Maewyn Succat’s day

As Bell was wearing green, he walked into the The Star Tavern, Belgravia.

He sat down, ordered a drink, and then said;

" Greetings Arthur "

" Hello Joseph " said Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, as he was enjoying his drink.

" Why did you pick this place, for a meet-up? " asked Holmes.

" You tell me " said Doyle, as he was smiling.

" It is because; this place is where the Great Train Robbers made their plans to attack the Mail service, back in 1963? "

" Right as always "

The two men now enjoyed a sip of their drinks.

" Are you still writing those stories of my adventures? " asked Bell.

" Me and Watson both write some accounts down "

" I am flattered "

" And I am honored "

The two men now took another sip of their drinks.

Holmes noticed Doyle's hand shaking.

" How are you faring? " he asked, with the utmost compassion.

" It is just the stress of work..." said Doyle with his emotions at his throat.

Bell tried to comfort his friend, but Holmes knew that there was nothing he could say or do that would help.

" How are Roger and Benjamin? " Doyle asked.

" They are doing wonderful, you should come and visit one of these days, they would be happy to see you "

" Perhaps I will, " said Doyle, as there was now a smile on his face.

Bell finished his drink, gave Doyle a gentleman's hug, and then said;

" If you need anything, simply ask "

" Thank you, Mr Bell, " said Doyle, as a little grief had now left his heart.

Holmes walked out, as another man walked in, and sat next to Doyle.

" I did not think that you would come " said Doyle with a smile.

" I had nothing better to do, and besides, I could not abandon my friend's request " said Ludwig Wittgenstein.