Chapter 15: An Angel's Hand

-Well, well, color me impressed, you actually did it Noah!- Lucy said before taking Noah into his arms and giving him a hug a lil' too tight for him, especially with his wounds.

-T-thanks, but let me down, Lucy! I can't...breathe!-he squirmed on her grip.

-Boo...-he dropped him butt-first onto the sand- Many man would pay to get a hug from me, ya know?

-I wouldn't say those kinds of things with that outfit, Lucy.- a grizzled voice sounded from behind them both. When they turned around, they saw Eldus and the rest of the group tailing behind him -People might start wondering if you're one of those kinds of "workers". Ya know, the corner of the street ones.

Lucy summoned Genesis and began running at Eldus, before Noah caught her by the waist and held her back, while she screamed, livid.

-Oh, you did NOT just call me that, old man! That is going too far! I think it's time for a much needed retirement! Lemme go, Noah, I want to use his beard as a napkin!

-Well, you had it coming, making me worry like that. Did you even notice that the arena was much farther away from the base? What if you needed help? We couldn't reach you! -he said, shaking his head in a disapproving tone.

Lucy stopped and Noah let her go. was? Pff, I didn't even notice. Silly me~-she smacked herself on the top of the head -And awww, were you worried about me, old man? That's so cute!

-Well, that was a complete one-eighty...- Mercedes muttered.

Eldus sighed.

-You're too happy-go-lucky for your own good, Lucy. Your naivete might be the end of you if you're not careful.

-I know, I know...But,hey, everything turned out good, right? Terri's beaten, the base is overtaken and my hair continues spot-on. Life's wonderful...-she giggled.

-Little Noah, you seem to be heavily injured-Rye popped out behind Eldus' back with a concerned expression on his face. The boy looked down upon himself and indeed his entire body was covered from top to bottom with bruises and bloody cuts, one of which probably belonged to Terri's incredible counter,due to its size and depth

-Pff, of course, getting his ass handed to him by Terri could never be pretty.- Merceny replied, with a mocking grin on his face What did he have against Noah, anyways?

-Actually, Mr. Sourpants...- Lucy gave him a snicker- Noah fought against Terri all alone and he was the one who defeated her.

The entire arena was filled with an eerie silent.


Everyone's exclamations of surprise almost made Noah deft.

-W-what...? N-no way, you're kidding, right Lucy?- Mercedes said carefully. Noah puffed his cheeks, were the odds that stacked against him or did everybody think he'd die?!

Probably the latter as Merceny's face was twisted into a raging expression. Was he... jea-lous?

Eldus looked at Lucy.

-Hmm, so it seems your gambit paid off, huh, Lucy...- Gambit? Wait...Noah turned his head to Lucy and she grinned at him.

-Yup, I knew all along you'd be able to unlock your hidden potential, hidden behind all those cobwebs and kick some royal butt. You've had me cheering for you, even~- and then she winked at him before slapping him on the back. Noah stumbled forward and quickly recovered but he didn't really know how to feel about being used as a betting chip.

-Tch, I won't believe it...-Merceny grunted- If Eon really did defeat Terri, she must have been much weaker than I expected.

-Yo, Ciny, didja even notice the amount of soul power we felt at the base?! Terri must have been terrifying!- Gee said, popping out of Rye's back


-Excuse me?- Merceny launched an irate glare, his words filled with acid.

Eldus covered Gee's mouth and resumed talking.

-Yes, Terri was a fearsome fighter and brilliant tactician too. Such a feat was not easy to achieve. I'm proud of you, little Noah.

Noah felt himself blush and Lucy told everyone about the fight with much detail and personalized sound effects.

-And then there was this giant sword and Noah tried to dodge it but it hit him but then he got up and was all cool and like "I'll destroy your fucking toothpick!" and I was like "swoon~" and then---

-Wait, Noah said that?- Mercedes interrupted Lucy and looked at Noah- I never imagined the mild-mannered cinnamon roll Noah would resort to such foul language and attitude.- she smirked.

Noah was confused too. Who was that male voice? And the female voice too?

-...and then he destroyed the sword with this "Gaia's Blade " thingy and then punched her right in the face!

-Wait! Did you just say "Gaia's Blade "?!- Eldus exclaimed.

Lucy nodded.

-Um...yeah. It was this sweet looking rock sword and runes and ivy drawings in it.

Eldus scratched his beard.

-Fascinating...most fascinating. I have some research to do once we get to Soula...

-Well, what are we waiting for?- Gee asked- I'm roasting in this sun! Eldus, are you going to use your "Teleportation Thrill-Ride" powers now?

Eldus huffed.

