Book 4

Uriah and his men were now on Ilha de Queimada Grande, also known as; Snake Island.

" Sir, I don't like it here… " said Pul.

" I share your feeling, " said Uriah, as he tried his best not to step on one of the many snakes on the ground.

" What are we even doing here? " said Javan.

" I have been wondering that myself " said Uriah, as he looked at a smiling 'Iax.

" Well, I can answer your question with another question " said 'Iax.

" What? "

" Have you ever heard the story of Medusa? "

The words which Uriah utter went as following;

" With all the love and healing of Raphael! "

Uriah then took a deep breath, as his crew just looked at him.

" Guys… I won't lie, we have a dangerous mission ahead of us, and if any of you want to go back to the ship, now is the- "

As Uriah was about to finish, he looked back, but his whole crew had already ran back to the ship.

" So much for having my back… " said Uriah.

" I am still here " said the Angel 'Iax.

Uriah mumbled, as he walked on.

He walked, while dodging the many snakes of the island, till he eventually reached the spot where his foe was.

Which was in an open area on the Island, with large columns and lots of statues.

" Okay, who is it, or what is it? " said Uriah, as he drew forth his sword.

" I did mention Medusa's story, and that is because this demon is very similar to the Gorgon who can turn others into stone. And the demon's name is Obizuth " said 'Iax.

" How do I beat her? " said Uriah, as he started to sweat a bit.

" I suggest that you do like Perseus, and be sneaky about it, " said 'Iax with a smile.

Uriah just had a look of; Really?

He now went into the opening, while being very sneaky.

Something now moved from column to column, but Uriah did not see it, he only heard it.

All of Uriah's senses were heightened, for he did not know his opponent, nor did he know where she was. He was going into this battle blind, as he was about to fight a demon who could turn him into stone with a single gaze.

Much like the snakes, Uriah's blood slowly froze, but in his case, it was out of fear and anticipation.

Uriah heard a sound which made him turn around, just as Obizuth was behind him.

Before Uriah turned around to meet Obizuth's gaze. 'Iax quickly inhabited Uriah's body, so that Obizuth's petrifying gaze had no effect.

And that is how Uriah calmly looked into Obizuth's green eyes.

But Uriah was affected by something else, and that something was Obizuth's Sumerian beauty.

" Wow… " uttered Uriah.

Obizuth was surprised by his words.

" People usually turn into stone at this part… this is rather new to me " said Obizuth.

Uriah and Obizuth now sat, and both had a lovely conversation.

" Why did you lie to me? " said Uriah, as he was walking back to the ship.

" What do you mean? " said 'Iax.

" You said that she was like Medusa "

" She is. A sweet and innocent girl who has been given a terrible fate "

Uriah smiled, as he now understood.