The Golden Horns

A decade has gone by, and many barrels have been emptied, while many adventures have begotten.

Dane is now a young, and handsome adult.

He has also become one of King Hrólfr's Knight-Vikings.

Dane is also the proud wielder of the Fragarach; a weapon that makes you tell the truth.

While within the mighty hall of the King of Denmark.

Dane was playing with Snow, as he noticed a longhorn and a shorthorn, both made of pure gold.

Dane also noticed that both horns had runes and other ancient texts and pictures on them.

" Have my golden horns caught your eyes? " said King Hrólf with a smile.

" They are beautiful… '' uttered Dane, with respect and amazement.

The King giggled.

" The horns have always caught your eye, even when you were just a boy, " said Mímir.

" I can't help it.. "

" It was a compliment, not an insult, " said Brán.

" The horns are unique, but they are not meant to stay in my hall, " said King Hrólf.

" But… where are they meant to be then? " asked Dane.

The King smiled, as he said;

" In the future "

Dane was confused, as both Mímir and Brán were smiling.

It took some time, but Dane and King Hrólf had both arrived in Sønderjylland with both golden horns.

" I don't understand… " said Dane.

" I don't need you to understand, for I don't understand it myself " said the King, as he wrapped both horns in a fine cloth.

" So… you are giving the horns to the future? "

" I am giving the horns to the future of my people. These two horns represent the Danes themselves " said the King, as he looked at Dane.

Dane did not understand, but he did help cover up the spot where the horns were buried.

" Let us just hope that nobody remelts them…" said Helios.

The King and Dane now both returned back to Sjælland.