.

The hounds could not get close.

Each hound now noticed that they were melting.

The dogs tried to escape back into the corners of the room, but that was when Pyrrha said;

" Bad doggies "

Denisovan 11

Alexander and Heracles were both walking through the busy streets of the kingdom.

The two brothers were looking for Pyrrha.

" There she is(!) " said Heracles, as he noticed the one red head in the crowd.

" Hey, Pyrrha " said Heracles, as he was about to put his hand on the shoulder of the woman.

The second Heracles' hand landed - was the second he was thrown onto his back.

All this took place in the blink of an eye.

" Impressive… " uttered Alexander, as he was amazed by the woman's speed.

I say "woman" for this red head was not Pyrrha.

" Who are you…? " uttered Heracles, as he looked up at the exquisite, yet fierce, creature before him.

" Denny " said the woman in a soft and sweet voice; " who the hell are you? "

Heracles now noticed the grey eyes of Denny.

" Wow… " uttered Heracles. Who now had the air stomped out of his lungs, as Denny brought her foot down on his chest.

" I asked you a question, " said Denny, as she glared with her grey eyes.

To Heracles' horror and amazement, he could not remove Denny's foot.

" She is stronger than me… " uttered poor Heracles in disbelief.

" Please, fair madam! " exclaimed Alexander, as he ran up to his brother and the stranger.

Denny now looked towards Alexander, while still keeping Heracles trapped.

" Please, fair and beautiful lady. Find it in your heart to excuse my brother's foolish and rude behavior "

" Hey! " uttered Heracles, who kept on being humbled today.

Denny just eyed Alexander; from top to bottom.

" Why are you talking like a knight? " she asked.

Alexander paused for a moment, he then said;

" I really don't know… "

Denny helped Heracles back on his feet.

" Let us try this again " said Denny with a smile; " my name is Denny. Who are you two? "

The two brothers introduced themselves.

Denny now noticed the confused and surprised looks on both brothers.

" To answer your questions " said Denny with a smile; " I am not human "

" What are you? " asked Heracles.

" I am a Denisovan hybrid. I have been given the nickname; Denisovan 11 "

The two brother's now knew the reason behind Denny's unique and incredible beauty. And they both also knew the answer to her superhuman strength.

Just what other things was Denny hiding. The two brothers asked themselves this question, for Denny's smile was hinting at more.

Neither Heracles or Alexander would get an answer, as Denny excused herself, for she now left the kingdom.

" Sorry that I am late " said Pyrrha, as she walked up to both jaw-dropped brothers.

" Pyrrha! You won't believe what just happened!!! " exclaimed both brothers, at the same time.

" Woah, woah " said Pyrrha, as she tried to calm the two excited boys; " where is the fire? " she asked with a smile.

The Cats

Sparta and Boris were both walking around within the kingdom.

These two brothers did not seem to frightened the people, mostly because; the two brothers have never given the people a reason to fear them.

Sparta now noticed a small kitten on the street.

Boris looked on, as his brother walked towards the defenseless creature.

The small kitten was hurt, and could not walk.

Sparta moved the kitten; by lifting it with his mouth, without letting his fangs hurt the child.

When they were at a safe location. Sparta now started to lick the wounded kitten, while Boris took a nap nearby.

It took some time, and some licking, but the kitten was now able to walk again.

The kitten meowed in gratitude.

The child could now be seen playing with Boris' ears, as Sparta was the one who enjoyed a good nap.

The ears of both brothers were now on alert.

Sparta placed the kitten at a safe location.

The two lion brothers now made their way outside the kingdom.

It appeared on top of a mountain dune.

The creature was a Smilodon, who looked very hostile, as it growled towards the two brothers.

Sparta and Boris were both calm, for they were about to protect their home.

The Smilodon charged.

Boris halted the beast; by headbutting it.

Blood spilled down Boris' head, but none appeared on Smilodon's head.

The Smilodon easily threw poor Boris to the side.

Sparta stood his ground, as the Smilodon slowly approached.

The Smilodon was bigger than Sparta.

Sparta used this to his advantage, as he ducked underneath the massive beast.

Sparta now bit into one of Smilodon's thick thighs.

Unfazed, the Smilodon bit into Sparta's back.

Sparta cried out in pain, as his whole back was covered in crimson blood.

It was in that moment that both Sparta and the Smilodon heard the faint sound of a meow.

The small kitten was standing in front of the colossal Smilodon.

It truly looked like a pebble standing in front of a mountain.

While glaring, growling, and showing its fangs. The Smilodon lowered its head towards the brave baby kitten.

Blood now painted the sand red, as Boris had bitten into Smilodon's neck.

The kitten had provided the distraction; which Boris needed to execute his sneaky attack.

The Smilodon fell to the ground; dead.

Sparta and Boris were both back at the palace of the King.

