Book 12

On Socotra, there stands an anvil with a blade stuck within, the sword is called; the Blade of Uziel. The blade was given to Uriah by the named Angel. When Uriah went off to war, he forgot to bring the blade, hence it still rests in the anvil, only one man may pull it loose, the Hittite Uriah.

Everyone had gathered within the palace, for Bathsheba had an announcement. By the advice of her son, she told everyone that she would marry whoever could pull the blade from the anvil.

All the suitors had greedy and eager looks on their faces.

One suitor at a time now went up to the anvil.

With excitement and joy, each suitor tried and each suitor failed.

Regret and frustration could now be seen in the eyes of the suitors.

For the hell of it, said all the suitors, Ulysses the woman would give it a try.

The suitors looked on with smirks on their faces, while Uriah just smiled.

Uriah then looked at Nomolos and Gurth, and both nodded their heads.

Uriah was now standing at the anvil, he looked up and saw 'Iax smiling.

" It is finally time, " said the Angel.

Uriah could feel his heart race, but his hands were calm. He had control of his breathing, as he gathered his thoughts.

Uriah now calmly and gently looked at Bathsheba.

Bathsheba could not help but feel that she had seen that loving face before.

Uriah now grabbed the hilt of the blade with his right hand, and as Uriah changed from woman to man, he pulled out the blade with a thundering sound.

All the suitors looked on in horror, as Bathsheba looked on in awe, for Uriah the Hittite had finally arrived, and he was now going to murder some simps.

And that is what happened. As the servants got Bathsheba to safety, Uriah, Nomolos and Gurth all three took on the entire suitor army. And if you are wondering how? Well, 'Iax helped out and Gurth is the son of Beowulf.

All the lustful suitors were now dead. 'Iax quickly cleaned off all the blood on Uriah.

And now finally, the moment you have all been waiting for(especially Uriah) Bathsheba and Uriah were finally able to embrace one another. After ten long years, Uriah was finally able to hold his wife again. Both cried tears of joy and both said; " I love you " over and over again.

After having removed the many dead bodies of the once alive suitors. An old friend of Uriah decided to visit Socotra. The name of that friend is; Methuselah.

A banquet was now held and all the people of Socotra were invited.

All was now well in the home of Uriah, he had his wife and son, he had his friends and beloved ones, but most important of all, he had the memories of his many adventures.

The Angel 'Iax looked on from atop the sky, he saw the joyful smile on his dear friend's face.

The Angel simply giggled, as he now flew back to heaven, a job well done. But 'Iax shall always stand ready to aid Uriah the Hittite on his next big adventure.

Some of the characters and their role;

Uriah - Odysseus.

Bethsheba - Penelope.

Nomolos - Telemachus.

The Dragon of Daniel - Polyphemus.

Jezebel - Circe.

Leviathan and Behemoth - Scylla and Charybdis.

'Iax - Athena.

Asmodeus - the sirens.

Fierabras - Arnaeus.

The Blade of Uziel - the Bow of Apollo.

Dindrane - Kalypso.

The Witch of Endor - the part where Odysseus speaks with the dead.

Gurth - Eumaeus.