Chapter 12: Warrior's Heart

"Oh gods, Noah!

Noah! Noah! Are you ok?! Speak to me, goddammit! Noah!!

Please don't die on me! Please, be alright...!"

This was all that Noah could hear, while engulfed by darkness. Lucy's voice. Sounds of something heavy being moved. He wished that he could reply to her, but he couldn't move his lips. Nor could he move anything. It was like chains binding him down. All he could see around him was darkness. Nothing else. It reminded him of his first memory: the cold and dark room, something crumbling around him. A bright light. But now, no one was there to wake him up. There was none of Lucy's perfume. No bright blue sky. No warmness. No cold. No...nothing.

"How long are you going to lie down there, Noah?"

An unfamiliar voice ringed inside Noah's ears. It wasn't Lucy's anymore nor Terri's, but it sounded female. It was a deep and distant, like it was being said from another place, or another world. Noah wanted to ask the voice who it belonged to and how did it know his name, but he still couldn't talk.

"Come now, dear Noah. Stand up. Your battle is far from over,but so is the time where you shall die. So, it's no time to be lazying around. What would your friends say if you just gave up now? You still have many debts to repay to Gaia."

Noah knew that. Until he payed back Soula's kindness and uncovered the truth about his past, he couldn't just lie down. He tried, with all his might, to stand up. But nothing moved...

Then, a second unfamiliar voice ringed, now much closer to him.

-Boy...really be the voice was constantly being cut off, so Noah couldn't hear every word, but he could feel his body being risen up. Now he was standing, his legs trembling.

The voice that was being cut off, spoke again. Noah realized that it was a male's and...very familiar...

-Can' dying, sake, too.

"I wasn't expecting you to be here. "

The female voice sounded again.

"Do what you must, but Noah doesn't deserve to die here." live...too... But...worry...always...his side. Until he...the other.

-Who are you?- the words jumped out of Noah's mouth. He was so confused.

The male voice didn't answer. Somehow, Noah didn't expect him to be there anymore.

"We will surely meet again, Noah Eon. I would really rather tell you everything now, but time is short. You must stand up again, to face Terri T's power with all of your heart." Blade is broken...I can't defeat Terri with no Blade...!- suddenly, he felt himself being pushed back, his feet sliding off the floor, as he was sucked into whatever wanted him out of that limbo.

The female giggled.

"Silly Noah. A true BladeMaster needs not defeat another to achieve victory."

-What do you mean by that?!-he asked, panicking.

"Stand up to Terri again, and show her just how strong your heart is. Then, surely, you will understand. Noah, Gaia chose you to stop something. Something far greater than country domination by the corrupted children of Attila. Stay strong. Stay safe. And good luck..."

Noah couldn't say anything, as a bright light, similar to the one he saw at the beginning of everything. He just heard the voice again, now filled with warmth.

" dear son."


When he opened his eyes again, he was facing breaches of light coming through countless spaces in between the rocks he was buried under. He saw his own left arm bent over his face and various rock pillars extended across the length of his body. When the rubble fell, he must have instinctively summoned those pillars to protect him from the incoming projectiles, although he didn't remember ever coming up with that strategy. After Terri broke his Blade in pieces, he was too stunned to make a move. Maybe...he was saved by whoever that mysterious female voice belonged to...?

-Noah! Noah, are you alright?! Talk to me, kiddo!

He heard Lucy's voice above the rock tomb above him. For once, she seemed genuinely worried about him...

-Y-yeah, I'm good...Gimme a moment, I'll get out of here immediately...-and with that, he swung his bent arm back to the left, the pillars moving that way and with their force, swiping the rubble away, like a shovel. He coughed up the dust that had formed a cloud around him after the rocks had been moved, but was glad to see that he was under blue sky again. He sat up. His back hurt like hell, but it seemed manageable. He looked to the side and saw Lucy knelled down next to him. For a moment, her face showed relief but it soon disappeared as she smacked him on the top of his head with his first.