Both lion brothers were being treated like the Kings they were.

King Obodas would ensure that his two companions would both make a full recovery.

While the brothers slept, the kitten could be seen playing with their ears.

A Bear Hug

Heracles was doing what he did best; wrestling.

The sound of a SLAM(!) echoed as Heracles brought down his opponent.

" Ha-ha! " exclaimed the fierce man, joyfully; " is there none who can give me a worthy challenge?! "

" I will try, " said a fit woman.

Heracles eyed the fair maiden, he then nodded.

The woman entered the arena.

The crowd cheered, as the match had begun.

Heracles was not surprised, as the woman showed incredible strength, for he had been humbled by a strong woman before.

Heracles planted his feet on the ground, for he was not about to lose.

Grins could be seen on the faces of both contestants.

The match was at a stand-still, as Heracles and the woman were both holding each other by their heads.

Their foreheads were against one another, as they looked deep into each other's eyes.

Heracles now made a mistake.

He moved his right foot forward; hoping for an advantage.

Seeing this, the woman put her left foot behind Heracles' right foot.

The woman now put her back against Heracles' front, she then flipped him over her shoulders.

With a BOOM, Heracles landed on his back.

There was deathly silence in the crowd.

A cheerful laughter came bursting out of Heracles.

Hearing this, the crowd cheered.

The woman helped Heracles back up on his feet.

" What is your name, mighty warrior? " asked Heracles.

" Callisto "

Heracles' eyes widened.

Another cheerful laugh could now be heard, as the drinks were on Heracles - not literally.

The Giant of the Earth

For once, there was actually peace in the kingdom.

The kind of peace that made one enjoy the silence.

But, sadly, it did not last.

The gates were thrown open, and in walked a colossal of a man.

Pyrrha, Alexander and Heracles were all three at the scene.

" A giant? " said Alexander, confused.

" A giant! " said Heracles, excitedly.

" The bigger they are, the harder they fall, " said Pyrrha with a smile.

The giant was known as; Antaeus.

The giant took a cow, and threw it at the group.

Alexander and Heracles both managed to get out of the way.

But poor Pyrrha got "beefed" in the face.

As Pyrrha was lifting the cow off herself, the two brothers went on the offensive.

Together, Alexander and Heracles managed to slam Antaeus onto the ground.

The very earth was cracked.

The two brothers bumped fists - thinking that victory had been achieved.

But that was when a shadow engulfed the two boys.

Alexander and Heracles both looked up, to see that Antaeus was unwounded, and the giant now looked more monstrous and draconic.

With the back of his hand, Antaeus sendt Alexander flying.

Enraged, Heracles tried to wrestle Antaeus to the ground.

But as Heracles struggled, Antaeus seemed to get stronger.

Pyrrha noticed what was going on.

For unlike everyone in the kingdom. Antaeus was not wearing any shoes. It almost seemed like the giant wanted to be in direct contact with the earth.

Pyrrha was now finally free.

She flew towards the fight, by igniting fire from her feet.

Pyrrha gave Antaeus a fiery-kick in the head. And once again; Antaeus grew more monstrous and draconic.

Antaeus slammed both Pyrrha and Heracles onto the ground.

The giant now felt something hit him in the head - it was an egg; thrown by a wounded Alexander.

Antaeus roared, but was cut-off short, as Alexander threw an egg in his face.

The giant now walked towards Alexander.

Pyrrha now told Heracles of her plan.

Heracles grabbed hold of Antaeus from behind.

Heracles held the giant thightly, as he lifted Antaeus off the ground.

Pyrrha landed on Antaeus' head.

She grabbed hold of the giant's head, she took a deep breath, and she now spewed out fire from her mouth.

Heracles released the headless giant.

All three adults were wounded, but victorious.

The King saw to the needs of his three champions.

What did Pyrrha, Alexander and Heracles want?

They all wanted a week of rest - which was granted.

The Dragon of the Red One

As they say; all good things must come to an end. But; don't be sad that it is over, be happy that it happened.

Ddraig, the red dragon of red one, has come to the kingdom to bring Pyrrha back home to the underworld.

Pyrrha and Dogor could both be seen walking towards the beautiful and colossal dragon.

" Wait! "

Pyrrha turned around; it was Heracles and Alexander.

The two brothers had looks of; can you not stay?

With a faint-smile, Pyrrha shook her head.

The brothers understood.

All three, who had been in so many adventures together, now got together in a group hug.

No one cried, no one said farewell, they refused to make the moment any sadder than it was.

Pyrrha was holding Dogor, as she mounted Ddraig.

The two brothers looked on, as the wind made Pyrrha's crimson hair dance before their eyes.

Speaking of eyes.

Pyrrha's eyes were glowing, as she smiled towards her best friends.

Poor Heracles was about to cry, but he held it in.

Everyone now waved goodbye, as Pyrrha returned home.