Book 6

Uriah and his crew have been sailing aimlessly through the sea, and it has been going on for about two months.

Two of the crewmen were having a match of the Royal Game of Ur. One of them lost, he flipped the table in anger.

" Sir, I don't mean to be rude, but the men want some booty, " said Dedan.

" I beg your pardon? " said Uriah.

" Booty sir, they want some gold, we want some treasure, " said Dedan with a neutral expression.

" The ship is filled with the treasures which we got from Babylon! "

" We know sir… but we still want some more booty " said Dedan, yet again with a neutral expression.

" You lot are falling into the sin of greed! "

" We know sir, we don't care sir "

" Just you all wait, this greed will turn you all into dragons! " exclaimed Uriah, as he walked towards his chambers.

" Uhm sir, we are also hungry "

" Eat the booty! "

" I would kill for some booty to eat " said Dedan, as he also committed the sin of lust in his mind.

Uriah closed the doors to his chambers.

" 'Iax, what do I do? The men are hungry and all we have is treasure… " said Uriah.

" It seems like you are both rich and poor, " said 'Iax with a smile.

" I don't have time for that stuff. If we don't find some food soon, my men are going to do like the Sentinelese and eat me! " exclaimed Uriah, as he also was hungry.

Uriah's nose now caught the scent of something delicious.

" Great… I am going mad. I now smell food when none is there " said Uriah, as the doors of his room were slammed open.

" Sir! Do you smell the food?! " said the crewmen.

" Do you smell it too? " said Uriah, surprised and delighted.

Uriah now ran to the deck, where he saw all his men at the edge of the ship with all their noses in the air.

" What a heavenly scent… " said one.

" I can die happy… " said another.

" Look, an island! " said a third.

Uriah and crew were now near an island.

" Set sail! " yelled Uriah, as he pointed to the island.

" I would not recommend that " said 'Iax; " That is Komodo, and it is the home of- "

'Iax's words fell on deaf ears, as the ship had already reached Komodo.

Uriah, along with all his men, were now running towards the spot where the smell was coming from.

They ran and ran, till they reached a cave, which must have seemed like paradise on earth for the hungry men.

Inside the cave were ingredients of all kinds, and fruits of all kinds.

All of them now rushed into the cave, where they all now started to eat their fill.

Uriah noticed the concerned look on 'Iax's face.

" Don't worry. We won't eat all of it, " said Uriah.

" That is not what I am worried about. I am worried about the owner "

" I am sure that the people will understand, " said Uriah, as he stuffed his face.

" It is not 'people' who own this cave "

Uriah now had a worried look on his face.

The ground under everyone now started to shake.

" 'Iax? " said Uriah.

" Yes? "

" Who owns this cave? "

" His name is not known, he is merely referred to as; The Dragon of Daniel " said 'Iax with a smirk.

Uriah's blood froze, as the shaking got closer and closer.

" Men! Hide!! " yelled Uriah.

Everyone now hid in various spots in the cave, as the Dragon entered his home.

The Dragon noticed that some of his food had been eaten.

" Who has had the audacity to eat of my food!! Show yourself! " cried the Dragon, as he looked around the cave.

But Uriah and his men did not move a muscle.

" I see " said the Dragon with a smile; " So that is how you want to play? "

Uriah's heart now dropped, as the Dragon placed a huge rock at the exit. The men were now trapped.

" Sir, what do we do? " said Edmond.

" For now, we hide and do nothing, " said Uriah.

Uriah then looked up and saw 'Iax smiling down at him.

Uriah now mumbled some curse words.

Days now went by, as Uriah and crew were still stuck in the cave of the Dragon.

" Baraqiel's lightning! " exclaimed Uriah.

That was when Uriah had an idea.

" 'Iax! Bring Ramiel and Baraqiel! " said Uriah, with hope in his eyes.

'Iax thought about asking the thunder and lightning of God for help, but he then had a better idea.

" Let us ask Verchiel for some cooking advice " said 'Iax with a smile.

" Cooking advice?! " exclaimed Uriah, confused.

" Why?! " he continued.

'Iax now pointed at the Dragon, who was eating.

" He is just eating, " said Uriah.

" But, what is he eating? " said 'Iax with a smile.

Uriah looked again, and he now noticed that the Dragon was eating a lot of carabao mangoes.

" So the Dragon has a sweet fang " said Uriah.

After Verchiel had given Uriah some cooking advice on making cakes. That was when Uriah and crew started to make LOTS of cakes.

Uriah now stood in front of the Dragon, with a cake in his hand.

" You! " said the Dragon while glaring at Uriah; " Who are you? "

" I am nobody, " said Uriah with a smile.

The Dragon now noticed the cake.

" Is that a cake? " asked the Dragon.

And Uriah just nodded.

Uriah now fed the Dragon hundreds, no, thousands of cakes.

" No man has ever fed me like you " said the Dragon, as he was one cake away from bursting open.

" What was your name again? "

" I am nobody " said Uriah, as he was bringing the final cake.

Uriah then took cover, as the Dragon puked out a huge fireball; which destroyed the huge rock.

" That will do, " said Uriah, as he and his men got the hell out of the cave, while carrying all the food they could.

Uriah and crew were now on the ship and a good distance away from Komodo Island.

Uriah could be heard letting out a sigh of relief, as his belly was full.

" Hey 'Iax, what happened to the Dragon? " said Uriah.

" He died of diabetes "

" I did not know that dragons could get diabetes, " said Uriah, amazed.

'Iax just nodded with a smile.