-Yes, I am, Gee... OK, everybody huddle up and---


The unknown female voice surprised everyone and they all turned back to the rubble that had buried Terri. To their surprise, the BladeMaster stood upon the rocks, completely covered in bruises and blood, panting. She descended from the rubble and dragged her feet towards them, extending her hand to...Noah?

Immediately, Merceny summoned his Blade and pointed it to Terri.

-Stop right there, T. If you want to die so badly, I'll be your opponent and---

Terri gave Merceny a glare out of this word. Filled with such pressure that made Noah's stomach make a flip, she passed by a paralyzed Merceny and by the rest of the surprised group. Even defeated, she still made her tittle of "Titan" proud.

Once she got to Noah, she stopped. Noah gulped and tensed up, preparing to fight. But then her lips curled up into a smile and her mouth let go of a roaring laugh.

-Oh boy, I can't believe a boy like you was able to defeat me! Yes, you're still green but you're no longer a spark. Noah Eon, you are a growing inferno! I'm honored to have fell to someone like you!- and she placed and bloodied hand on his shoulder and a little too much force.

Noah was shocked but felt no ill intention from her. Was she...happy?

-You wouldn't believe how boring life as a member of the Order Elite can get. I haven't had this fun in a fight in years! Thank you, Noah. You've rekindled my passion for battle, even if it was for one last time...

"Last time?"

-Wait, what do you mean by that?

Terri didn't answer right away. Instead, she reached onto the goggles above her eyes and removed them for her head, her long ponytail following along it until it was released. She then extended them towards Noah. The orange lenses were bloody and mostly cracked. Was it a gift? Noah had a feeling that it'd be rude to not take that and accepted the goggles onto his trembling hands.

-Good. Now, even if I die, you'll have remember me by...- after saying this, she fell backwards onto the sand, lying on top of it, with a huge smile on her face.

Wait...did she?!

Silence befell the desert arena. Silence that stung deeper than the Titan's Sword even, now that it carried Terri T.'s death...

-Would you stop being such a drama queen, Terri?

Lucy's voice cut through the silence. Terri's eyes slammed open.

-Can't you even let me die in peace, Lucy. I was defeated fair and square. Don't you tell me you've acquired a taste for stepping on a downed opponent now...- she smiled weakly.

Lucy smiled back.

-Nah, I'm not that much of a bitch. Maybe when I'm a bit older, perhaps. I'm saying that you don't have to die here, in the middle of some stinkin' desert,Terri.

-I don't? W-what do you mean, Lucy?

Lucy then got down on one knee beside Terri and offered her hand to her. Her lips curled up into a shining smile, gentler than Noah ever thought Lucy could be. It was almost...mother-like.

-Terri, why not join us? Come back to Soula with us and help fight against the Order.


Now that surprised even Noah, who shared the exclamation with the rest of the group.

Terri was shocked too.

-W-what?! Me? Join you ?

-What, is the your tight swimsuit cutting your blood circulation to your ears?

-First, it's not a swimsuit, it's a practical combat uniform.

-Keep telling yourself that, sister...

-And you expect me to fight my brethren?! That's ridiculous!

Lucy's expression turned stern.

-Terri, I know you've noticed it too. The way the Order shifted from the day where Attila had a dream. It was supposed to be a peace-bringing force. It was supposed to benefit the whole world! Now that it's under the command of Balthazar, it has turned into something darker and corrupt. I know you're not the type of gal that will fight for a cause she doesn't believe in and I want to start doing just that! So why don't you join us in an effort to save the rest of the Order Elites and defeat Balthazar?

Terri didn't manage to say a word for some seconds. Then she gulped and gave Lucy a confused look. sighed- Yeah, I've noticed, alright. I tried convincing the others about how the Order's goal was not this, but they're too scared of Balthazar or have their own goals to achieve with this global conquest. I don't want my friends whom I fought alongside with for so many years to fall into darkness even more. I know I'm not free of sin either, but I want to atone and if joining you guys' cause will help me do that...- she then grabbed Lucy's hand- I'll gladly do it. Let's save them all, Lucy Crow.

Lucy grinned.

-You betcha, Terri.- and then Terri closed her eyes. Noah feared for the worst but Eldus assured him that she just fell unconscious and that a night at the hospital would fix her right up and that Noah should do the same.

The boy nodded and as the Sage instructed, they all gathered up, close to each other. Merceni still exhibited a pale but irate expression and Master Rye carried Terri on his back.

So, he really had done it, huh? Noah had defeated the fearsome Terri T. and even got her as an ally. That victorious sensation, despite all the questions that drifted on his mind, started to sink in. A smile formed on his face and Lucy seemed to notice that.