-You jerk! Don't you ever worry me, like that! Now, on your feet! Your opponent has been gracious enough to stop her poorly-dressed rampaging and is awaiting you.-he grabbed him by the shoulders and quickly lifted him up. Noah felt slightly light-headed, but his vision soon focused on Terri, who awaited on the place she had countered his strategy, arms folded. At her feet, lied the pieces of Noah's Blade, glittering with the sunlight. He looked at his right hand and saw the hilt with a non-existent blade, much like the first time he had fought with Lucy.

Lucy told me that Blades have to retreat once they sustain a certain ammount of damage. But my's no turning into dust like Angus'..! Could permanently broken?! It can't be..!

-Why...-he asked Terri-Why didn't you finish me off? You had the perfect chance to finish the job!

Terri shrugged.

-Meh...I thought that counter and rocks falling on you would be sufficient, but I guess I was wrong. To tell you the truth, I'm actually quite the lazy person. I was just waiting here for Lucy to realize that you were dead as a doorknob so we could fight already.

-W-well, it seems you aren't in luck...-Noah sighed. He managed to figure out Terri's weak point and survive her deadly counter, so why were she and Lucy still treating him like a small fry?

-But, it appears I'll get my wish, kiddo.-she smirked.

-W-wha...? Why do you say that?-he asked.

She pointed at him, a severe expression splashed on her face, like a mother lecturing her son.

-Have you noticed the state you're in? You're a mess! I refuse to continue fighting such a mangled up opponent. Give up! I clearly won!

-What?!- Noah looked down towards his body. Like Terri said, he was in a poor state: covered in bruises, cuts from where blood dripped out onto the floor, his back and head hurt like hell and it wasn't the easiest job to breathe, so he must have had some ribs broken. But...- N-no, I can still fight! Let's go!- he tried to walk towards her, but his legs didn't listen to him. With a sharp pain, his feet gave out and he fell face first onto the dirt.

-See? You have been defeated and I refuse to finish you off like that. I would prefer to avoid any unnecessary deaths, especially of children. Come now, Lucy, let us finish this once and for all!

Noah lifted his face towards her, gritting his teeth. What...was that feeling of rage inside him? That frustration, that sensation of utter incompleteness inside his chest?

He heard the sound of a step beside him. He looked to the side and saw a black boot close to his face. He looked upwards and saw Lucy, standing beside him, looking down at him.

-Eyes on the floor, kiddo, I don't want no upskirt fanservice from you. I'll tag in, so you can rest. Good job kiddo.- her eyes turned towards Terri.- You're right, T. I'll pound your face into oblivion!

The black aura of Genesis shone around her hand. She was ready to fight. She stepped forward.


Noah's voice rung around the desert arena. He quickly knelt on the ground, his teeth gritting harder.

-N-Noah...?-Lucy's voice was filled with genuine surprise.- What are you doing? Your fight is over, I'll finish her, don't worry. There's nothing to feel ashamed ab---

Noah's fist crashed against the floor, blood tinging the knuckles of his letter glove.

-No. You can back away, Lucy. I'll be the one to beat her.

-Noah, don't be ridiculous!!-she screamed. His collar was suddenly grabbed and he was lifted off the ground. Now he faced Lucy's furious expression. He had never seen her so angry before.- Where do you get off from continue fighting like this?! You think you're so high and mighty, that because you don't want to stop fighting that I should let you keep doing it?!

-Yes!!- he yelled back at her- All this time, you've been pushing me in the direction you wanted! You forcibly took me under your wing, making vain promises about me being the strongest BladeMaster so you could use me as your meat shield in your little war against the Order, which I have nothing against, by the way, and now that I do want to fight, now that I do want to give my all, you stop me! Where do you get off by being such a hypocrite?!

-I never said that you should die for my cause!

-You ordered me to fight! Against Terri of all people, while I'm still a novice! You were sending me to my death!

-I did it because I believed in you! If I wanted you dead, I would have done it the second I met you! I could do it right now, if you want to die so badly!!!- Genesis' edge was suddenly against his throat. He could feel its cold aura practically cutting his skin.

Noah looked straight at her, his scarlet meeting her emerald. A thin line of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. He was really hurting, but that bickering with Lucy only fueled his desire to keep going even further. He felt, ever since he woke up in Soula...truly alive.