-You've earned your rest, kiddo. I'm proud of you.-she gave him that gentle smile again.

Noah grinned back. But then, something popped on his mind.

-Um, Lucy, I have to ask you something.

-If it's my cup size, you're not the first one to ask that, sorry to inform you.

-Not that("What even is a 'cup size', anyways?")! It's just that you and Terri seem like you knew each other already. Why's that?

Lucy shrugged.

-The "Grim Reaper" is the number one enemy of the Order. If I'm dead, they have a free pass to Soula and if they conquer it, they win this war against Karash and maybe the entire world. So, it's obvious to say that, in these past years of me protecting the city, I've encountered the Order's Elites many times in the battlefield. You'd be surprised how much you get to know someone on the opposite side of a clash of Blades. I could see that Terri was an honorable warrior, well, everyone of the Order's Elites are, but she prized justice and fair fighting above all else so that's why she doesn't fight any weak opponents because she respects life above all and despises unnecessary violence. So, Eldus and I planned our war against the Order on the premise that we wouldn't kill any of the Elites but convince them to join us in our battle against our true enemy: Balthazar.

-Ah, I see... You could have told me earlier, ya know!

-And have you hold back on Terri? Nah, it's better if you give everything you've got in the coming fights with the rest of the Elites or you'll die for sure.

-Wait...I'm fighting the rest of them?!

-Well, I'd like to avoid it, but now that you've defeated one of their members, you're on their black list Noah. That I should have told you earlier but I was so hyped that I forgot. Sowwy~

Noah sighed.

-You're hopeless...-he said before Eldus smacked his cane on the floor, a circle of runes similar to the one he drew during Noah's soul check forming around them and engulfing the group in light, transporting them back to Soula.

Back home.

Back to victory.


-I see... it appears that ant is becoming more of a nuisance. Thank you for informing me.

The Order scout nodded and retreated into the shadows.

The blonde tall man that went by the name of "Balthazar" grunted, walking around the room, his long, shining,light blonde hair grazing the floor.

-It appears I'll have to take measures to stomp that "Noah Eon". Perhaps it'd be for the best if I went and finished him personally.

A voice rose from the darkness as a figure appeared from thin air. It was covered in a blue light and it crackled lightly, seeming almost two dimensional. It was just an hologram, after all.

-No, Leader! I've heard everything from my own sources! That kid hurt Terri and I want to make sure he pays for it!

Balthazar looked at the young man, who clenched his fist in fury. have always been a close friend to Terri, haven't you, Sobek? Ok then, I'll leave the matter of killing Noah Eon and retrieving Terri back to us to you. It'd be bad if we lost such a valuable...comrade, understood?

"Sobek" nodded and his figure blinked out.

The Order's leader stood in silence for a few moments before sitting back on his throne, crossing his legs and placing his elbow on the throne's arm, pressing his fist onto his cheek.

-You can come out now, Tal.-he said. A short figure sneaked out from behind the throne, walking to his front, his uncombed white hair drawing the darkness of the room around it, like fire to a moth. On his pale face, a black mask covered his golden eyes.

-Aww, you've noticed my presence already? And here I thought I'd finally get the drop on you, Balthy. Boo-hoo...

Balthazar huffed.

-Enough with your foolishness. It seems the boy we've had our eye on for awhile now is making fast progress. It won't be long until he reaches the Tower and challenges me.

-So, you want me to go to Soula and make sure Wind Boy doesn't screw up?

-No. Even if Sobek looses, you're to not engage in battle with Eon. He must be unaware of your existence for as long as possible or I fear his mind will be lost forever.

-What do you want me to, then? Have a tea party while I watch your little toy soldiers fall one by one and join that bitch Crow's party? That doesn't sound like much fun.

Balthazar smirked.

-Oh, it will be fun, Tal. Having them nurture a feeling of hope just for it to be crushed by despair is the most fun thing of all!

-I'd rather go there and give lil' Noah a royal beatdown already. Now that would be fun!

-If you do that, then my plan won't work. Besides, Noah's strength has to match your own in order for you to kill him with total joy, correct?

"Tal" shut up. And then smirked.

-You know me soooo well, Balthy. Yeah, I guess waiting would be better. Nothing gets me a hard on like a good fight.

Balthazar tsked.

-Your mind is as filthy as your soul, Tal. Now, get out of my sight.

The figure turned around and made his way out of the room, while letting out a long and sinister cackle.

-And nothing gets you a hard on like thinking you're the fucking emperor of the goddamn world, don't you, Balthy? Oh, it'd be quite the shame...

"...if someone crashed your party."