-You said it yourself, Lucy...that I always took whatever you threw at me and always got back up, flying above expectations. Now...I really do want to surpass my limits. I feel like this fight might kill this uncertainty I've been feeling since the beginning...If I win or, gods forbid, die here, at least I know that I've done so while following my own will, not being coerced into it by anybody else, not feeling any doubt by comparing myself to others. This is something I choose to do, because only I can make the choice: I want to fight. I want to fly. I want to win.

Lucy's hand trembled at his collar and so did Genesis' . Suddenly he fell, dropping butt-first on the ground.

He looked up. Lucy was still looking at him, unsummoning Genesis. Her lips...curled up in a gentle smile. angel's.

-Geez, you're so stupid...Fine, if you want to fight so bad, I'll allow it. Wouldn't want to leave my pupil doubting himself. Now, if you die don't come back crying to be!

-I wouldn't able to, anyways...-he said, tilting his head in confusion.

She huffed.

-Geez, it was just a snarky remark! Just give me this!-she sighed- Now get your lazy ass up and go get her, slugger.-she gave him another smile.

Noah nodded and jumped up, ignoring his pain. No, it was like it was never there to begin with. All that existed now was his will to fight.

And a whole lot of adrenaline, too.

Terri, for one sighed in disappointment. She summoned the ELX Sword again, pointing it at the boy.

-I really don't wanna do this...but if you want to die so badly, who am I to say no? Come now, Noah Eon. Let me slice that naive body in two.

Noah smirked at her. He felt like it was the first time he ever smiled with such confidence in his life. He felt like he was in his element, an unfamiliar sense of nostalgia invading his body. Maybe it was because of his past? He didn't really want to care about questioning that now. He pointed his Blade's hilt at her.

-Just TRY it. I'll beat your face into oblivion!

They both dashed at each other. Before he entered her range, he swung his hand towards her and several pillars erupted from the ground beside his feet and lunged towards her. She quickly cut them down, but it was the opening he was looking for. Despite her counters, she couldn't attack that many targets at once. He focused his view on her entirely and, like he thought, Terra responded to his desires. In a flash, the same small platforms he used in his gambit against her in the beginning of the fight appeared beneath his feet and quickly rocketed him towards her. He clenched his left fist and threw it at her gut, it quickly sinking in her skin. Time seemed to stop for a second and he looked towards Terri's face. It was filled with shock at Noah's bold approach, her mouth coughing spit. That was another weakness of hers: she had such a violent way of fighting, but quickly fell apart if her opponent used a similar method about engaging her. Noah had to turn off any hesitation and just get as close as he could to her, and throw everything he had her at once, in point blank manner.

The momentum still carried his flying body so he quickly stretched his arm and his fist quickly let her gut, her body continuing flying forward and he making a smooth landing on the ground. Terri landed on the floor, rolling upon herself. She lied there for awhile, but soon got up, her face livid.

-H-how...can you still have so much energy?! You're so wounded, you shouldn't be able to get up!!-she clenched her stomach.

Noah panted, still smirking. He honestly didn't know exactly why he was so pumped up. Again, he pointed the hilt of his Blade at her and opened his mouth to reply something snarky, Lucy-like.

Suddenly, words erupted from his mouth, without his consent. Like someone was talking for him..!

-You underestimated me, Terri T. That was the major flaw in your strategy!-Noah heard it, overlapping his own voice: the female voice he heard earlier, the one who called him son!- You might lead masses, but you forget the strength of the individual!

Terri's expression seemed slightly confused.

-Why...are you talking like that? Did you hit your head too hard...?

The female voice was now louder than his own, ringing inside his head. Maybe Terri couldn't hear it, or else she'd be even more confused. Noah felt something inside his chest erupting from within, making its way towards the rest of his body. It was...filling him up, the voice getting louder and louder and louder as that sudden energy was soon reaching its tipping point.

-I'll show you the strength of one! The strength that alone can move mountains and slay armies! I'll show you...MY "WARRIOR'S HEART" !!!- the words exploded out his mouth and he was quickly blinded by light, placing his arms over his surprised eyes.

For a split second, Terri could have sworn that she saw a shadow behind Noah, before the light engulfed her.

When she managed to open her eyes again, she gasped at the situation that unfolded before her: a massive golden aura enveloped Noah's right arm, spiraling like a tornado, sending chills down her spine. What massive energy...! It didn't seem like he had activated Soul Crash, so what was happening?! Noah seemed as surprise as her, his dumbfounded expression staring at his arm. Slowly the aura regressed from his shoulder down to his forearm and finally reaching the Blade he was supposed to be holding. Like a curtain rising, the aura kept regressing, its golden flames flying out of the object he was now holding until there was no more. The object kept shining brightly for a second but it soon faded, revealing what it was.

The smooth hilt set a soothing feeling on Noah's hand and soul. At the hilt's end, a flat thick small golden piece of metal shaped like a centerless heart gave birth to a silver, twinkling blade, coming from two small slots on both the base and top of the heart, like it was originally slid across the blade and fitted in the original end of the hilt. Like the final piece of the puzzle, it gave that new Blade its whole meaning: the power of the individual's heart.

-Warrior's....Heart...- Noah muttered. Was that...the Blade's name? How did he know it in the first place? But it was like...he knew it all along...

He looked at Terri, who was beyond confused at the sudden transformation of Noah's Blade. She gulped. evolved...-she stuttered.

-W-what? Evolved?!-Noah asked, now even more confused.

-Y-yes... as your soul gets stronger, your Blade might evolve as well, but I have never seen it with my own eyes...! I thought it was myth! But now, I'm forced to admit its reality.

Noah looked at his new weapon. An evolved Blade, huh? It was a he had an actual chance against Terri! He pointed it at her, his already high confidence given a huge boost. The Blade gave out a faint golden aura as it moved.

Terri tsked.

-Don't get cocky, kid. An evolved Blade will never replace experience. I'll still defeat you and make you swallow your words!-she dashed towards him and swung her Blade.

Noah didn't have any strategies at that moment. He now wanted to test out his new power. He swung his Blade against her and they clashed, sparks erupting from both metals. They both swung again and again and again, clashing with one another every time. The ELX Sword was quite heavy, but it seemed like Warrior's Heart's own power was enough to counter the opponent's hit. It was incredible! They clashed one more time and struggled to gain ground against the other, both Blades trembling against one another.

Finally, both minds in sync, they jumped backwards, away from the other's range. Both panted, each approaching their limit.

-Not bad, kiddo. Not bad at all.-Terri said, a small smirk in her lips. She was truly a proud warrior, most comfortable in the battlefield. Like Lucy, the duel was exciting her, especially against an opponent who had so many reversals so far and ended up almost equal to her.-But I'm afraid it ends now!

She bend her legs and placed the Blade at and angle, just like last time. That stance! She was about to activate Soul Crash! If she did, Noah wouldn't have any countermeasures against her increased power and his hard-fought advantage would vaporize! He had to come up with a solution and quick, before it was all over...

Then, something occurred to him. Maybe...if he copied her...Wait, but would it even work? He had never even tried performing a Soul Crash before. Could his body even withstand it, in its wounded state? N-no...he had to at least try...!

He bent his legs and angled Warrior's Heart. He focused, taking deep breaths.

It was now or never...



As soon as he finished saying that, it happened. Like a volcano going off inside him, he was suddenly filled with vigor, energy, determination. He felt more powerful than he ever did before.Did it really just work?! He must have had the devil's own luck, to actually achieve Soul Crash on his first time! Did all that power really come from his soul...? Maybe, just maybe he had chance now...

He felt Terri's energy going by him, like ranging waves. She was at her best too, so he had to go all out. He had was his final chance, after all. But he'd tackle it head on, no matter the consequences. With newfound power surging through him, he tightened the grip on Warrior's Heart's hilt and dashed towards Terri, who did the same, the ground behind each of them exploding in their wake.

He'd fly.

He'd win.

With all of his heart.